Using public restrooms while carrying

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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by USA1 »

casingpoint wrote:
Why would someone do that (unbuckle their pants to urinate)
I have to agree. That cannot be discussed here. Freedom of speech will have to take a back seat for now.
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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

One question I still have about all this. I don't see how this could be called intentionally failing to conceal. Am I wrong on this? I would agree it could lead to some yuppie liberal freaking out, but for the most part it seems like it would fall under the accidental category and I can't see a police officer citing me for such a thing.

If my weapon fell on the floor, it would definitely have to go through a serious cleaning. The value might even take a hit. It would forever remind me of the bathroom book episode on Seinfeld. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by joe817 »

Now I don't own any type of concealment holster yet. No IWB, OWB, paddle, shoulder, etc etc. I DO own one of those cheapy ballistic nylon ambidextrous belt holsters. I really like it but not conducive for carrying unless a long winter coat. So take what I say with a grain of salt.

It seems to me that the whole issue is resolved if you simply use the stall. Remove the holster and place it somewhere it won't fall to the floor. I'm fairly certain someone won't forget their gun, seeing how much they paid for it.

Maybe I'm oversimplifying the solution by not really understanding the dilemma. (It's not the first time it's happened) :confused5
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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by Excaliber »

joe817 wrote:Now I don't own any type of concealment holster yet. No IWB, OWB, paddle, shoulder, etc etc. I DO own one of those cheapy ballistic nylon ambidextrous belt holsters. I really like it but not conducive for carrying unless a long winter coat. So take what I say with a grain of salt.

It seems to me that the whole issue is resolved if you simply use the stall. Remove the holster and place it somewhere it won't fall to the floor. I'm fairly certain someone won't forget their gun, seeing how much they paid for it.

Maybe I'm oversimplifying the solution by not really understanding the dilemma. (It's not the first time it's happened) :confused5
Unfortunately, a lot of well documented (and even more undocumented) history makes it clear that it's not only possible to forget a gun left somewhere in the stall, but that it's downright easy when your mind is on other things, which it will be once you've put the gun down.

The suggestions on how to manage the situation so it doesn't happen to you should be viewed in the context of trying not to repeat well known mistakes from the past when plenty of new and creative ones are still available. :patriot:

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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by pdubyoo »

I don't recommend an OWB holster if you unzip while standing. It can cause unexpected surprises if you don't have a tested method for preventing the weight of your gun from flipping your waist band inside out. :lol: I've seen it almost resulted in the guy's neighbor needing a change of clothes. :shock:

I use a CB Supertuck at 3:00 for my XD40, and don't have any problems zipped or unzipped. If you carry closer to the front than 3:00 (or 9:00 for south paws), you will likely have more of a challenge. I did follow CB's instructions for adding more retention-ability to the Supertuck...used a heatgun on the kydex and made the trigger indention more pronounced. Now, I can turn it upside down and the pistol stays put.

I like my's certainly more comfortable, but I usually carry my IWB as it is more conducive to the public restroom issues. Plus, it conceals far better than my OWB.
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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by casingpoint »

This thread is without resolution. Next time I have to go...I'm gonna hold it.

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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by KD5NRH »

Excaliber wrote:Unfortunately, a lot of well documented (and even more undocumented) history makes it clear that it's not only possible to forget a gun left somewhere in the stall, but that it's downright easy when your mind is on other things, which it will be once you've put the gun down.
That seems to happen a lot more often with people who didn't have to pay for the gun.
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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by USA1 »

casingpoint wrote:This thread is without resolution. Next time I have to go...I'm gonna hold it.
theres always adult diapers :shock:
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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

usa1 wrote:
casingpoint wrote:This thread is without resolution. Next time I have to go...I'm gonna hold it.
theres always adult diapers :shock:
Maybe a catheter?

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Re: Using public restrooms while carrying


Post by longtooth »

There are at least 2 reminders & I think 3, to keep this on topic or get it locked. The jokes are crude & not funny.
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Take you crude bathroom jokes to a board that welcomes them.

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