Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?

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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by Murphyslawroadside »

In Texas the courts are still swayed by the news stories and public opinion which our chl instructor reinforced with us.
Pulling your wepon is considered force using it is deadly force and depending on the situation played on the nightly news may not be what you were forced to do. He reminded us that in a felony type situation deadly force is much easier to walk away from but civil courts may not agree with your lawyer.
As many have stated if there is time and there are others around you i would yell for perp to stop and show me his hands, get on the ground etc as loud as i could, if they have a gun and it is pointed in my direction or it was started to be lifted from a waist upward i would take that as a threat and be forced to stop the threat....which is the forst thing i have been told to say to the police, i had no other choice but to stop the threat and i was in fear of my life and that of the others aroound me etc. Hand over your chl and other liscense and say nothing further to the police or media.
Anything else might get turned around or in the heat of the moment you may say something you didnt really mean.
Hand over your gun if asked and let the law do its thing from there, after that you have no controll over what happens, the less you say means there is less to get turned around.

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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by Jim88 »

I wouldn't really have a phrase once I'm forced to draw but if my hand has to go to my hip as I prepare to draw, I would probably go with something like "You'd better be sure" or "Are you right with God?". I would hope one of those would hit home to let the BG know he's about to meet Jesus if he doesn't turn and leave. My dad had to pull a 12 gauge on a hippie back in the early 70s. The hippie was high on something and came to our house (it had been a beatnik coffee house in a wide open part of North Houston before we moved in) and knocked on our door around midnight proclaiming that he "came to meet Jesus". My dad told him he was about to. It worked so well for him that I thought I would use it if I ever had the chance.

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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by Rrash »

I suppose if you are going to use a movie quote, almost any line from the Three Amigos would work.

For example, "Wherever there is justice, you will find us. Wherever there is suffering, we'll be there...line?"

Or, "Farley, farley, farley, farley, farley...ha-furr...[Bang!]"
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by TexasGal »

I was pumping gas one day when a large guy I hadn't noticed before suddenly walked round the front of my truck making eye contact with me and headed my way. The gas hose was between me and retreat and he was too close to take my attention off him to remove the obstacle. So I stared hard at him and raised my hand in the universal stop signal and yelled really loud for him to Stop! Do not come any closer to me! I had my right side just behind the truck door so he could not see my hand was already gripping my pistol. He ignored my order and continued to close the gap between us. He was a lot bigger and younger than me and I was well aware his intent may be to harm me. I again repeated my warning even louder and added. This is your last warning! Stop! Don't come any closer! At that, he finally hesitated and, leaning forward, asked me if I was interested in buying any excellent wax or shampoo for my truck. The guy was running a stand out front of the gas station selling the stuff and had had the brilliant idea to walk up to people at the pumps to sell it. I told him I was not interested and to leave me alone. He returned to his post out front reluctantly. As I left, I stopped there and told him there were hundreds of thousands of armed people in Texas and a good many of them are right here in this county. Walking up to them alone at gas pumps and ignoring their orders to stop could get him shot. You should have seen the wheels turning in his eyes and the light slowly dawning. I am so glad the guy stopped when he did but it still had never occurred to him I might be armed and might even shoot him. It was a good day since we both went home healthy. I filed that away to remember that ordering people to stop may or may not communicate to them they are in danger if they don't. Shooting is a last resort and the barriers of culture, intelligence, language, etc need to be considered when deciding what kind of force tactic to employ before using deadly force.
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by tommyg »

If you want to get attention yell FIRE People look for the fire and a BG might be distracted long enough for you to gain the upper hand
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

TexasGal wrote:I was pumping gas one day when a large guy I hadn't noticed before suddenly walked round the front of my truck making eye contact with me and headed my way. The gas hose was between me and retreat and he was too close to take my attention off him to remove the obstacle. So I stared hard at him and raised my hand in the universal stop signal and yelled really loud for him to Stop! Do not come any closer to me! I had my right side just behind the truck door so he could not see my hand was already gripping my pistol. He ignored my order and continued to close the gap between us. He was a lot bigger and younger than me and I was well aware his intent may be to harm me. I again repeated my warning even louder and added. This is your last warning! Stop! Don't come any closer! At that, he finally hesitated and, leaning forward, asked me if I was interested in buying any excellent wax or shampoo for my truck. The guy was running a stand out front of the gas station selling the stuff and had had the brilliant idea to walk up to people at the pumps to sell it. I told him I was not interested and to leave me alone. He returned to his post out front reluctantly. As I left, I stopped there and told him there were hundreds of thousands of armed people in Texas and a good many of them are right here in this county. Walking up to them alone at gas pumps and ignoring their orders to stop could get him shot. You should have seen the wheels turning in his eyes and the light slowly dawning. I am so glad the guy stopped when he did but it still had never occurred to him I might be armed and might even shoot him. It was a good day since we both went home healthy. I filed that away to remember that ordering people to stop may or may not communicate to them they are in danger if they don't. Shooting is a last resort and the barriers of culture, intelligence, language, etc need to be considered when deciding what kind of force tactic to employ before using deadly force.
I only get alarmed if the person approaching me is wearing a hoodie.

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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by Tic Tac »

03Lightningrocks wrote:I only get alarmed if the person approaching me is wearing a hoodie.
Here's a trick. It you scream "Allahu Akbar!" loudly, that often gets them to bother somebody else.
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Tic Tac wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:I only get alarmed if the person approaching me is wearing a hoodie.
Here's a trick. It you scream "Allahu Akbar!" loudly, that often gets them to bother somebody else.
It really works good if at the same instant as hollering Allah Akbar you pretend to be pushing buttons on your cell phone.
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by RogueUSMC »

sunny beach wrote:
Dragonfighter wrote:I'm your huckleberry.
The word used was 'huckleberry' not 'dingleberry'...
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by MadMonkey »

“Beware the fury of a patient man.” - John Dryden


Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by bizarrenormality »


Tell an adult. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

bizarrenormality wrote:STOP!

Tell an adult. :biggrinjester:

:smilelol5: :smilelol5: :smilelol5:
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by TexasGal »

"rlol" "rlol" Yeah, I guess it does sound like that. :tiphat: :biggrinjester:
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by bizarrenormality »

03Lightningrocks wrote:
bizarrenormality wrote:STOP!

Tell an adult. :biggrinjester:

:smilelol5: :smilelol5: :smilelol5:
It was originally the Eddie Eagle message but it looks like one of the moderators thought the second step was too naughty for this forum. "rlol"
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Re: Do you practice a phrase to yell if you draw on a BG?


Post by Oldgringo »

How 'bout, "reach for the rafters, cowboy"? {spoken loudly and with authority}
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