dont do the crime if you cant do the timejuggernaut wrote:The sperm donor has no say, but he can be forced to pay child support.Oldgringo wrote:a personal matter between a woman, her sperm donor

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
dont do the crime if you cant do the timejuggernaut wrote:The sperm donor has no say, but he can be forced to pay child support.Oldgringo wrote:a personal matter between a woman, her sperm donor
Does that apply to women too? Or does she still get to choose after the fact?marksiwel wrote:dont do the crime if you cant do the time
Um...I'm not even going to get into that.roberts wrote:Does that apply to women too? Or does she still get to choose after the fact?marksiwel wrote:dont do the crime if you cant do the time
If you're asking about the GOP Primaries, here's who will be on the ballot. ... _09(1).xlsmarksiwel wrote:Will the Ballot have all 3 people running on it?
She was the head of the Republican party here in Texas. Unfortunately I do not recall at what level. Please note that as a part of her plan to increase sales taxes, she would like to ELIMINATE property taxes.Liberty wrote:I could learn to like Medina, but the issue of taxes really has me concerned. She wants to increase taxes by giving us a bigger sales tax?
I would think the first thing a libertarian Republican would think of would be reducing government.While she should be thinking of ways of eliminating Government agencys and reducing waste all she can think oabout is increasing our sales tax, which already is one vof the highest in the country. Bussinesses in Texas are having a tough time competing with companies out of state or on the internet. Ms. Medina plans will put even more pressure on small businesses that have to compete with tax free or lower tax states. I for one would love to see drugs decrimminalized. Its time government stopped being nannys let people live or destroy themselves as they see fit. The right of the to pursue happiness is also followed by the responcibilty Governt has no bussiness trying to protect us from ourself.
Her background is about being the a nurse and head of a club. doesn't particularly excite me either.
Rick Perry might be for the TTC but that has been rendered impotent by our wiser legislature. I am afraid if Medina got in as Gov some fools might actually take her serious and start increasing what is already a very high sales tax.
All that being said any of the three sure beats the best that the Democrats have to offer.
No, she came out with a straightforward statement that could not be mistaken for anything else. If those Medina supporters really support her, they should not try to deny things just because it makes some folks uncomfortable. The mainstream politicians already do that, I hope her folks don't fall into that habit.I was at the Fort Worth Gun Show. There was a booth there manned by Medina supporters. They steadfastly denied she EVER supported legalizing drugs. They said that was a misquote attributed to her and spread by the opposition.
Actually, that's somewhat backwards. Her goal is to eliminate Property Taxes, not to increase sales taxes.Purplehood wrote:
Please note that as a part of her plan to increase sales taxes, she would like to ELIMINATE property taxes.
I don't see your point as there is no fundamental difference in the statements.sjfcontrol wrote:Actually, that's somewhat backwards. Her goal is to eliminate Property Taxes, not to increase sales taxes.Purplehood wrote:
Please note that as a part of her plan to increase sales taxes, she would like to ELIMINATE property taxes.
Since Texas does not have an income tax, and obviously needs SOME source of funds, the sales tax would be increased to handle the shortfall.
A minor point, perhaps, but it seems unfair to say her plan is "to increase sales taxes".
Of course, the problem is that often when politicians say they want to replace one tax with another, the new tax gets implemented, but the old tax never quite manages to go away.![]()
Really?! The difference seems quite obvious to me.Purplehood wrote:
I don't see your point as there is no fundamental difference in the statements.
Please note that as a part of her plan to increase sales taxes, she would like to ELIMINATE property taxes.
Please note that as a part of her plan to eliminate property taxes, she would like to raise sales taxes.
No savings in rolling your own anymore... the tax went up on this latest hike on a one lb can of loose smoking tobacco from $1.10 to $24.78 per lb. That's a 2,000% tax hike.Liberty wrote:They tell me that Cigarettte tax revenue goes done everytime they increase taxes.. People roll their own. quit, or or buy them out of low tax venues