This issue is like the Energizer Bunny - it keeps going and going.
A couple of points. First, regardless of differences of opinion about Constitutional issues, is open carry of a long gun in Texas legal or illegal? I'll leave it to the lawyers to argue the ifs, wheres, and whens.
If it is legal and we object because some people frighten the horses, then in my opinion we should get busy and change the laws to make open carry of a long gun illegal in Texas. I don't think anything short of jail will persuade the OC folks who insist on doing it to change their minds. Can anyone think of anything else that would persuade them? One thing is for sure. All the posts here are doing nothing to change their actions. (Mind you I'm not really suggesting this, but just sayin...)
If it is legal, then we are going to have an impossible task appealing to folks who are within the law to stop doing it. It is virtually impossible in this world we live in to appeal to people to stop doing something that Is illegal, or even harmful, just because it is. It seems you cannot rely on good judgement or consideration for others or issues. Some people are just going to do it. Take drunken driving for instance.
I sure wish as much time, effort, and rhetoric were being put into a solution as it is into the endless threads.
[/rant off]
Flame away if it makes you feel better.