Carry enough gun. Even at home.

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

tacticool wrote:If four criminals burst into your home RIGHT NOW to rob and murder you, what do you have on your person to resist? Does that comfortable .32 or .380 or .38 have what it takes? You don't have to reply but be honest with yourself. The life you save may be your own.

Kyser Miree. Vanderbilt University graduate. Engineer at Chevron. Robbery victim. Executed because he didn't resist.

In related news, it looks like Lee is a chip off the old block.
I don't have any children in my home so I am free to leave loaded guns within easy reach. There is a .40 Glock in the drawer about six inches from where I am typing. If in the Kitchen... .40 Glock in one cabinet, 9mm in another. In the bedroom a Glock 17 rests on the night stand. .357 revolver under the bathroom sink. 12 Gauge shotgun by the toilet(in case the cat puts the roll on under viewtopic.php?f=83&t=53184&hilit=cat+to ... r&start=15" onclick=";return false;) :biggrinjester: . I am thinking I can get to something pretty quick if my door is kicked in. I also have an alarm system that I set on instant when I am home. Any window or door opens and that thing sounds off loud enough to hurt your ears. My instinct for the few times it went off was to grab the closest weapon to me. Fortunately, it was always a false alarm. I will usually "mexican carry" if running outside for a mail check or garbage run but I am guilty of not being consistant on this one.
Last edited by 03Lightningrocks on Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

johnson0317 wrote: The only thing that bothered me after it was over was that these "men" were probably all in their 70's, and mostly naked. Not sure if I accidentally stumbled into a steam club in Brooklyn, or what. Strange. :roll:
OK... I will say it. That is one weird dream. Did you eat some kind of strange food? :shock:

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by NEB »

03Lightningrocks, have you ever seen the Remora holsters? The don't have any type of clip, but use a very grippy material for retention. They work great to quickly throw on a weapon when running out to the mailbox, around the yard, or for a quick trip to the store. Lately, I've been using one for my Kahr CM9 for all-day carry, and it works great. It's perfect for those times when you're not wearing a belt, and it works well even with gym shorts. If your pants or shorts are really loose, it requires an occasional adjustment, but for my typical clothing, it stays dead-steady where I put it. If I'm wearing gym shorts of the like, I typically put it between my skin and my boxers. Very comfortable as well, since there is no formed kydex or leather.




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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by Divided Attention »

NEB wrote:
and will have to continually re-evaluate to make sure he doesn't have access
Yes-sir...I am doing that. :tiphat:

He's only 16 months at this point, and he doesn't yet have the capacities to climb something that he can't get worm his body onto; however, you are right in that they are wily little creatures :mrgreen: . As it is, I am always extremely aware of where my firearms are at all times so that he doesn't have access. The kitchen island solution is only temporary, .
My oldest daughter was about that age and was gated in the kitchen playing in the tupperware lid drawer while I threw a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer - just moments on the other side of the garage to house door left cracked. When I came in I carefully pushed the door open and was looking around the floor - shocked not to find her. A giggle clued me in and she was sitting, smiling proudly on top of the counter. She had mad a stairway and climbed up using the four drawers. the top 2 had child locks and only opened enough to get adult fingertips in to release the locks, but the bottom two were towels and plastics she played in frequently to keep her busy. She smiled, pointed to the stove inches away and said "NO,NO, HOT!"

I applaud your caution and care in planning and forethought, but NEVER underestimate a toddler/youngsters ability to figure stuff out.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Thanks neb... I will take at look at those next time I am in a gun store.

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by longbedder »

I got a 9mm p30 in my nightstand ready to go and my AK under my bed ready with a 30 round mag at all time. my house is not big by any means and the only thing keeping me away from my pistol is the drawer
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by tacticool »

tbrown wrote:
tacticool wrote:Kyser Miree. Vanderbilt University graduate. Engineer at Chevron. Robbery victim. Executed because he didn't resist.

In related news, it looks like Lee is a chip off the old block.
Kyser Miree's killer was sentenced today. There's speculation the judge will upgrade it to death penalty. ... chael-lee/" onclick=";return false;
Thanks for the update on the case that inspired this thread!

Too bad his murderer didn't attack Keyser Soze instead. :evil2:
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by mreavis »

nothing on my person after i'm home for the night. however, there is an ar with a loaded mag in the corner of the room and a glock 19 in the hand safe on the bed table. I live alone so I have no one else to worry about as far as weapon safety goes.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by AEA »

Even in my robe I am well armed with the SP101 3" with Federal .357 Hydra Shok. Those 5 rounds should get me to the location of a hidden 870 Marine Magnum with 00 buck.

Also, I will have some warning anyway with the GSD and probably get to the shotty first, saving the SP101 for cleanup.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by goose »

NEB wrote:03Lightningrocks, have you ever seen the Remora holsters? --NEB
I'll second the Remora mention. A buddy had one for a .380 and raved about it. I told him I couldn't get my arms around a holster with no clips. Long story short, he upgraded holsters (to a different Remora) I got a .380 and he gave me his old Remora. I love it. All day or for five minutes to the mailbox it works. I've enev played out in the cul-de-sac chasing kids and what not. The pistol stays put. The only reason I have a second holster for the .380 is that I wanted one that was/is tuckable and the Remora starts to feel slightly raw/itchy for me after the 8-ish hour mark. Smooth leather does have some advantages.

