Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by JKTex »

TxLobo wrote:
JKTex wrote:
TxLobo wrote:
El_Capitan wrote:
Hmmm.... maybe I am missing something. Who would be the first agency you would go with if you had questions about concealed carry laws and CHL?
Very good question.. the DPS here told several people that the generic "gun buster" sign at our local mall was sufficient notice under 30.06, even though the local police told people different, and the law even as written says different.

One reserve officer has been heard to state that ANYONE that he finds driving with a handgun in their car, if they don't have a CHL, they are going to jail..
The DPS or 1 supposed Officer?

Anyone can repeat rumor, make assumptions and what-if's but that doens't change the law or if it's by an LEO, doens't mean that an entire agency is a bone headed chest thumper with an authority complex. If, an Officer actually said it in context of being illegal as stated.

Know the law; it's your/our responsibility and risk, not theirs. And don't listen to bone headed comments, or enjoy getting a laugh from them. :txflag:
Sgt of this district.. so I guess that would be 10 troopers under him?

I believe that he specifically told wgoforth from our forum.. I was told by one of the troopers in passing that yes, this was the desire of the Mall management.

The current security detail does not abide by that logic and has told me in person that there is no issue with a current CHL holder from carrying on the mall property. So I hope that statement is now null and void.

the other is a reserve officer and he has told friends that exact statement.
Bottom line is, it doesn't matter what an officer or sgt or a captain or anyone says. The law is the law and effective notice is prescribed by the law. No officer, sgt, or any other LEO can change it.

I'm gonna unsubscribe form this thread before I go bald pulling my hair out. :smilelol5: :txflag:

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by srothstein »

El_Capitan wrote:Hmmm.... maybe I am missing something. Who would be the first agency you would go with if you had questions about concealed carry laws and CHL?
I would have to go to the local prosecutor instead of a police agency. The problem with going to DPS is that the average patrolman does not have any extra training or knowledge over any other officer and the agency has a reported history of telling people things that contradict plainly written law. To be fair, if you wanted an unbiased opinion, I would also stay away from TSRA, though the bias is the one I agree with.

Asking the local prosecutor what his working interpretation is will teach you how things will be applied in that court, which is where the real life interpretation matters.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by speedsix »

...asking a local prosecutor is just like asking a store manager did he REALLY mean to keep us're asking a political animal to flex his muscles and beat his chest...and you'll get his own don't see either LEOs or DAs asking OUR opinion...

...OUR responsibility is to know and understand what the law AS THE LEGISLATURE WORDED IT means...that requires understanding the english language...

...THEIR responsibility is to enforce and prosecute violations of that law...AS IT IS WRITTEN...

...the judge and/or jury's job is to give both of us a report on how well we did...

...I won't suck up to the enforcement/prosecutory folks, hoping for a feel-good "but the officer SAID" encouragement...I can read the law for myself...if THEY can, too...there should be no conflict...if there's a conflict...the courts/appeal process is our recourse...criminal and civil...

...KNOW the's not that complicated...LIVE by it and CARRY(or don't) by it...and don't torment yourselves with the "sky is falling" and "what was that rumor?"'ll enjoy life a whole lot more....
...Oldgringo says CONCEAL Daddy said ZIP IT...quietly ignore those who by their attempts to post properly or by their macho blustering about what they'll do to us prove to us that they don't know the's NOT OUR JOB to educate them...REALLY it's not...

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by bayouhazard »

If DPS is, by policy, saying untrue things about the law, that's something to remember if I'm ever on a jury and someone from DPS testifies.

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by Ldy AlliDu »

My MUD office just put up a sign :???:
Looks like a Mickey Mouse sign.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by RPB »

Ldy AlliDu wrote:My MUD office just put up a sign :???:
Looks like a Mickey Mouse sign.
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Galveston County Mud District ... ?

That probably applies only to guns made in Spain ... I think Star Firearms are made in Spain ... of course Mexico doesn't make firearms because the US Government as well as other Countries supply theirs at substantial discounts ... Taurus is Brazilian I think so they'd need to have the sign in Portuguese too if they want to prohibit Taurus, and Austrian for Glocks .... however none apply to a CHL if the building isn't prohibited due to having offices utilized by a Court or other prohibited area
I'm no lawyer

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by Ldy AlliDu »

It's a small office, 2 customers and a gun =crowded, I will use the drop box in the drive from now on, I find the sign stupid and irritating. And maybe they can reinforce their plexiglass too, that's what I would do.
The sign also needs to be in Vietnamese and 3 other languages, just to be fair.

