Your comparison of restaurant-carry in Arizona with open-carry in Texas is fatally flawed. Arizona CHL's didn't loose anything when the restaurant ban was lifted, because they were already off-limits. Posting of those locations by their owners merely maintained the status quo If open-carry were to pass in Texas, and if businesses start posting TPC §30.06 signs, then 350,000+ CHL's will no longer be able to carry in locations that have been open to them for almost 15 years.chabouk wrote:This past summer, it became legal in Arizona to CC where alcohol is served. Reports are that "no guns" signs are going up all over the state at restaurants that serve alcohol. Should the gun rights groups in Arizona have fought against this law, since it means signs are going up? Of course not.
I won't go so far as to say that open-carry supporters are selfish, nor do I feel that way, but the fact is a relatively small group of people are willing to risk the creation of a lot of new off-limits businesses (via TPC §30.06 signs) just to have the option to openly-carry. When I say "relatively small group" I am making the assumption that, if open-carry ever passes, it will be licensed open-carry. Unlicensed open-carry has absolutely no chance of passing any time soon, and if it ever does, it will come only after successfully passing licensed open-carry.chabouk wrote:I hope no one takes this personally, because I intend it as constructive criticism, but the attitude of "We've got it how I like it, so don't mess with things!" sounds selfish. It reminds me of the Fudds who are willing to give up everyone else's gun rights just so long as their hunting guns are safe.