Geister wrote: Let me clue you in on something: the phrase "bear arms" means just that, bear arms. You are bearing arms when you carry open. You are also bearing arms when you carry concealed.
That's right. Now feel free to consult a lawyer or a judge about this, but the way the law works is like this. A government can regulate or ban one of them and not the other. So you complain, "Hey. You won't let me bear concealed arms." The government can say, "Is carrying openly bearing arms? It is? Fine. You have the right to bear arms. Bear them. Openly. Because if the Constitution intended to protect the right to bear concealed arms IT WOULD HAVE SAID SO.
Or the other way around - allowing concealed carry while banning open carry. Either way, you have the right to bear arms, and you're bearing them.
What the Constitution does is protect the right to bear arms, and leaves things like the manner in which they are born open to the legislature.
Geister wrote: I have a Right to Keep and Bear Arms. That means as long as I am not using my firearm to initiate physical violence or intimidation (like holding it up to your head), you have no business telling me when, where, or how I can conduct my Right in public.
Says who? You? Suppose I think it means something different. What are we supposed to do - shoot it out? Me, I prefer to peacefully abide by what the courts say it means.
Or do you think that just because you say what YOU think it means, that no one else's opinion matters?
Geister wrote: Do you even understand what the Second Amendment is for? Or why the Constitution and the Bill of Rights even exist?
I think so. But have you reviewed Marbury v. Madison recently? Have you got any idea what the courts are for?
Geister wrote:
1) The government will not save you
2) Gun laws will not save you
3) The person and entity most capable of protecting you is yourself
4) Guns are tools that can be used in self-defense more effectively than in offense; that's why terrorists bend on killing use bombs
5) Someone so mentally disturbed with a documented history of violence shouldn't be out and about to begin with
6) Even if that person is out and about, keeping him from purchasing a firearm WILL NOT stop him from killing if that is his intent
7) Mental illnesses are NOT cut and dry; you CANNOT know for certain what mental illness will cause what person to commit acts of violence in order to kill
8) Killers intent on murdering and then committing suicide, like the murderers at Columbine and Virginia Tech, will not be stopped by gun control laws
Geister wrote:
9) A gun ban on airplanes did not stop Islamic terrorists from KILLING 3,000 PEOPLE IN ONE DAY, in fact it probably helped the terrorists
I agree that it didn't stop them. But we don't know if it helped them. If guns were freely allowed on airplanes, they may have just adjusted their tactics accordingly.
Geister wrote: 10) Firearms are perhaps the BEST self-defense tools available;
Geister wrote: ..... nobody has the right to deny someone that tool for self-defense in a public place just because someone else MIGHT get angry and shoot someone.
Really? Not even if that "someone" is a drunk, dope addict, psycho, or a previously-convicted violent felon?
Hey, if that's your opinion that's fine. But don't expect too many others to agree. And please don't make this point to your state senator or rep. You won't be helping us if you do.
Geister wrote: 11) You SHOULD NOT arrest someone just because they MIGHT do something.
I agree. Where did I ever say that?
Geister wrote: 12) I have no problem being asked not to carry in a private residence but I DO have a problem with gun free zones in public if all they do is disarm my means of self-defense without making me any safer
I agree.
Geister wrote: 13) Nobody in their right mind is going to lug around a "street sweeper."
OK! OK! You win! Let's just give all those people bitterly contesting that divorce and the custody of the children $3000 Les Baer custom 1911's with Novak lo-mount night sights, melted edges, 30 lpi checkering on the front and back straps, checkered cocobolo grips, and full length guide rods WITH SHOK-BUFs.
"Your Honor, I object!"
"Order in the court!" Bang, bang, bang. (RELAX! It was just the gavel.)
Geister wrote: 14) The VT shooter only had a mental history of depression among other similiar illnesses and NOBODY besides himself really knew that he was going to cause a huge massacre. NO such mental database would have prevented the act of pure evil
I agree that no perfect system exists that can absolutely prevent a dedicated mass murderer from perpetrating an act of mass murder. But the perfect need not be the enemy of the good. The VT guy had not formally been adjucated as mentally incompetent, so he could buy a gun. But I think the issue is that IF HAD BEEN SO ADJUCATED, should the NICS database include that fact and cause a denial? I say, yes it should.
Geister wrote: 15) I do not like the assumption that an armed populace will lead to an Old West shootout, like what Frankie indicated with his "sweet sweeper" comment.
