If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas

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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by SQLGeek »

dicion wrote:Here's a thought...

Couldn't you call the police on them? I mean, they are spraying an unknown substance on your property. For all you know, it could be acid that will eat away at your paint...
Good luck getting Houston PD to show up. You'll probably have better luck in a smaller jurisdiction where this isn't a problem.
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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by dicion »

SQLGeek wrote:
dicion wrote:Here's a thought...

Couldn't you call the police on them? I mean, they are spraying an unknown substance on your property. For all you know, it could be acid that will eat away at your paint...
Good luck getting Houston PD to show up. You'll probably have better luck in a smaller jurisdiction where this isn't a problem.
Oh, I agree completely on them showing up. They won't.

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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by rp_photo »

dicion wrote:
SQLGeek wrote: Oh, I agree completely on them showing up. They won't.
Over-dependence on police is a problem today. Citizens should be able to deal with things like this themselves.

We are often told "'Don't talk to police", which would include calling them when not absolutely necessary.
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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by Abraham »

"We are often told "'Don't talk to police"

Not in my neighborhood...

If one lives in a gang infested neighborhood, and that's the overall neighborhood mentality, move, don't wait, move...

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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

rp_photo wrote:http://nypost.com/2014/08/07/squeegee-m ... y-streets/

If this type of aggressive "soft robbery" was going on in a Texas city, at what point would a driver first be legally allowed to display a weapon and ultimately when would shooting be justified?

What about use of pepper spray?

What do you mean IF? They used to do this all the time in Houston.
It hasn't happened to me in a while as I don't live in town any more. The last time I was in early 20s and will admit to shouting "touch my car and I'll beat your :bigear: " more than once. I wouldn't recommend that though.
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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by VMI77 »

Come on people, as one of these enterprising young men said in the article....they're actually doing everyone a favor by not stabbing, shooting, and robbing them. It's like you still think this is America or something. You begin with the acceptance that these people, less fortunate than us, and victims of society, are entitled to our money and our wealth. They're just taking what the government says belongs to them in a nicer way than a mugging. I'd have thought by now that anyone posting here would already have been disabused of the quaint old right-wing reactionary 18th Century notion that we're entitled to the product of our own labor. Don't you know a bunch of old white guys came up with that idea, making it both racist and sexist? The white privilege is blinding. "rlol" "rlol"
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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by HankB »

Some of our overseas friends came up with this a number of years ago:


I'm kind of surprised a kinder, gentler device hasn't been marketed here - a mist of pepper spray would seem to be an appropriately non-lethal way to deal with this nuisance.
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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by tomdavis »

They beg because some will give them money and the squeegee trick is just that. I continue to wave them off if they persist and never pay them to reward the behavior. I am sure there is a law that covers being in the street and not in a crosswalk. I live in Harris County and if we call the Constable the beggar moves on. If HPD was called would they have lawful support to make it stop?
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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

HankB wrote:Some of our overseas friends came up with this a number of years ago:


I'm kind of surprised a kinder, gentler device hasn't been marketed here - a mist of pepper spray would seem to be an appropriately non-lethal way to deal with this nuisance.

Not quite. Its not that big a deal. I don't know why people are going on about it.

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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by victory »

This sounds like a great opportunity for people to get together and buy the squeegee men one-way bus tickets to Cedar Park.

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Re: If the squeegee men were doing this in Texas


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

victory wrote:This sounds like a great opportunity for people to get together and buy the squeegee men one-way bus tickets to Cedar Park.
Too late. The bums on the freeway intersections have claimed all the good spots already. :rolll
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