Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical

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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by heliguy972 »


Well, a CHL holder has to be 21 and must know the law. If they get caught with their gun while intoxicated it will be a terrible scar on the movement. I will make a prediction here and now that it won't happen. How many 21,22,23 year old CHL holders are in dorms at any given time? I would guess it to be not more than 100 in the entire state. Of those we are talking about the most responsible of the students, and most faculty, on the entire campus. I consider our qualification for getting a CHL far to strenuous and expensive for any person licensed to consider being irresponsible while carrying. The only arguments I can see against this is that of proper secure storage where no other person can get to it. And that, if I remember the bill correctly, it only applies to students and faculty and not to the general CHL community. Please correct me if I am wrong about that. That is my opinion.[/quote]
Almost all Graduate Students are > 21 and they will be the most likely to get CHL's. There are 10's of thousands of graduate students at our colleges in TX...

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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by smokindragon »

heliguy972 wrote:I have real mixed feelings on this. I supervised a 10 story all male residence hall, freshmen and sophmores. I also supervised Sorority Rush. I would like to assume that every college student who qualifies for and earns a CHL has the maturity to keep the booze separate from the gun 100% of the time...But after being in the college environment for 7 yrs, I got to believe that serious mistakes are going to happen.

My boss, whose dad is secret service and who tried to get in the service himself made a mistake. He got his CHL last year, had a beer at a friends house while carrying and then drove home. Had he been pulled over for some reason, handed his CHL to the LEO, LEO smells beer on his breath... And he's got a lot of issues to deal with...I can only imagine the potential accidents waiting on our college campus's...
Thank you.....

Well stated...
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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by Purplehood »

I think there would be more positive than negative results if campus-carry were allowed.

How many of you have seen your "road-rage" and other emotional responses diminish since acquiring your CHL and the responsibility that it entails? I know I have changed since then. I tend to think rather than react.
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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by bdickens »


No, that is not well stated. It is rather poorly stated.

Since a scant handful of people make mistakes we should put prior restraints on everyone else's exercise of their Constitutional rights? Newsweek published an article a while back (a pack of lies, it turns out) accusing guards at Guantanamo of, among other things, flushing a Koran down the toilet. That story sparked riots in the Muslim world in which many people were killed. (Newsweek lied and people died!) Maybe we need to place prior restrictions on the exercise of First Amendment rights as well. Well, we don't and we shouldn't. Instead, the proper course is to punish the bad actor and not to place prior restrictions on the vast majority who don't misuse their liberty.

*edited to indicate more clearly to whom I am responding*
Last edited by bdickens on Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by DoubleJ »

heliguy972 wrote:My boss, whose dad is secret service and who tried to get in the service himself made a mistake. He got his CHL last year, had a beer at a friends house while carrying and then drove home. Had he been pulled over for some reason, handed his CHL to the LEO, LEO smells beer on his breath... And he's got a lot of issues to deal with...I can only imagine the potential accidents waiting on our college campus's...
if he had, literally, A beer, he did not break the law. if he was not INTOXICATED, he was not breaking the law.
we're not going to have the ONE BEER = DEATH debate here, but this is what THE LAW says.

I don't know what the "and he's got a lot of issues to deal with" line means, but your boss' "issues" have nothing to do with Campus Carry.

in regards to you supervising a college dorm, well, I'd like to meet any "kids" that lived there that were 21. prolly weren't many. any "sorority rushes" I'm sure weren't 21yo. you don't rush as a post-grad.

and you are correct, you can only imagine the potential accidents on our college campus's, because there haven't been any in other states (see also Utah), and there won't be in this state, either.

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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by Jacob Staff »

It sounds like college campuses should be posted 51%

Not all college students are there for the parties. What about staff, older students, grad students, commuters and others that don't have lives that revolve around :cheers2:
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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by 74novaman »

Jacob Staff wrote:It sounds like college campuses should be posted 51%

Not all college students are there for the parties. What about staff, older students, grad students, commuters and others that don't have lives that revolve around :cheers2:
Or just students that are responsible. :totap:

I'm not sure where some of you went to college, but we're not all there to just party. :nono:

Even undergrads aren't all frat daddies who are there to get wasted.

I know plenty of older people who aren't responsible enough to carry a weapon either. Age does not automatically equal wisdom.
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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by boomerang »

heliguy972 wrote:IMO

Well, a CHL holder has to be 21 and must know the law. If they get caught with their gun while intoxicated it will be a terrible scar on the movement. I will make a prediction here and now that it won't happen. How many 21,22,23 year old CHL holders are in dorms at any given time? I would guess it to be not more than 100 in the entire state. Of those we are talking about the most responsible of the students, and most faculty, on the entire campus. I consider our qualification for getting a CHL far to strenuous and expensive for any person licensed to consider being irresponsible while carrying. The only arguments I can see against this is that of proper secure storage where no other person can get to it. And that, if I remember the bill correctly, it only applies to students and faculty and not to the general CHL community. Please correct me if I am wrong about that. That is my opinion.
Almost all Graduate Students are > 21 and they will be the most likely to get CHL's. There are 10's of thousands of graduate students at our colleges in TX...
Every graduate student I ever met lived off campus. They can already have guns in their apartments.
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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by AndyAg08 »

I will agree with what was said about the CHL crowd being more responsible on the whole.

I just graduated from college in August, and I'm not saying my friends and I didn't go out and have drinks from time to time, but every one of my friends that was a CHL holder was always very aware of keeping the two separate.

...and from what I noticed was most people old enough to have a CHL live off campus and are not on campus drinking during the day.....usually(haha) :cheers2:

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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by srothstein »

Well, to give you all one example of a person the current restriction is hurting, I would show my daughter. She is a freshman/junior (transfer credits to make junior status, but started new program so basically freshman classes) at Texas State University in San Marcos. She lives in Luling with the family and commutes each day. She is in a few clubs, so two or three days a week, she is on campus well past dark. She rides a motor cycle to and from school (even in the rain or cold). She has not gone for her CHL yet because she has no place to leave the pistol while in class.

Oh yeah, she is also a veteran going to school on the GI bill. And she does not drink at all.

And I worry every time she is out there on campus late, even though (or maybe because) I know what the crime rate is in San Marcos and on campus. If this bill passes, we will have one more CHL on campus. And it will be someone whose judgment in an emergency I trust (and I do recognize how much weight that should carry with everyone else).
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Re: Despicable cartoon in the Houston Comical


Post by Liberty »

srothstein wrote:Well, to give you all one example of a person the current restriction is hurting, I would show my daughter. She is a freshman/junior (transfer credits to make junior status, but started new program so basically freshman classes) at Texas State University in San Marcos. She lives in Luling with the family and commutes each day. She is in a few clubs, so two or three days a week, she is on campus well past dark. She rides a motor cycle to and from school (even in the rain or cold). She has not gone for her CHL yet because she has no place to leave the pistol while in class.

Oh yeah, she is also a veteran going to school on the GI bill. And she does not drink at all.

And I worry every time she is out there on campus late, even though (or maybe because) I know what the crime rate is in San Marcos and on campus. If this bill passes, we will have one more CHL on campus. And it will be someone whose judgment in an emergency I trust (and I do recognize how much weight that should carry with everyone else).
Steve your daughter is representative of thousands of students. While the concern about the mass shooter is real, and can happen, the fact is that our children need to be able to protect from the more everyday type criminals who represent the real threats.
Using the oppositions reasoning, that schools are a special situation where guns need to be removed because its so stressful. Should we disarm police officers, pilots and oh yeah our combat troops?
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