For just throwing on pistol, the Remora would be very tough to beat for me.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by brewster2012 »

I applaud your caution and care in planning and forethought, but NEVER underestimate a toddler/youngsters ability to figure stuff out.[/quote]

I have a 10 year old and 7 year twins who are all crafty little buggers and will find a way to access every nook and cranny of our home. As such, deadly weapons are either on my person or locked away. A former LEO friend recommended pepper spray (PS) in strategic locations around the house as non-lethal forms of protection when you have a house with kids. We've done that and I feel better that I have the tactical advantage of PS in kitchen, laundry, bathrooms, etc to "fight" our way to the gunsafe. We've discussed the PS with the kids and explained that it is for adults to use in an emergency and is "spicy like hot sauce times 1000" that will burns eyes, noses, and little mouths. To date they have not messed with it.

I've also reinforced the door jambs with a strike master II on the front door and Armor Concepts EZ armor on the 2 back doors. Both seem to be solid products and are fairly easy to install DIY. THe EZ Armor offers a bit more flexibility for non-standard handle/deadbolt spacing. The backyard fence gates stay locked at all times. Alarm system with glass break and motion sensors and a 9 month old lab mix that might lick an intruder into submission round out the protective measures. Layers of security if you will.

Future plans include reinforcing an upstairs walk-in attic to serve as a panic room and adding small gunsafes/lockboxes in additional rooms. Fortunately no one has tried to break into the house while we have been home. In the last year, however, I've been followed from a bank after visiting my safe deposit box and my vehicle broke into while I ran an errand (less than 5 minutes), my garage side door was pried open and tools stolen, and our front door was kicked in while we were away at work/school and the house was pilfered for cash, jewelry, and small electronics. Fortunately our losses were minimal, but the violation of privacy and loss of sense of safety and security with the thefts was substantial.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by drjoker »

bnc wrote:That door jamb armor looks like a good product. Although, it would be really cool to have gunsafe doors all around the house. :mrgreen:
I actually have the door armor. Just be aware that the installers they recommend are all shady. I asked the guy the price. The guy names a price but says that I live outside his sales territory. So, I call another installer in the correct sales territory. The second guy then names a price DOUBLE that named by the first guy. I asked him why did he name a price double that of another installer. He says that it just looked like I could afford it. Ugh....

So, then I go and buy it to install myself. The problem is, I am NOT a handyman, so it LOOKED LIKE I installed it myself. Ugh....

If you're a handyman, go for it. Otherwise, I'd recommend that you skip it.

I also installed ballistic glass myself. Again, because of shady contractors. Recently, I hired some roofers. Before I paid them, I asked if I would get a warranty. He said, "yes." However, after the work was done, I wasn't home, so I paid him with a check in the mail box. Guess what, after the work was done, he refused to give me a warranty. Last week, I asked a guy to build me a fence. He quotes $4000. He calls the next day and says that the fence was going to cost a bit more due to "sales tax." I said, "ok." He comes back a couple days later and says that he needed to tell me that there might be construction cost increases in the middle of the project. I asked him and he said that it might cost over $5500, but he'll try to get it done for under $4000. But didn't you just tell me that it was a TOTAL of $4000? How come the price keeps increasing? I mean, what good is a quoted price if it is not really the quoted price?! I HATE the old bait and switch. Why would he say such a thing?! He then admits that he increased the price because it looked like "I could afford it." I told him that it looked like he was dishonest and told him to get lost. Why are construction contractors always shady?!

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by bigred90gt »

My wife thinks I'm crazy because I am always armed. Most of the time, I carry my PF9 in a DeSantis pocket holster. I just had back surgery, so I'm off work for a month. As I type this, my 9 is sitting about a foot from me on the coffee table. Next to my bed, I keep my XD40SC in a cheap holster on the night stand, with an extra mag next to it. Propped up against the wall next to the night stand is my Mossberg 500 (home made tactical version) with 6 in the belly and one in the chamber, all 00 buck. It has a 6 position collapsible stock with a pistol grip, and a fore grip on the pump, with an incredibly bright flashlight with pressure switch mounted on the fore grip. I also put some fiber optic sights on it, since I cut the barrel down to about 19". In the room next door to my bedroom is my gun safe with my AR, loaded with a round in the chamber, a .357 mag loaded, along with my wife's Walther PK380 (also loaded) and about 7 magazines for the AR loaded. I dont have kids, so I dont have to worry about leaving my guns out. When I'm healthy and working, the 9mm stays in the center console of my truck, and I carry my .40 around the house. I have a factory Springfield left handed paddle holster that is easy to throw on, so it makes carrying the XD at home easy. I keep trying to tell her I'm not paranoid, just prepared. I dont wish to shoot anyone, but I'm not prepared to give in to someone who is not supposed to be here, and right now, I'm in no condition to fight.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by Recall3613 »

got a dog alarm, judge 410personal defense, 45lc HP, 410, 45, 45 loaded in that order sleep next to it
ruger blackhawk 45lc/acp near by each cylinder loaded with HP
sr1911 and witness 45 both loaded with J HP
i dare say that if someone breaks into my house they're not making it out :fire
no kids to worry about. :woohoo
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