Pulled over with a car full of people

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Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by ct214 »

I posted this on another forum, but I didn't know TXCHL was here, so I thought I would ask the TX experts!

I live in TX and have been pulled over a handful of times on the interstate. I have only ever had good experiences with any LEO.

I was driving 3 other people the other day though, and I wondered... what's the drill with a car full of people that don't know I am carrying? (I work in healthcare, and this was a car full of coworkers. We had a pretty legit reason for being in a big hurry on the interstate.)

When I have gotten pulled over in the past, whether carrying or not, I always hand the LEO my license and CCP, roll windows down, light up the cab, and keep my hands on the wheel. They always ask if I am carrying. If I am, they want to know where... but never any problems.

Well, if I happen to get pulled over with others in the car, any recommendations on how not to have that conversation with LEO in front of the passengers? (other than not getting pulled over in the first place )

Can you hand your license/CCP to the LEO and politely ask to step out of the car if he has any questions he'd like to ask? Just a thought... Thanks in advance.

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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by Venus Pax »

I've always wondered how to handle this as well.

I have a feeling you would find yourself at the mercy of the LEO if you merely wrote a note, but that's really your best option.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by G.A. Heath »

I have two pieces of paper, one is printed with "Officer: please do not ask me about this subject in front of the others, I am carrying a firearm and it is located <location>." The other states, "Office: please do not ask me about this subject in front of the others, I am unarmed at this time." On the back they both have: "If you need to ask questions or feel the need to disarm me please ask me to step out of the vehicle." I have never had to use either of them, and only have the second because someday I may have a need for it due to some unforeseen circumstances. The idea and exact wording was suggested to me by a local officer who encountered a similar paper while on a traffic stop.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by longtooth »

First, welcome aboard. Glad you came over. :tiphat:
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Answer the Qs as low key as you can. Things that folks try to hide draw attention from citizens as well as officers. I think you will find it not as big a deal as you are concerned about.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by brianko »

When I have gotten pulled over in the past, whether carrying or not, I always hand the LEO my license and CCP
Why would you do this if you're not carrying?

I've often wondered about questions like this...I would think that if one's employer had a written policy against carrying while engaged in company business, then one would think twice about putting themselves in a position that might expose themselves as being in violation of company rules. If there isn't a written policy, then what's the problem? So your co-workers find out that you carry...if you're carrying legally, and your employer doesn't have a problem with it, then why worry?

Passing off notes to the LEO is bound to be just as suspicious to your passengers as trying to hide the fact that you're carrying.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by ct214 »

Haha... One would be correct! There is no formal policy that prohibits my carrying. Primarily, I am concerned that it would get back to my company and they would create such a policy. My job is a little different. I am a trainer, and I go out with people to train them, so this is not "carpooling" we are talking about. I also might be with people who work for my company or any company that has a contract with mine. So it's a gray area that I don't want anyone to separate into black and white for me. Beside that, it's my practice not to talk about the fact I am carrying... ever. IMO, the best time for anyone to know I am carrying is about the same time they know I need to be.

As far as informing the LEO when I am not carrying, they find out you have a CHL as soon as they run your license, and the same drill ensues, but I figure if we get it out of the way early, then I don't appear to be keeping anything back. In TX, all the LEO's I have encountered have been very supportive, so I have no reservation. Even if I did, those guys and gals face a lot of unknowns in their world. If I can take one question mark out of their day by saying, "Here's my permit, but I am not carrying." then I am okay with that.

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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by brianko »

Here's the problem I see with passing notes to LEOs, or making special requests: Right off the bat, you are tellling them how to do the traffic stop. I would bet there are going to be LEOs that don't take kindly to being told how they are supposed to conduct their stop. (It's right up there with making special requests with the LEO as to what questions to ask or not to ask, or to do it away from the vehicle, or...well, I'm sure you get my point.)

