Garland ISD: Teacher vehicle searches?

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Venus Pax
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Post by Venus Pax »

I graduated from high school 13 years ago. I remember the boys all had pocket knives; they took them out and used them for utilitarian purposes, mainly opening up their skoal cans. School administration was more concerned about the skoal cans.
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Post by barres »

I, too, graduated from HS about 13 years ago. And pocket knives were against the rules.:roll: I still carried a small Gerber lock-blade. I even loaned it to a teacher or two, when they needed a small knife. :lol:
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Garland ISD


Post by fizteach »

I went on line to the GISD intranet to check out the employee handbook. It says the same thing that it said last year, which is that no weapons are allowed on the premises or in any parking lots in which kids practice. An employee parking lot in which kids are not practicing for an official school event should be fine, the way I interpret this statement. It is on page 60 of the handbook. I printed out a copy to keep in my desk and will put another in my vehicle.

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Post by 5111 »

I'm going to have to check the rules again, but I can tell you what happened to my buddy a couple of years ago in Arlington. He had been hunting the weekend before and it started raining so they hopped into the cab of the truck. Apparently some spent shells fell onto the floor. Monday the dogs were out in the parking lot checking cars and they sniffed out his car. They came up to his class, yanked him out, and had him go open his car. Luckily there were no unused shells. They told him that if there had been then he would have been terminated. Apparently it is against school policy.

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Post by Reloader »

At NEISD in San Antonio, they had in the first pages of their handbook, the studentys give up ALL Constitutional rights when they enroll. Don't know if this has changed. My 18 year old daughter was about ot be strip searched by a male and she called their bluff. They could not tell her why...just that they wanted to do a strip search. She called SAPD on her cell phone and was sent back to class. Don't know what happened and don't know if it still in effect. :twisted:
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Post by KBCraig »

This whole thread is a good argument for the separation of school & state.

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Post by fizteach »

It all depends on the policy of the particular district. GISD's policy is posted in the employee handbook and it does not say guns are prohibited in the parking lot, unless students are practicing there. I would definitely not tell anyone you have a gun in your vehicle, but the policy is what it is.

Parking in the employee parking lot with a secured weapon should be okay in Garland, but IANAL. I only know what the employee handbook says.
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