Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
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Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
Lifetime Fitness Members:
I just noticed a couple days back that the North Austin facility has a "portable" 30.06 sign sitting only at the far west door on floor! This is the first time I've seen this sign there so it may be new!
I saw it posted the day after they closed up due to roof caving & water damage (Monday I think).
Not sure if this is simply a corporate mandate, but they have had plenty warning messages about theft and such in their parking lot late at nights. Now, looks like they want law abiding citizens to be unprotected on their walk back to their vehicles - while the criminal minds simply ignore or even take advantage of such situations!
Mark Johnson is General Manager at that location and I believe there may be a few folks lines up to discuss the matter and find out what's changed recently (assuming this is a new sign).
I just noticed a couple days back that the North Austin facility has a "portable" 30.06 sign sitting only at the far west door on floor! This is the first time I've seen this sign there so it may be new!
I saw it posted the day after they closed up due to roof caving & water damage (Monday I think).
Not sure if this is simply a corporate mandate, but they have had plenty warning messages about theft and such in their parking lot late at nights. Now, looks like they want law abiding citizens to be unprotected on their walk back to their vehicles - while the criminal minds simply ignore or even take advantage of such situations!
Mark Johnson is General Manager at that location and I believe there may be a few folks lines up to discuss the matter and find out what's changed recently (assuming this is a new sign).
CHL January 2010
CHL January 2010
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
If the sign is for real, you might want to post it on" onclick=";return false;.
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
I am thankful that AnyTime fgitness in Lufkin is willing to allow my ads on the bulitin board & my cards in the card rack. 

Carry 24-7 or guess right.
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30.06 Sign! In Liftetime Flower Mound
I just saw one at the Flower Mound location. They used to have a one liner "Lifetime Bans Guns" sign, but this new one looked pretty compliant. It was huge, black on white, and in English and Spanish. I didn't whip out my digital micrometer to see if the letter were one inch, but they probably were.
4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
Was their sign portable, or permanately posted? The North Austin location sign was just sitting on floor slanted against window - at least the last time I stopped in! The letters were definitely at least 1" and it also had two languages... Other than the fact that I could go up and knock sign over, face down, in a heartbeat, it appears compliant in context. Note that it's sitting on floor and definitely not at eye level. It was, however, huge in size!
CHL January 2010
CHL January 2010
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
It was attached to the right hand side entrance window with middle of the sign at maybe chest level and was very conspicuous. I didn't get a chance to snap a pic.G26TR wrote:Was their sign portable, or permanately posted? The North Austin location sign was just sitting on floor slanted against window - at least the last time I stopped in! The letters were definitely at least 1" and it also had two languages... Other than the fact that I could go up and knock sign over, face down, in a heartbeat, it appears compliant in context. Note that it's sitting on floor and definitely not at eye level. It was, however, huge in size!
4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"
Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
I spoke with the MOD about the this today without any real answer. She was irritated that I even wanted to speak with her about it. I simply asked if they planned on having more security in the parking lot considering they were now requiring people to be unarmed. She said she didn't care as long as guns weren't allowed inside.
I plan on speaking with the General Manager although she wouldn't give me his contact info.
I plan on speaking with the General Manager although she wouldn't give me his contact info.
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
Was it Tiffany you spoke with? If so, she's usually pretty nice - guess they don't like concealed guns in their club! The only thing I can think of is the security of weapons stored in the locker rooms while members work out! They would be temporarily out of the immediate control of the owner - albeit locked away.dBex wrote:I spoke with the MOD about the this today without any real answer. She was irritated that I even wanted to speak with her about it. I simply asked if they planned on having more security in the parking lot considering they were now requiring people to be unarmed. She said she didn't care as long as guns weren't allowed inside.
I plan on speaking with the General Manager although she wouldn't give me his contact info.
I'd really like to know what changed in the last month or so to cause this sign! Does this apply to Off Duty LEO's as well? If not, there's still the issue of weapon locked away during workouts.
CHL January 2010
CHL January 2010
Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
When I joined Lifetime Fitness in N. Austin about 2 years ago, part of the routine was to review their member rules. The guy that walked me thru this read the handbook as we went thru it and said the words "no guns are permitted at Lifetime fitness". I took this to mean that I had a verbal notification not to carry in their facility. Given that, I'm not sure the 30.06 sign would be even relevant correct?
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
Of course any business has the right under the law to post 30.06 signs but I have the right not to frequent those businesses too. As I've stated in other posts on this forum: "what we spend our money on is what we vote to exist in the world". The gym I frequent has no such signs or rules.
There is an afterlife - what we do here matters!
