I won't say that could "never" happen in my church ... but it's unlikely in any of mine in Texas
When churches vote in a Pastor, and vote out a Pastor ... and sometimes churches split into two churches over minor things ...
they should remember:
Matthew, 12:25: And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them,
Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
My dad attended the "Peace meeting" in 1953 which RE-united churches which had been split for many many years ... it's harder to repair broken things ....
sometimes it's worth the forethought to consider whether it's worth risking/ taking chances on things/policies/church rules/discipline where Scripture is silent.
http://www.banneroflove.net/articles/Ri ... 953-03.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I guess my point is (especially if you get the "gist" of that link) is that ... is it really worth losing any of the flock over an issue where Scripture does not say to put up a 30.06 sign? Pastor, are you wanting to offend one of the children, and do you think you can justify the cause of the offense/loss?
If scripture is silent on an area of discipline/rules ....