1) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly,
or recklessly carries on or about his or her person a handgun in a
motor vehicle or watercraft that is owned by the person or under the person's
control at any time in which:
(1) the handgun is in plain view;
(a) Sections 46.02 and 46.03 do
not apply to:
... is engaged in lawful hunting... if the weapon is a type commonly used in the activity.
HOWEVER, what if you're not in a motor vehicle or watercraft? You're on foot on non-federal public Texas state land hunting with your Ruger Single Action Blackhawk 44 magnum with 6 inch barrel? You're hunting for deer. Is that legal?
Or you're hunting for deer with a rifle, but you have a 22 lr revolver just in case you spot a squirrel or rabbit. Is that legal?