Most of my fellow employees and close friends at my church know I like guns, hunting, and fishing. If they are smart or observant, they will know that I carry as much as I can. If I were in your position (I can't carry), keep in mind that it only takes one person on a church staff (even a wife if they discuss it after the fact) who doesn't feel 100% comfortable with armed CHL's carrying in their church. Those that you would like to know will likely figure it out on their own.ClarkLZeuss wrote:Rrash wrote:I wouldn't inform anyone, unless you are ready for them to give you a verbal notice.This has actually been my subconscious hurdle to talking to them. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one thinking along those lines. My thought-process has been that, from reading some stories on this forum, there seem to be some cops who are not fully informed about church-carry, or CHL in general. Maybe not many, but some, and it would pretty much ruin things if such thinking were held by the cops at my church. They seem to be great folks, though. I've been trying to come up with an off-hand way to broach the topic. Maybe bringing up the Sikh temple or the Colorado theater incidents? I could ask them what their response would be, and I could throw in something like, "What if there are other people at church with guns?"Charles L. Cotton wrote:I agree with Rrash. If you tell them, be ready to either attend church unarmed or look for another church.
Too obvious?
Concerning talking with an LEO, its kind of like consenting to a search or something like that. Yeah, you could, but it may not work out for you. I talk to our officers all the time, and we talk about guns, gun shows, 2A stuff, etc. I don't bring up scenarios or things like that; I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable. I bet they would assume that I have a CHL - we just never talk about it. Keep in mind that there are lots of LEO out there that do not know the law on this issue, and they probably aren't going to take the time during church to look it up. If they give you notice, thats all they need to do.
Good luck in whatever you decide.