A couple weeks ago, I noticed that Great Outdoors (a sub shop for those who don't know) in Richardson had a "no guns" type sign on their store window. I went home and found their web site and sent an email to the company president, Jerry Oliverie, asking if "no guns" was company policy or if it was the action of the store manager. He handed off my email to their VP/Director of Operations, Gail Voelcker, with whom I exchanged several emails. His/her (I'm not sure which ... Gail? Who knows?) emails to me were professional and expressed Great Outdoors' support for our freedom to carry firearms. A quote from one of their emails was, "I certainly agree that the right (and in some cases, the need) to carry a gun is very important". Turns out, 2-3 of their stores had old signs in the window leftover from when GO used to sell alcohol ...it was an oversight that they were still there.
I am happy to report that now the signs HAVE been removed!
Their emails also expressed that in the past, they have had customers request that they post "no guns" signs and they did not do so (except for what was required when they served alcohol). They have the tenuous problem of following their personal/corporate beliefs while maintaining their customer base ... they have come down on the side of freedom!
I have written them and thanked them for taking the signs down and have eaten there twice since then. Please join me in supporting the Great Outdoors by eating there on occassion. If you are so inclined, you might drop Jerry or Gail an email thanking them. Their email addresses are: