We arrived and then proceeded to unload our folding chairs and our pick-nick lunch. My 2 kids run straight to the play ground. As I do my first approach, I notice a kid, a 14 yrs boy holding what appears to be toy rifle that was emitting electric gun fire. I knew it was a toy, but I immediately started hearing the wizzing sound of flying projectiles(soft balls?). That damn thing was shooting in full blast soft balls in my direction. The kid was standing 2-3 ft behind a tree and firing to the direction of the play ground/slides. I was just passing in the middle of his fireline.
That got to my nerve when I looked at the kid and he kept pointing his plastic toy at my direction and firing some more! I yelled at him to stop where he was cause I am calling the Police.

My wife came after me saying they are just kids and there are 2 more kids hiding in the playground behind the slide firing back at that boy and begged me not to call the police. She added, "they are just kids, playing around". I got more frustrated by her attitude, but decided to better cool down in my car while still holding my cell phone in my hand.
The older teen yelled back we are leaving and was packing in hurry. 30 sec later he approaches my car and wave that he would like to talk to me. In short, he wanted to apologize and I drilled him down that:
1) You can't play war in public park with flying projectiles. Soft balls, BB using a toy or whatever, you can't do that. It is illegal.
2) If you point what appears like a rifle you could get shot, or worse get killed. This is Texas!
The kid was apologizing a bit more and silently went back home with his 2 friends. I hope he learned a lesson. The next 15min I was cooling down and trying to enjoy the rest of the breeze, cold and partially sunny day.