Carrying concealed is not without some risk. If you're not prepared to confront the risk of being outed as a CHL in front of your passengers, then maybe the prudent thing to do might be to drive the speed limit and obey the traffic laws...or not carry when in that situation.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by Venus Pax »

brianko wrote:Carrying concealed is not without some risk. If you're not prepared to confront the risk of being outed as a CHL in front of your passengers, then maybe the prudent thing to do might be to drive the speed limit and obey the traffic laws...or not carry when in that situation.
That sounds great, but I have been pulled over for having a break light or license plate bulb out, and I have also been pulled over (years ago) when my vehicle and I fit the profile of of a not-so-stellar citizen they were seeking. Occasionally, people do get pulled over in spite of their best efforts to avoid it.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by dwhitley »

I find it odd that you always get pulled over. Being a trainer or not speeding unless you are a LEO and running hot to a scene you have no reason to speed. Just my thoughts ...DW
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by ct214 »

DW... you'll have to take my word for it. I have a reason to speed (and so far, 100% of LEO's that have pulled me over on the job agree), but that's really not the point of my question. Venus has a great point. One such time was when I had a tail light out at 2am in Dallas. I had no idea, and the officers were way cool about it. So it's really a question that is worth getting answered for innocent circumstances as well as those of us boneheads who just insist on speeding ;-)

Do we have any LEO's that would be willing to chime in? If the answer is, "Just do it the way you always do it. If you get pulled over, you just might get outed." then I am totally okay with that too.

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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by srothstein »

Well, there was only one time when I ever did more than just hand the CHL back without saying anything. The very first time I stopped someone who had one, I talked with him about it and told him that I had not seen one being carried before. Other than that, if someone handed me a CHL, I was always the "thanks, I don't need that" kind of officer. A note requesting discretion would not bother me and I would comply, but I can't say every officer is the same way.

Some officers would make a big deal of the CHL if they saw a note, just because they would think you were asking for special treatment and they don't like that. Some would make a big deal because they honestly do not like people carrying guns. And some would make a big deal, just because they are jerks.

I think, just as a seat of the pants guess, that about 75% of the officers would try to be discrete about it if you gave them the note with the licenses just asking for discretion. But I tend to think highly of most officers even as I know some do not deserve it.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by Frost »

Just hand him both cards and say "if you have any questions about my ID i would prefer not to answer them in front of my passengers". Yes your passengers will hassle you to explain that comment, but it seems like the better route to go in my opinion. I am not sure what the reaction would be if i tried to pass a note to a cop during a traffic stop, and if the passengers notice the note then i will be getting just as much flak from them any way.
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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by KD5NRH »

Frost wrote:I am not sure what the reaction would be if i tried to pass a note to a cop during a traffic stop, and if the passengers notice the note then i will be getting just as much flak from them any way.
Just make sure the note says "these people are illegal aliens, heavily armed, and forcing me to drive them to Washington DC against my will." :biggrinjester:

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Re: Pulled over with a car full of people


Post by Target1911 »

I like the note thing but I like this the best.

Frost wrote:Just hand him both cards and say "if you have any questions about my ID i would prefer not to answer them in front of my passengers". Yes your passengers will hassle you to explain that comment, but it seems like the better route to go in my opinion. I am not sure what the reaction would be if i tried to pass a note to a cop during a traffic stop, and if the passengers notice the note then i will be getting just as much flak from them any way.

I have had to get the Arlington PD involved in 3 different issues (due to my line of [legal] work) in the last 2 months. The first time I was disarmed in front of the very unhappy 2nd party. Other than that I found the LEO to be very professional. The 2nd party did call my boss and fortunately for me they stretched the truth so far that I was able to play it off without any problems.
The second time the LEO just handed back my CHL and nothing was said about it.
The last time (2 nights ago) no body was around but me and the LEO. He asked if I was carrying and where. I told him and then I said to him....."I dont mind if you choose to disarm me but I ask that you please do it out of view of my video camera. He chose to disarm me but was very understanding and we went out of view. Before he returned both pistols to me, he and 2 other LEOs took several minutes to lust over my pistols.

Both times I was disarmed, all of my pistols were returned fully loaded.

I am in the boat of not wanting the wrong person to know I carry. In your case I would go with, and may use it myself, "if you have any questions about my ID i would prefer not to answer them in front of my passengers"
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