Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton

If you would like to have a CHL, but haven't applied, why?

Cost ($140 initial; $70 renewal)
Required class time (10hr. initial; 4 hr. renewal)
Too many areas where CHL's can't carry their guns
Don't know how to go about getting one
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Not getting a CHL


Post by OverEasy »

I can add some reasons to the "other" choice.
I have three friends who are all mature family men experienced with firearms. One won't join NRA, TSRA nor get a CHL. He thinks doing so would put him on some "government list" and they would come looking for his guns.
The other two both have children and are afraid to have a handgun in the house, one has no gun at all eventhough he thinks he should, "just incase"
Over the years I have talked with several people who wouldn't join the NRA because of the fear of "being put on a gov. list"
I have family members and friends who think; Oh that will never happen to me, we live in a good neighborhood and we don't go to dangerous parts of town. Many people just don't want to even think about ever being in a situation where they might need to protect themselves or a loved one.
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Post by Paladin »

Some people really are short on the time.

One of the guys I talked to works 2 jobs, has 3 kids with a 4th on the way, and is working on his masters degree in his 'spare time'.
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Cost to much


Post by Jacob Staff »

I have put off getting my CHL mainly because of the ±$250 it ends up costing. I also thought about the "gun grabbers list" but decided that getting a CHL is a political statement worth taking a risk on. So last year I joined the NRA and this year I am getting my CHL. I decided to get my CHL first then get a new handgun second.

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Post by Sigshooter »

Money is why i have not got mine yet. Paying for school and books does not leave me with much money left. But i have decided that i will take the class before summer is over :D

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Post by client32 »

Cost is my reason. I am in Sigshooter's position, school taking too much money.
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Post by gigag04 »

Sigshooter wrote:Money is why i have not got mine yet. Paying for school and books does not leave me with much money left. But i have decided that i will take the class before summer is over :D

Why not apply under the destitute provision???

If you're a broke college student like me, it works. I got the cash for the full pmt, but I was looking into it.

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Post by tex45acp »

Let me shed some light on this.......discussion!

I am the Executive Director of a Safety Training Business and I can tell you that has it been proven, time after time, that computer based training that is advanced individually, at each trainees learning/comprehension speed, will increase retention of the taught subject by 65% over conventional classroom training.

If the DPS were to offer the classroom part of the course via web based training, I can guarantee the subject matter would be better retained, testing would be more uniform, and less subjective to the instructors moods. I am not beating up on the instructors but I have heard horror stories from some classes.

The instructors could concentrate more on gun handling, gun safety and then qualification of the individual with the firearm of choice.
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Post by cxm »

Have to disagree on the idea of computer based CHL training...

The subject is quite complex... and not everyone taking the course is a rocket scientist by any means...

Though on a gut level, I don't believe the government should be able to require a license for any civil right, I also understand the situation we are in, and as a result support the training requirement for pragmatic reasons. Here in Texas the training requirement has worked very well, with problems with licenessees being very uncommon... the result of which is growing support for the program.

We should also require training to get and renew a drivers license... probably more important than for a CHL. if you look at the statistics of how many people are hurt in gun accidents and how many are hurt in vehicle accidents.

Anyway, the 10 hour training requirement tends to be a filter of sorts, eliminating some who are not really serious about a license. OTOH, I do think the license fee is excessive...



tex45acp wrote:Let me shed some light on this.......discussion!

I am the Executive Director of a Safety Training Business and I can tell you that has it been proven, time after time, that computer based training that is advanced individually, at each trainees learning/comprehension speed, will increase retention of the taught subject by 65% over conventional classroom training.

If the DPS were to offer the classroom part of the course via web based training, I can guarantee the subject matter would be better retained, testing would be more uniform, and less subjective to the instructors moods. I am not beating up on the instructors but I have heard horror stories from some classes.

The instructors could concentrate more on gun handling, gun safety and then qualification of the individual with the firearm of choice.
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Post by KBCraig »

cxm wrote:Anyway, the 10 hour training requirement tends to be a filter of sorts, eliminating some who are not really serious about a license. OTOH, I do think the license fee is excessive...
Yes, I don't object to the class nearly as much as I object to the fees. It should cost no more than a driver's license, and should be processed at your local DPS office, with a temporary license given on the spot.


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Post by tehlump »

I would say that the number of problems reported by CHL holders has less to do with the 'training' we received and more to do with the fact that only the most motivated and consequently responsible individuals are likely to put up with the hoops one is requred to jump through in order to receive a CHL.

The riff-raff is not at large with CHLs. I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of CHL holders are white, male, upper middle class and >30-40 years old. Not exactly prime demographics for troublemakers. I know that my class consisted of ~25 people. Here's how it broke down as I remember it.

17 older, retired looking men-all white
1 retirement age woman (wife of one of the men-one of the best shots!)
me-29, white
3 younger guys all in their early 20's-all college students, white
3 younger black guys, all small business owners

edited to add that after re-reading CXM's comments, I agree 100%

especially about requiring a license for a so-called constitutional 'right'.

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Some Problems


Post by cxm »

While I agree in principle with your idea of filing the application at the DL office, issuing a temp on the spot would twart the background check process... and perhaps cause the license to not qualify for a NICS background check for firearms purchases.

I would like to see filing possible at the local DL office... and fees comprable to a DL with perhaps the add on of the cost of processing a background check....

OR maybe I would prefer a background check be requried for a DL.... that might be interesting...


KBCraig wrote:Yes, I don't object to the class nearly as much as I object to the fees. It should cost no more than a driver's license, and should be processed at your local DPS office, with a temporary license given on the spot.

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Re: Some Problems


Post by KBCraig »

cxm wrote:While I agree in principle with your idea of filing the application at the DL office, issuing a temp on the spot would twart the background check process... and perhaps cause the license to not qualify for a NICS background check for firearms purchases.
An NCIC check is just as quick to run as NICS, so that's not a barrier.

I'm curious what background check DPS does other than NCIC. Anyone know?


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Post by j1132s »

I picked "other" because I didn't get one because I don't think I
needed one. I only decided to get one now since I'm kind of into
shooting again.

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Post by KinnyLee »

Actually I just got lazy. I took the test, and passed it. It took me 7 months before I sent in my application, and another 5 months for them to process and issue my license.
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Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?


Post by MikeJ »

I should be getting my CHL any day now. The main reason that I waited for so long is that it irks me to beg the state for permission to exercise a God-given right. Also, in the early days it seemed that the number of places where I could legally carry were limited. I finally decided to get my CHL to avoid ambiguities while travelling (especially to neighboring states) and to bypass the silly NICS system when buying firearms.
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