Another attack in webster by two women

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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by KRM45 »

G.C.Montgomery wrote:
Aggie_engr wrote:This is the email that was sent out to students. I personally know a few students who were displaced to the webster/clear lake area due to Ike. What would you guys do? I know it's just a couple women with bats, but would you consider shooting? Maybe just draw and try to scare them off?...
At 5'0"-5'6" and nothing over 135lbs I am not convinced either could seriously threaten me (6'2"@320lbs) with baseball bats. But if they really were that stupid, I am not into drawing guns just to "scare" people. I'd certainly issue verbal commands to get away from me and I'd probably have some sort of impact weapon (SureFire Defender or closed, folding knife) at the ready. OC would be a good option too. But I'm more likely to take the bat away from some that small. I'm sorry ladies but, if a woman is "man enough" and dumb enough try to rob me in a parking lot with a baseball bat, she's "man enough" to get her bones broken after I take the bat away.
Don't let your over confidence get you in trouble. You have no idea what these women are capable of. This is a clear threat of deadly force.

I would also suggest you be careful about taking the bat away and then using it on them. Your use of the bat would also constitute the use of deadly force, and once you have taken thier weapon you may no longer be justified.

I for one would defend myself with all available means. I have no problem drawing my gun and letting them know that they will be shot if they make one more move.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by seamusTX »

A "mugger roll" is useful as a distraction. You can take it out and drop it. It gets the robbers' eyes off of you.

I would think something like 2 $5s and 10 $1s would look substantial enough, but please don't take that as a recommendation.

I learned the hard way that you can't always get along on a debit card. We had a storm that knocked out debit card validations, and we couldn't use debit cards or ATMs for about five days. Galveston Island used to be more susceptible to that kind of thing than most places, because every cable came through the same tunnel.

I think they use satellite dishes now, but the same thing happened after Hurricane Ike for a couple of weeks.

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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

seamusTX wrote:A "mugger roll" is useful as a distraction. You can take it out and drop it. It gets the robbers' eyes off of you.

I would think something like 2 $5s and 10 $1s would look substantial enough, but please don't take that as a recommendation.

I learned the hard way that you can't always get along on a debit card. We had a storm that knocked out debit card validations, and we couldn't use debit cards or ATMs for about five days. Galveston Island used to be more susceptible to that kind of thing than most places, because every cable came through the same tunnel.

I think they use satellite dishes now, but the same thing happened after Hurricane Ike for a couple of weeks.

- Jim
Good point. No cash in that area during Katrina would have been rough. But most of the time one can be prepared for that in advance.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by flintknapper »

KRM45 wrote:[quote="G.C.MontgomeryAt 5'0"-5'6" and nothing over 135lbs I am not convinced either could seriously threaten me (6'2"@320lbs) with baseball bats. But if they really were that stupid, I am not into drawing guns just to "scare" people. I'd certainly issue verbal commands to get away from me and I'd probably have some sort of impact weapon (SureFire Defender or closed, folding knife) at the ready. OC would be a good option too. But I'm more likely to take the bat away from some that small. I'm sorry ladies but, if a woman is "man enough" and dumb enough try to rob me in a parking lot with a baseball bat, she's "man enough" to get her bones broken after I take the bat away.
Don't let your over confidence get you in trouble. You have no idea what these women are capable of. This is a clear threat of deadly force.
Yup. The cemeteries are full of people who underestimated their opponent(s). A simultaneous attack from two persons wielding bats can quickly become more dynamic and troublesome than one might think. Either comply...or prepare to use everything you have to your greatest advantage.
I would also suggest you be careful about taking the bat away and then using it on them. Your use of the bat would also constitute the use of deadly force, and once you have taken their weapon you may no longer be justified.
Yup again. Depending upon the circumstance this could easily cross over to YOU being the aggressor. I can just imagine how a slick lawyer might draw a mental picture for the jury...of the hulking male beating the petite female (now unarmed) with a bat. Not to mention...they are sure to dig up this thread on the internet...which may not prove "beneficial".
I for one would defend myself with all available means. I have no problem drawing my gun and letting them know that they will be shot if they make one more move.
Each person needs to decide for themselves what to do in this situation....but personally I will not put myself behind the 8 ball supposing that I will successfully disarm these two females. They may not have the same skill sets I do, but then again...they might. All they have to do is get "lucky" and land one good blow to gain the upper hand.

Additionally, fighting one person is one thing, fighting two people changes things considerably.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by stevie_d_64 »

03Lightningrocks wrote:
seamusTX wrote:A "mugger roll" is useful as a distraction. You can take it out and drop it. It gets the robbers' eyes off of you.

I would think something like 2 $5s and 10 $1s would look substantial enough, but please don't take that as a recommendation.

