Abraham wrote:Beiruty ,
Sorry, after reading and re-reading, I still don't fully understand your post.
Would you please clarify?
If a CHLer decided to engage and stop a crime, say a robbery in progress at your favorite eater, the CHLer is justified in using a deadly force. Since it is justified, the legality of the actions of the CHLer is not the point.
The issue at the hand, should the CHLer engage or be a good witness?
To engage or not engage is a decision the CHLer has to take and this depends on many factors such as:
A) The shooter and his shooting capabilities. Is he a good shooter? is he in good physical condition to seek cover engage one or more threats? An old person or a novice shooter may decide, I can't do it. I will be good witness or I am bailing out.
B) How many threats? Again, many would say, I cannot take out 3 threats in 5 secs. Howver, if you watch a IDPA match, a shooter can place at least 2 holes in 3 targets in less that 5 sec.
C) Does the CHLer has the opportunity to draw and not being killed while doing so? A gun pointed at your head means it is too late to reach for your gun.
D) Are there good guys in the the line of fire? Most would say I am not sharp shooter and I am not drawing on some one who is taking a hostage. Understandable.
Also, many would say I am bailing out. I have nothing to do with this, here I am out of the emergency exit.