Her position that the 2nd only limits what the
federal government may do to gun rights ignores both the 10th Amendment (but does not limit what the
states may do), and the words "
shall not be infringed contained in the 2nd. Would she then agree that states have the right to limit free speech, dictate one's religious choices, limit the freedom of assembly, limit the freedom of the press (1st Amendment)? Would she further agree that states then have the right to quarter their state NG troops in private homes during peace time (3rd Amendment)? Would she agree that states have the right to perform unreasonable searches and seizures (4th Amendment). Does she believe that you can't plead the 5th in a state court and avoid being forced into self-incrimination (5th Amendment)? Does she believe that states have no obligation to provide an accused with a speedy and fair trial (6th Amendment) by a jury of his/her peers (7th Amendment)? Does she believe that states have a right to inflict cruel and unusual punishments (8th Amendment). Does she believe that the 9th is null and void? And the 10th as well?
Sotomayor is obviously an imbecile and her opinions are a
steaming pile (which are over-ruled by higher courts at a rate of 60%, BTW). The problem is that liberals love her, and their enablers in the media will never ask her these very relevant questions - questions which are relevant specifically because she denies that an amendment included in the Bill of Rights has relevance beyond the beltway.
Of course, since I disagree with her, I must be a white male sexist/racist lacking in her rich latina wisdom, and therefore my opinion is of little or no value.
Other than that, I have no opinion. . . . .
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"