Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor

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Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by rtschl »

A new member of our church had his vehicle burglarized this morning while at our church. Waited with him until LEO arrived... he was very concerned because a weapon was stolen. He said he always carries, but since it is illegal to carry in a church he left it in his vehicle. I immediately corrected him and showed him 46.035 on my phone and stated that we are not 30.06 posted. He then told me that the instructor at the CHL class he recently took stated: "The law was recently changed and it is illegal to carry at church unless the entire board gives you written permission that has to be signed by the entire board and you must carry the document on your person if carrying at the church." :banghead:

My question, is DPS still giving incorrect information to CHL instructors? He stated that the law just "recently" changed. The legislature hasn't met since June 2009 if memory serves. As Charles responded to my post in Dec 2009, the law has not changed since 1997: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=30136 that a group of CHL instructors were incorrectly told by a DPS attorney about this very thing. The gentleman this morning could not remember the name of the instructor, but told me where he went. I will try to find out why this instructor is teaching this in his class.

The funny part, we are Baptist, we do not have a "board". Our polity is congregational, so I guess EVERY member of the church would have to sign the document. I would need to carry a backpack to hold that document. :lol:

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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by Beiruty »

Just hope your friend has the serial number for his firearm. Most likley he will never see it again.However, he has to report it as stolen.
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by rtschl »

He didn't have it with him, but he does have it at home and is going to call it in now that he has a police report number. I told him I keep all of my serial numbers on a hidden file on my phone and on my laptop.
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by gigag04 »

Email them to yourself. Also take pictures and email those too.

Bonus points if you engrave your txdl # on TVs, radios, bikes, motorcycles, Tools, and heavy metal objects (often stolen for scrap)
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by dicion »

He may have been referring to the recent Louisiana Law Change? I can't think of any other reason that says you need full church approval?

Maybe he was letting a little 'personal' flavor leak into his instruction... :roll:
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by terryg »

gigag04 wrote:Email them to yourself. Also take pictures and email those too.

Bonus points if you engrave your txdl # on TVs, radios, bikes, motorcycles, Tools, and heavy metal objects (often stolen for scrap)
If you have a smartphone, you can use evernote. It is web-based and they have apps for diePhone, Android, Crackberry, WinMo, and WebOS.
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by C-dub »

That's a real shame. I know he won't be able to recover anything from this "instructor", but he can sure let him know that his gun was stolen from his vehicle as a result of his misinformation. Lay a guilt trip on him if that's possible. Maybe, just maybe, he'll start teaching the truth so no one else will fall victim to his ignorance.
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by LabRat »

Correcting the errant instructor is a good first step. What about the other CHLers that he has also misinformed? There's got to be more.

The instructor should have to communicate and correct himself with those folks as well.

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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by HarleyDave »

thanks Terryg, downloaded that evernote app to the droid x and great app. Good advice and thanks!
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by mr surveyor »

dicion wrote:He may have been referring to the recent Louisiana Law Change? I can't think of any other reason that says you need full church approval?

Maybe he was letting a little 'personal' flavor leak into his instruction... :roll:

that's was exactly what I was thinking. It could be this is an instructor with poor comprehension skills and lacks proper google-fu
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by Papacub »

That Instructor is "Obviously" NOT a member of Texas CHL Forum!!! Maybe he needs to join and READ!!!! :txflag:
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by RPB »

Papacub wrote:That Instructor is "Obviously" NOT a member of Texas CHL Forum!!! Maybe he needs to join and READ!!!! :txflag:
:iagree: :thewave :iagree: :thewave :iagree:
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by Hoosier Daddy »

Stories like this are why the hoopla about the Utah license is hokum.

I know more about the Texas CHL laws than some Texas instructors!
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by texasjeep44 »

dicion wrote:He may have been referring to the recent Louisiana Law Change? I can't think of any other reason that says you need full church approval?

Maybe he was letting a little 'personal' flavor leak into his instruction... :roll:
Yep, maybe that instructor needs to start looking at moving to LA and teaching there.

If the instructor really did tell him that, there is no excuse for it.
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Re: Church Carry - Incorrect information from CHL instructor


Post by texas1234 »

Yeah and getting the ruling elders or church to agree on anyone particular issue would mean its off limits to everyone. Here is an example: a church member who doesnt want CHL's to carry would say, lets pray about it, they would pray, raise their head and say, nope its not a good idea to have concealed handguns. Another Church member who wanted concealed handguns would say, lets pray about it, they would pray, raise their head up and say yep I think we should allow CHL's.
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