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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by chlag01 »

Cedar Park Center just showed up on, but I haven't seen the sign for myself yet. I believe it is a city-owned building, operated by a private company. If it is fact city owned, I believe it should be legal to carry as long as it doesn't fall under professional sporting event, academic activity, etc.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by Keith B »

chlag01 wrote:Cedar Park Center just showed up on, but I haven't seen the sign for myself yet. I believe it is a city-owned building, operated by a private company. If it is fact city owned, I believe it should be legal to carry as long as it doesn't fall under professional sporting event, academic activity, etc.
You should notice the entry says sign is invalid. That would be due to the building being city property and the sign being too small.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by Shoot_First »

Yesterday I visited Ford Park, a Jefferson County owned entertainment venue and the site of the South Texas State Fair.

I noted the fair entrance gate had this sign: "WARNING Weapons Prohibited federal law prohibits the possession of firearms with or without intent to commit a crime. By all persons not specially authorized by title 18, United States Code, Section 930 (c), conviction carries penalties of up to five (5) year imprisonment and $5,000 fine." My research indicates this sign applies only to Federal property and is thus inappropriate for a Texas county-owned facility.

Additionally, at each entry door to Ford Park's Exhibit Hall and Arena is a proper PC Section 30.06 sign. Inside the lobby of the Exhibit Hall and Arena is a TABC 51% sign posted on the lobby bulletin board. This would indicate to me that the entire 83,000 square foot Exhibit Hall and the 9,737 seat Arena derive 51 percent or more of their income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. If this is true Jefferson County is the owner of what is likely the largest county-owned beer joint in our state.

It is unlikely that Jefferson County will remove the inappropriate signage unless the Texas legislature makes it punitive for them to do so. Perhaps the loss of state funds until the signs are removed might provide the needed incentive.
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Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?


Post by puma guy »

Shoot_First wrote:Yesterday I visited Ford Park, a Jefferson County owned entertainment venue and the site of the South Texas State Fair.

I noted the fair entrance gate had this sign: "WARNING Weapons Prohibited federal law prohibits the possession of firearms with or without intent to commit a crime. By all persons not specially authorized by title 18, United States Code, Section 930 (c), conviction carries penalties of up to five (5) year imprisonment and $5,000 fine." My research indicates this sign applies only to Federal property and is thus inappropriate for a Texas county-owned facility.

Additionally, at each entry door to Ford Park's Exhibit Hall and Arena is a proper PC Section 30.06 sign. Inside the lobby of the Exhibit Hall and Arena is a TABC 51% sign posted on the lobby bulletin board. This would indicate to me that the entire 83,000 square foot Exhibit Hall and the 9,737 seat Arena derive 51 percent or more of their income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. If this is true Jefferson County is the owner of what is likely the largest county-owned beer joint in our state.

It is unlikely that Jefferson County will remove the inappropriate signage unless the Texas legislature makes it punitive for them to do so. Perhaps the loss of state funds until the signs are removed might provide the needed incentive.
I don't anticipate there would be enough support in the Texas Legislature to penalize any level of government by passing such a law. Unfortunately this happens across the state and until there is a test case little will be done. Also unfortunate is the fact that law abiding gun owners won't use the tactics that the left uses by protesting and mounting recalls. Elected officials and government bureaucrats have come to think of themselves as soverign entities and individuals. Almost kinglike in anything they wish to implement for the good of us lesser citizens. Until we make them accountable or remove them the rights of Americans will continue to be eroded. We seem loathe to do that and since the same individuals are re-elected over and over their power continues and increases. When the SCOTUS rules that private property rights in America are null and void we may be approaching the very bottom of the slippery slope we've been led down. Don't count on legislators to do anything but increase their power and pass laws that protects them not citizens. That mindset is perfectly defined by laws that prevent government and govermnet official, agents and officials from torts except in extremley limited circumstances. Rant complete. JMHO
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Post by jyatesmp »

mr fixit wrote:City of Mesquite TX, City Hall 1515 N. Galloway is posted with a 30.06 sign. The 30.06 sign was put up after the city ordinance barring concealed carry was struck down. There is no Police in this building.
Fire Marshals are in 1515 N. Galloway and are Law Enforcement Officers under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure - Article 2.12.
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Re: Re:


Post by Keith B »

jyatesmp wrote:
mr fixit wrote:City of Mesquite TX, City Hall 1515 N. Galloway is posted with a 30.06 sign. The 30.06 sign was put up after the city ordinance barring concealed carry was struck down. There is no Police in this building.
Fire Marshals are in 1515 N. Galloway and are Law Enforcement Officers under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure - Article 2.12.
Doesn't matter if there are law enforcement officers in there or not. Unless there is a secured area (i.e. holding or booking area), then a 'police station' is not off limits. So, unless there is some other statutorily prohibited office in there, then the 30.06 sign is invalid.
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