My friend and his wife have finally is converted.

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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Countryside »

Actually if he had been wearing a sign around his neck that read "Knife free zone" he would have been fine. ;-)

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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by FtwBill »

I'm really glad they were not hurt. Good for them that they won't be a victim next time.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Pawpaw »

It is unfortunate that it takes something like this for some people to "see the light". I'm very pleased that neither of them was hurt.

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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Chemist45 »

They have taken the first steps.
Help them with the next one - sign them up for an NRA membership.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by LTCTLB »

lildave40 wrote:I have a long time friend that his mindset was you really dont need a gun as long as the police were around. When I got my CHL I invited him to go with me but he declined. When I went to the range or to additional training he declined and would say your not a cop you need to leave that to the police. Well this weekend I got a call from him and he has changed his mind. Saturday night Him and his wife were on there way home from dinner when he stopped to get gas. While He was pumping gas 2 men walk right up to him and robbed him at knife point. This happened in the heights area near downtown. He tells me they walked up and pulled the knife far enough away where he could have ran for safety if his wife wasn't with him, He was more in shock that it happened to him. He went on to tell me how he felt belittled and small that he couldn't protect himself much less his wife. The funny part about the whole conversation his wife shouts at him "you see if I had my CHL this wouldn't have happened". Yesterday we went through basic gun safety and how to Handle one. They are setting an appointment with an instructor who can teach them in more detail on shooting and gun control and are going to get there chl. They are getting a his and hers XD Mod 2 9mm.

Just wanted to share.
This is my fear as well. I don't want to look back in an instance like this - or worse - and think could of should of. Good to hear of more good guys coming around.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by MechAg94 »

Congrats to them on getting the XD mod 2 in 9mm. I recently picked up an XD mod 2 in 45. It is a very comfortable gun to shoot and has performed well after a few hundred rounds. I got a Swaprig holster and have started carrying it.

On the encounter with the criminals, the sad part I think about is the scenario was the sort of thing that happens all the time (in reality and in movies). It is easy to imagine it if you bother to think about it seriously. I guess people have that "it won't happen to me" attitude.

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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by MechAg94 »

Last edited by MechAg94 on Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Flightmare »

Guns are like parachutes. If you don't have one around when you need it, you'll never need it again.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Abraham »

Please make certain your friend learns about 'situational awareness' as just having a gun is only part of self defense...
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Jusme »

Abraham wrote:Please make certain your friend learns about 'situational awareness' as just having a gun is only part of self defense...

Hopefully their training will include SA and scenario role playing to help keep them from actually having to use their guns. I preach it to my wife and kids so much, they have started calling out things they notice to me before I can ask them.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by FastCarry »

Abraham wrote:Please make certain your friend learns about 'situational awareness' as just having a gun is only part of self defense...

Things like keeping your draw hand free when walking with groceries or unlocking a door, making sure your S/O knows where your weapon is and ammo in the event you go down or unable to draw, keeping your strong side free from obstruction etc.

If I'm out with an unarmed friend I trust in a sketchy area/situation, I tell them where I'm holstered, where my ammo is, and first thing they need to do if things go south, run away and take cover. It they cant, they know where I'm armed so they have a fighting chance.

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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

FastCarry wrote:
Abraham wrote:Please make certain your friend learns about 'situational awareness' as just having a gun is only part of self defense...

Things like keeping your draw hand free when walking with groceries or unlocking a door, making sure your S/O knows where your weapon is and ammo in the event you go down or unable to draw, keeping your strong side free from obstruction etc.

If I'm out with an unarmed friend I trust in a sketchy area/situation, I tell them where I'm holstered, where my ammo is, and first thing they need to do if things go south, run away and take cover. It they cant, they know where I'm armed so they have a fighting chance.
Alot of this falls under the category of contingency planning. I am the designated "House Manager" for my house (something my wife saw somewhere). So I have the responsibility of coming up with contingency plans for everything from a house break-in to a fire. As part of this, my kids know that they are to get to cover if there is a confrontation, and that if a BG is holding them with a weapon or otherwise, they need to create as much space as possible for a clean shot.
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