CHL into banks......

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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by Grog »

Keith B wrote:
As a side note, there are some states that it is illegal to carry in a bank even with a CHL. Montana and North Carolina, just to name a couple.

NC prohibits CCW, but open carry is different :mrgreen:
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by Jasonw560 »

Capital One bank (at least the branches here and one in Brownsville) don't have any signage.

In fact, not many signs at all down here in the Tragic Valley.
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by hirundo82 »

mill424 wrote:Thank you for the help.....I was being battered on a news website when I posted that unless a 30.06 sign was posted in a bank you were legal to hopeful those link will further educate my undereducated peers that read the news
I find it is best just to ignore the comment sections of news sites, much like YouTube comments. They seem to be full of the same intentionally ignorant people, and arguing with them does nothing but raise your blood pressure--the term "wrestling with a pig" comes to mind to describe the expreience.
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by seamusTX »

hirundo82 wrote:I find it is best just to ignore the comment sections of news sites, ... They seem to be full of the same intentionally ignorant people, ...
Ain't that the truth? Aside from knowing nothing about current events, history, the law, how to write coherently, spell, or use punctuation, they are all geniuses.

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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by 3dfxMM »

jamisjockey wrote:
mill424 wrote:Thank you for the help.....I was being battered on a news website when I posted that unless a 30.06 sign was posted in a bank you were legal to hopeful those link will further educate my undereducated peers that read the news

Does the site get users from other states? Some states do prohibit bank carry.
True, but the question was posted in the General Texas CHL Discussion section of the TexasCHLForum website. I think a Texas specific answer was warranted.

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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by LikesShinyThings »

I think if my bank were 30.06 posted, I'd find another bank. We live in a small town (only two traffic lights, no real "downtown") and have at least five banks that I can think of without even trying, all within about a mile/mile and a half radius of each other. I'm just saying, if they don't want my gun, they don't want my business, and there are almost always other options.
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by Texas_Tactical »

I always carry to the bank, then again if I'm not in the shower I have a gun on or within 10 feet of me. :mrgreen:

In all seriousness if my bank posted a 30.06 sign I'd probably find a new bank. No reason to go to the bank/CU and get a couple hundred dollars if you cant carry a gun.
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by jimlongley »

Bart wrote:If anything, large cash deposits or withdrawals are a good reason to carry, even in NY. It's concealed so it doesn't bother anybody else.
Interestingly enough, in NY, carrying large amounts of cash, such as for deposit, is one of the most used, and most honored, reasons for issuing a carry pistol permit.
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by Embalmo »

I recently deposited about $400 in cash in my non-30.06 posted credit union. I glanced around and an employee standing next to their armed guard thought I was looking for someone to help me. I told her that looking around because I was about to pull cash out of my pocket. The guard said, "That's why I'm here." I wanted to tell him, "Nope, I'm responsible for, and prepared to protect myself." Neither of them noticed that my left hand was pulling my wallet out while my right hand was on the handle of my pocket carried LCP.

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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by Abraham »

While I understand the stretched logic of the credit union's policy of no hat/cap or sunglasses, it goes one step beyond what I'd tolerate as a customer.

What's next on their list of demands issued to their customers...?

I would immediately let them know why I would be canceling my account and work at encouraging others to do the same.

Let them try to exist without customers...

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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by speedsix »

...been seeing those pop up more and more...ain't no big thang...Mama taught me to take my hat off indoors and I don't mind them getting a clear shot of my ugly mug...I've spent anxious minutes in a bank with a young man with a hood up and sunglasses on on a warm day...I get their point...
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by seamusTX »

The ultimate extension of that mentality is having you take off your clothes and put on one of those paper medical gowns that doesn't quite close in back.

The airlines are pretty far down that road.

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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by speedsix »

...if you can make that leap, knowing why they're doing it...I hope none of your family are bank tellers...
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Re: CHL into banks......


Post by seamusTX »

Are bank tellers special?

Clerks in convenience and liquor stores get killed by criminals at a far higher rate.

Oddly enough, I haven't seen a convenience or liquor store that requires people to remove hats.

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