I learned the hard way that you can't always get along on a debit card. We had a storm that knocked out debit card validations, and we couldn't use debit cards or ATMs for about five days. Galveston Island used to be more susceptible to that kind of thing than most places, because every cable came through the same tunnel.

I think they use satellite dishes now, but the same thing happened after Hurricane Ike for a couple of weeks.

- Jim
Good point. No cash in that area during Katrina would have been rough. But most of the time one can be prepared for that in advance.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by Purplehood »

Two small and determined women with sawed-off bats or clubs taking you totally unaware in your favorite place to protect can totally become equal with the largest of men.

I am sure that if they did intend to take on a big-bad-large male, they would surely think it out first instead of a simple face-to-face confrontation. Odds are, they avoid them in the first place.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by frazzled »

1. Bats are indeed lethal weapons
2. Threatening with a bat is threatening immediate potentially lethal battery, with the ability to do so.
3. Never bring a bat to a gunfight.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by barres »

When I was coaching my son's t-ball team, I once made the mistake of walking up behind one of the boys (a 5 year-old) who was taking some practice swings, because I wasn't paying enough attention to where I was. He connected solidly to my right knee. I wasn't seriously/permanently injured, but I spent the rest of the day moving slowly and walking with quite a limp. From a 5 year-old boy who might have stood 3' 8" and weighed 55 pounds soaking wet.

Two women, each twice his weight and 2' taller, would definitely have the ability to seriously hurt or kill me, if they can get in even one lucky hit. And, if they can get you down, you're done for. Two women with baseball bats robbing me or my loved ones will be met with sufficient deadly force from my handgun as necessary to stop them from being able to assault me or mine. YMMV.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by pdubyoo »

KRM45 wrote: Don't let your over confidence get you in trouble. You have no idea what these women are capable of. This is a clear threat of deadly force.

I would also suggest you be careful about taking the bat away and then using it on them. Your use of the bat would also constitute the use of deadly force, and once you have taken thier weapon you may no longer be justified.

I for one would defend myself with all available means. I have no problem drawing my gun and letting them know that they will be shot if they make one more move.
My CHL instructor explained that LEO's are trained to "one-up" the BG with an opposing weapon, and the LEO's have several to choose from before they pull their sidearm. But in the case of a citizen who doesn't carry an arsenol of other weapons, nor is trained in alternative countermeasures, their only "one-up" is their concealed handgun. With that in mind, if I'm approached by someone with a bat (man or woman) and they threaten me with it, I'm going to one-up their weapon of to be them. Even if it's a small-framed woman...a person under the influence of certain drugs can amaze you with their strength and agressiveness. Multiply the threat by two or more, and well, I'm not taking any chances.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

frazzled wrote:1. Bats are indeed lethal weapons
2. Threatening with a bat is threatening immediate potentially lethal battery, with the ability to do so.
3. Never bring a bat to a gunfight.
This is correct. Bats are considered a deadly weapon under the law, so I would think we could legally shoot to defend ourselves.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by JJVP »

As I recall all the victims were woman alone. I don't think they were stupid enogh to attack men. At least not yet. The week when this was first reported my wife informed me that she was going to the mall and I was going with her, no buts about it. She knows how much I hate going to the mall. Even though she though she could take care of the women herself, she said she would rather had me there for additional protection. A couple of weeks later I bought her a mace spray and a tazer, which she now carries.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by NuBer92 »

As per ch. 11 news at noon, they have been caught and charged with aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon.

Each woman is being held on a $50,000 bond.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by seamusTX »

Thanks for the heads-up. ... 9dc61.html" onclick=";return false;

Not much more information except the names of the suspects and their photos.

I'm always interested in the details of how these cases are solved, whether from victim or witness reports, security video or someone involved running their mouth.

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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

seamusTX wrote:Thanks for the heads-up. ... 9dc61.html" onclick=";return false;

Not much more information except the names of the suspects and their photos.

I'm always interested in the details of how these cases are solved, whether from victim or witness reports, security video or someone involved running their mouth.

- Jim

Now that is what I call a couple rough looking bruisers. It would be nice to believe they will now be off the streets, but it will probably get plea bargained down to probation. The lesson they just learned is not to leave any witnesses alive. Next time they will sneak up behind the victim and club them in the head first.
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Re: Another attack in webster by two women


Post by tfrazier »

No one has ever tried to take my purse. Maybe it's because they are distracted by the sun dress and pith helmet I wear when shopping at Hobby Lobby...

All kidding aside, no one other than a little kid is going to get within striking distance of me with a bat without contracting lead poisoning. I don't care if it's a little ol' lady or Elvis Andrus in full uniform...they're going to put that bat down, keep their distance, or fall down.
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