Kahr pm9 (mama-bear)
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Kahr pm9 (mama-bear)
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
A valid 30.06 sign is very relevant to anyone who was not verbally told "no guns allowed" and to potential new members walking in off the street. If I was in the market for a gym and saw that sign on the door, I would just drive on to the next closest gym and give them my business (then write a formal business letter to the manager of this gym and CEO at corporate with a copy of my new contract with their competitor and an explanation of why they missed out on my business).ralewis wrote:When I joined Lifetime Fitness in N. Austin about 2 years ago, part of the routine was to review their member rules. The guy that walked me thru this read the handbook as we went thru it and said the words "no guns are permitted at Lifetime fitness". I took this to mean that I had a verbal notification not to carry in their facility. Given that, I'm not sure the 30.06 sign would be even relevant correct?
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=30880&hilit=eyemasters" onclick=";return false;
Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
So, my feeling is I like LIfetime Fitness better than anywhere else, and practically speaking I'm not sure I'm comfortable disarming in a locker room prior to working out. I suppose one option would be to carry in a fanny pack or some other way so that I could just put a container in the locker with my street clothes. But since I was given 'verbal notice', I suppose that option is out. I did ask if that policy extended to law enforcement, and he said it did.austinrealtor wrote:A valid 30.06 sign is very relevant to anyone who was not verbally told "no guns allowed" and to potential new members walking in off the street. If I was in the market for a gym and saw that sign on the door, I would just drive on to the next closest gym and give them my business (then write a formal business letter to the manager of this gym and CEO at corporate with a copy of my new contract with their competitor and an explanation of why they missed out on my business).ralewis wrote:When I joined Lifetime Fitness in N. Austin about 2 years ago, part of the routine was to review their member rules. The guy that walked me thru this read the handbook as we went thru it and said the words "no guns are permitted at Lifetime fitness". I took this to mean that I had a verbal notification not to carry in their facility. Given that, I'm not sure the 30.06 sign would be even relevant correct?
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=30880&hilit=eyemasters" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
I like Lifetime because it is close to where I live and the facilities are nice. I generally can't stand supporting businesses that (successfully) deny me my ability to defend myself, but I also don't carry while I'm working out. I can't practically conceal a handgun under a t-shirt and gym shorts. They also have a rule against gym bags in the weight room.ralewis wrote:So, my feeling is I like LIfetime Fitness better than anywhere else, and practically speaking I'm not sure I'm comfortable disarming in a locker room prior to working out. I suppose one option would be to carry in a fanny pack or some other way so that I could just put a container in the locker with my street clothes. But since I was given 'verbal notice', I suppose that option is out. I did ask if that policy extended to law enforcement, and he said it did.austinrealtor wrote:A valid 30.06 sign is very relevant to anyone who was not verbally told "no guns allowed" and to potential new members walking in off the street. If I was in the market for a gym and saw that sign on the door, I would just drive on to the next closest gym and give them my business (then write a formal business letter to the manager of this gym and CEO at corporate with a copy of my new contract with their competitor and an explanation of why they missed out on my business).ralewis wrote:When I joined Lifetime Fitness in N. Austin about 2 years ago, part of the routine was to review their member rules. The guy that walked me thru this read the handbook as we went thru it and said the words "no guns are permitted at Lifetime fitness". I took this to mean that I had a verbal notification not to carry in their facility. Given that, I'm not sure the 30.06 sign would be even relevant correct?
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=30880&hilit=eyemasters" onclick=";return false;
Their "policy" may extend to LEO's, but the law (PC 30.06) doesn't, so I guess the worst they could do is cancel their memberships. A lot of "Feds" and local LEO's work out in my location and I suspect they carry into the locker room, though I haven't directly seen it. I think I've also seen them violating the no gym bags in the weight room policy too.
4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
I do any time fitness here in Lufkin. My cards are on the ad table, & my ad is on the back window of my truck. I am able to talk defense & class w/ anyone that is interested. The mgr knows what I do & that her Grandparents are members at the church I pastor. She has never said or ask but it dont take Perry Mason to figure out I am carrying there.
Little 3AT but best I can do & work out, as said above.
Little 3AT but best I can do & work out, as said above.

Carry 24-7 or guess right.
CHL Instructor." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Lifetime Fitness North Austin - 30.06 Sign!
On the admittedly rare occassion I actually exercise, I use one of these to carry concealed. ... 05/I/58604" onclick=";return false;
could also try something like this ... ... 05/I/56037" onclick=";return false;
There's always a way to conceal, unless a 30.06 sign takes away your right to do so .... ... 05/I/58604" onclick=";return false;
could also try something like this ... ... 05/I/56037" onclick=";return false;
There's always a way to conceal, unless a 30.06 sign takes away your right to do so ....