Just wondering if any more on this came out.
Very interesting thread.
Thought I would add in a point that has not been brought up (if that is possible).
Maybe the female coach yelled at Burke, you know something like "I will not let your kid play because you are coward who fathers children at a young age" or something like that ( I mean it is possible, folks here have said that about him). I have seen my fair share of incidents where the "weaker sex" is not always the less aggressive or more polite. Quite a few seem to relish the idea there significant other was there for back up.
Also a few folks saying it was unwise to draw his handgun becasue of all the children and other folks around. Very odd indeed. I can see debating the need for deadly force and drawing a handgun, but not doing it to protect the children? I have heard that before somewhere. If there was school shooter and a teacher drew a handgun (in whatever district allowed it) would that CHL holder be wrong for drawing a pistol around children? I know a little different, but the need for deadly force could have been the same. I know, I do not have all the facts on the Burke case, just saying if there was a need the fact children were around could be irrelevant.
I agree we do not know all the facts, some may chose to pass judgement, fine by me. I did enjoy reading them.
I am glad to hear no one was seriously injured. This could have gone bad, someone could have gotten shot, if the reasons were good enough would be up to a jury.
Really like to know how this turns out, but it may take a while.