I never made that assumption. But I'd still feel pretty nervous in that courtroom with everyone carrying a Les Baer 1911. People tend to get pretty emotional in those situations. And people can also ORGANIZE, which you seem to discount.
Don't tell me something is far-fetched, just because you'd rather not consider it. What Charles Whitman did was far-fetched.
If something CAN happen, it probably will.
Geister wrote: 17) A gun free courthouse does not prevent anyone from shooting up the place
Neither will a "gun soaked" courthouse. So which one would you rather hang out in?
Then, there's airplanes.
Do you honestly think that if there were no restrictions on carrying guns on airplanes that Osama wouldn't think of sending teams out to shoot them up in flight?
Geister wrote: 18) If someone's going to shoot up the place, the only real response is to shoot the idiot in return fire. Gun bans will not keep him from shooting up the place.
When was the last time someone shot up an airliner?
Geister wrote: 19) If you think you are safer in a gun free zone such as an airplane or a courthouse, you have a false sense of security
You're entitled to your opinion.
Geister wrote: 20) Rights are NOT privileges. You should not and do not ask someone else's permission to engage in your rights because they do not own you.
All rights have limitations. In our society, we charge the courts with the responsibility of sorting these things out, and agree to peacefully abide by the results.
Sometimes they make mistakes (McCain-Feingold for instance), but it's the only game in town.
Geister wrote: 21) All a mental patient database would do is make a huge privacy nightmare, cause people to reveal difficult aspects of their lives even though they never had a violent thought during their mental illness, and cause more delays and mistakes.
"All" it would do? I see a pattern here. You seem to frequently confuse "everything you can think of" with "everything". Such a database MAY do things that you have not considered or that have not occurred to you, or to me.
Geister wrote: 22) Judging who is mentally fit to purchase a firearm is a spectulative perception that's different to each person and is ripe for abuse
Sure. But the current system whereby someone may be ADJUCATED as incompetent has some pretty good safeguards built into it. Heck, it didn't flag the VT nutball. I too would be wary of abuse. But I think it is too soon to throw in the towel and say that because we can't devise a perfect system we shouldn't at least TRY to keep crazies from owning guns.
Geister wrote: 23) If you're trying to prove a point by posting an article which shows Cho was found by a court of Virginia to be a danger to himself, you are entirely missing the point.
I never did that.
Geister wrote: No law in America could have prevented Cho from killing.
I agree. That's why I am opposed to non-sterile gun-free zones. If students and/or professors WITH CHL'S had been allowed to carry, we all agree that the death toll would have been far lower.
Geister wrote: But a lot of it has to do with the founding of the United States and the freedoms guaranteed not to be infringed upon.
And the courts rule on what constitutes infringement, not you, or Webster, or I. There is a whole body of case law, common law, etc. where principles like "compelling state interest", "undue burden", "strict scrutiny". etc. are defined and are used to guide the courts in making decisions.
You may not like it. Sometimes, I don't like it. But that's the way it is.
Geister wrote: 25) Throwing someone in jail because they carried a firearm in self-defense without ever using it to initiate violence is just as bad as someone using a firearm to mug somebody. In some ways its worse since the time in jail and fines cost a lot more than the few dollars you handed over to an armed robber.
So busting you for carrying on an airplane is worse than someone stomping the crap out of me and taking my money at an ATM? I don't think so.
Geister wrote: 26) Americans in general need to learn how to be more self-responsible and reliant like their ancestors, such as Davy Crockett, William B. Travis, Daniel Boone, and Lewis & Clarke were.
Geister wrote: Some of the responses on this thread I would expect to see on a Barack Obama board, not a gun board.
You know, that's funny. Because some of the stuff I read here sounds to me like it's written by some guy living up in Idaho in a cabin on top of a big pointy rock.
I believe in self reliance, self defense, and the RKBA. I have a CHL and carry wherever and whenever I can - within the law. I think there are many laws on the books today that are true infringements on the RKBA. I do what I can to have those laws changed. I think that it is idiotic and IMMORAL to simply "proclaim" a place to be a gun-free zone when what you're actually proclaiming it to be is a big barrel full of fish waiting to be shot.
But I do NOT believe that the RKBA allows for no regulation whatsoever. You won't find me campaigning for "guns for psychos", "guns for violent felons", "guns for drunks and addicts", or "guns in courtrooms and airplanes".
You won't find me objecting to "shall issue" CHL's because establishing that I am none of the above is somehow an "infringement".