CHL use in self defense against a dog?

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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by ScottDLS »

JJVP wrote:Gov. Perry had no problems when he dispatched a coyote that treatened his dog. :tiphat:
Maybe he would've pardoned himself if he did. "rlol"
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by tbrown »

Don't shoot an attacking dog in Austin, but if you do, definitely don't call APD.
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by RottenApple »

tbrown wrote:Don't shoot an attacking dog in Austin, but if you do, definitely don't call APD.
This is really bad advice. If you have to use a firearm in self-defense, even against a dog, you really do need to notify the authorities.

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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by tommyg »

I would shoot a dog if it threatned any member of my family (including my dogs..)
Texas has laws about letting vicious dogs run loose and there are jail terms
for owners of dogs that attack people
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by srothstein »

RottenApple wrote:
tbrown wrote:Don't shoot an attacking dog in Austin, but if you do, definitely don't call APD.
This is really bad advice. If you have to use a firearm in self-defense, even against a dog, you really do need to notify the authorities.
That was a tongue-in-cheek comment on the recent shooting of a 70 year old by APD after he called to report shooting a pit bull that had attacked him. There is a thread on it in the crime blotter area of the forum that you can read here.
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by chasfm11 »

CainA wrote:Isn't there a leash law?

With regards to the story above it sounds like the owner of the dog should have been cited.
That is just one of the regrettable parts of the unequal law enforcement that is occurring in this country. Our Town has leash laws and there are infrequent problems with owners not obeying them - but there is no history of citations. The result is that owners disobey the leash laws knowing impunity.

I ride my bike 3 times a week and hardly a week goes by that I'm not at least challenged by off leash dogs. Some are more aggressive than others. I ride across two different school grounds so I'm not willing to risk carrying but I do have pepper spray. A dog that shows me its teeth is going to get that spray. I have very high SA when I ride and if it looks like a dog is charging (some have come at me from 100 yards out), I dismount the bike and stand with it between my body and the dog. That works well with just one animal but not so well on the couple of occasions when it has been multiple dogs and they start pack attack tactics.

I never ask for apologies and seldom are they offered. When you see someone stop their activity to defend themselves from your uncontrolled animal, you would think there would be at least a little acceptance of responsibility. If I were to shoot one of the out of control ones (I still have marks on my calf where I was bitten 3 years ago), it would be all about me accepting MY responsibility for my actions. I'm a dog owner and dog lover. I have no respect for those that don't take their dog ownership responsibly.
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by South Texas RGV »

Jumping Frog wrote:Can't look it up and cite from on my phone, but there also a Texas law that explicitly states a dog or coyote can be killed for going after your animals/livestock. A pet dog qualifies as something you can protect.

As far as discharging within city limits, the statute on NECESSITY applies as your affirmative defense.
I believe you're referring to: ... tm#822.013
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by Jumping Frog »

South Texas RGV wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:Can't look it up and cite from on my phone, but there also a Texas law that explicitly states a dog or coyote can be killed for going after your animals/livestock. A pet dog qualifies as something you can protect.

As far as discharging within city limits, the statute on NECESSITY applies as your affirmative defense.
I believe you're referring to: ... tm#822.013
Yes, exactly right. A pet dog or car is a domestic animal and we are legally allowed to kill a dog or coyote attacking them.
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I have two questions.

1) Why do the dogs have to be Rottweilers ? If they were poodles, would we make a point of the breed? I suppose Rottweiler or pit bull sounds more threatening. Unfortunately this stereo typing is causing dog discrimination. Yeah, I know, everyone is a dog expert and can spot a rotty from a mile away.

2) My second question is real simple and one that relates to many of the questions I see asked in this forum. What if it were illegal to shoot two dogs attacking your dog? Would you stand by and watch little scruffy get eaten?

I find questions of legality a humorous topic when it comes to self defense. Who gives a good Charlie's darn what the law says? If you are sure you are in danger and will lose your life or the life of your loved one or even your pet, would you let it happen because you are searching for the section of the law that says you can defend yourself or others?

Seriously folks! How about some common sense? Are you gonna watch a person get raped and just stand there while you search the code? Good lord almighty! When is someone going to finally say it in here. When under attack. You will KNOW IT! What you do about it decides whether or not you and yours survives another day. The technicalities of the law be darned!

Defend yourself and yours or pay the price! If you aren't sure what "technical legal" grounds you stand on, this likely means you are not under threat, or even worse, did something to create the situation yourself. THIS MEANS ITS TIME TO BACK OFF!

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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by RAM4171 »

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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by RottenApple »

03Lightningrocks wrote:I have two questions.

1) Why do the dogs have to be Rottweilers ? If they were poodles, would we make a point of the breed? I suppose Rottweiler or pit bull sounds more threatening. Unfortunately this stereo typing is causing dog discrimination. Yeah, I know, everyone is a dog expert and can spot a rotty from a mile away. Not at all. I'll shoot any animal that threatens me & mine if I have to. BTW, real poodles (not so much the minis and toys) can be very vicious and can do a lot of damage.

2) My second question is real simple and one that relates to many of the questions I see asked in this forum. What if it were illegal to shoot two dogs attacking your dog? Would you stand by and watch little scruffy get eaten? Heck no. Let 'em cart my rear end off to jail. I'd still pull the trigger if I had to. Better to be judged by 12, etc. And I'm willing to bet I'd be acquitted or, at the least, get a mistrial.


Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by texanjoker »

tbrown wrote:Don't shoot an attacking dog in Austin, but if you do, definitely don't call APD.

:smash: maybe use common sense after you shoot the dog and don't come out with the gun in your waist band, don't refuse to have it taken by the leo who is investigating the incident, and lastly don't point the gun at the LEO?

People can use a gun on a dog if the conditions warrant it. I have shot a dog. Having worked k9's as well, I can tell you that a large dog can do serious bodily injury to a person.
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by sunny beach »

03Lightningrocks wrote:1) Why do the dogs have to be Rottweilers ?
You can probably outrun a Dachshund on a bicycle.

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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by RottenApple »

sunny beach wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:1) Why do the dogs have to be Rottweilers ?
You can probably outrun a Dachshund on a bicycle.
Seen many Dachshunds on bicycles have you? "rlol"
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Re: CHL use in self defense against a dog?


Post by G26ster »

RottenApple wrote:
sunny beach wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:1) Why do the dogs have to be Rottweilers ?
You can probably outrun a Dachshund on a bicycle.
Seen many Dachshunds on bicycles have you? "rlol"
Why yes! ... icycle.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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