As for ikea.... Even the one in Frisco with the simple gun buster sign. They are telling us we are not welcomed there. The place stinks of cheap, over priced yuppie crap anyway.

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Right on! Plus at Wal-Mart, you can take it back within 90 days if you don't like it. There is another plus, Wal-Mart is where the really cool people go to shop. Check 'em out. You might get to see 03Lightningrocks.03Lightningrocks wrote:Isn't Round Rock actually Kalifornia, Texas? What do you folks expect from that part of Texas? I am ready for a referendum to remove Austin as our state capital.
As for ikea.... Even the one in Frisco with the simple gun buster sign. They are telling us we are not welcomed there. The place stinks of cheap, over priced yuppie crap anyway.Go to Walmart and buy the same junk furniture for less.
But I thought Sweden had laws requiring everyone own a gun... Or something like that.Jumping Frog wrote:It is a Swedish company. I wouldn't expect anything different!
OldCannon wrote:Put about $2000 worth of furniture on a couple of carts. Get in the register line. When it's your turn at the register, ask to speak to the manager. Tell them that you would have bought all of that if they didn't have a sign that prevented you from protecting your family as is your duty and right. Tell them that you, and thousands others in their region, won't be patronizing them again. Walk out.
Not that the economic impact will be much, have you ever tried to part there on a Saturday? They finally built a multi-story garage to accommodate more customers.
My daughter likes their stores also. She has bought quite a few items at the Frisco location. She carries concealed. Her and I had a conversation at the door of the Frisco store a while back over the "gun busters sign"... it was decided that the sign did not apply to us and we went in. I won't go back based on the fact that the Round Rock store has full out said CHL's are not allowed. I have always posted on this forum that a gun busters sign did not necessarily in itself mean they wanted a law abiding holder of a CHL to disarm. In this case, I am going to believe the policy is meant to be anti gun. Otherwise the Round Rock Store would not have the official sign of the anti gun crowd hanging on the window. My daughter won't be going back either...BTW.NcongruNt wrote:I don't know why it seems that the Round Rock store is the only one that is properly posted. If that's the case, pressure in the correct places may be able to get the decision to post reversed. If regional management gets wind that they are losing customers and their brand is being tarnished by the actions of the management of a single store, then the decision to post the store with 30.06 signs could be rescinded.
I have no problems with the brand itself. They have a good business model that works for them. A significant portion of our furniture was purchased from Ikea. They have similar return policies as those mentioned above regarding the Wal-Mart stores. I will not, however, patronize a business that posts 30.06. I will be writing a letter explaining why Ikea has lost my business, to the appropriate parties, as soon as I am able to track down contact information for those individuals.
I went to the Frisco store once after moving here, and I had to navigate the entire maze just to find a mens room........and I take a daily diuretic. I stopped and asked several employees, "Isn't there a shortcut? I REALLY gotta go!" Answer: "Just follow the signs to the restroom sir." The signs make you walk the entire length of the maze. I was not pleased. That is THE most preposterous store layout I've ever seen, and I've never been back since. Doesn't matter to me that they don't like guns. They also don't like people who gotta pee.kjolly wrote:with their serpertine maze forcing you to walk the entire length of the store visiting all departments they may be afraid of frustrating some poor shopper into pulling a gun or in really desparate circumstances firing three shots as a signal of being lost and or distressed. I was only in the store once some years back and never had any plans to return.
CEOofEVIL wrote:@ NcongruNt:
Nice pic! I was out with my wife and MIL a bit ago, and MIL said "Hey, we're right next to IKEA, lets go!". Had to use the old "I left my phone in the car" excuse to put my gun up (MIL doesn't really know I carry). I also tried to take a sneaky photo of the sign, but mine came out as a close up of the sign. Yours shows just how massive that sign is - that's got to be some kind of record for a 30.06 sign, considering it takes up the entirety of the lower glass panel.
Regarding IKEA in general, I personally like the style of furniture they have, as well as the pricing. I don't like the sprawling maze of a store, nor the ridiculous amount of people though. TBH, It's not like we need to go buy furniture there all the time (how many $50 coffee tables can one possible need?), so I'd be more upset if it was a store I had to frequent more often. Don't get me wrong - seeing a 30.06 doesn't make me happy camper, but as many have said "vote with your wallet". As it is, I don't want to go back. But that flatpack outdoor furniture is calling my patios name.