Catfish King 3rd robbery

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Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery


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longtooth wrote:I would rather die fighting than complying.
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Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery


Post by flintknapper »

Sly Dog wrote:
longtooth wrote:I would rather die fighting than complying.
For me, it just depends upon the circumstance. The idea here is to "survive" the situation, not to go down in a blaze of glory. I know that is what LT means also.

In many cases "complying" with the demands of the BG is the correct thing to do. OTOH, if you just feel in your heart that you are going to be seriously injured or killed anyway, then without hesitation fight, and fight for all you are worth.

A few things that I will never allow for are: To be forced into a vehicle, allow myself to be tied up, kneel and face away from the BG, or go prone and face away. All of these things involve a risk level I am not willing to take.
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Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery


Post by Mike from Texas »

I read on another forum that the BG shot the girl first. When that happened, her boyfriend made break for his truck and was shot at least once. he managed to make it to his truck and get his gun and return fire but taking on more hits himself. He was a CHL but his gun was in the truck.

If this is the case, then there is definitely a message here. If your going to carry with your CHL, then have it on your person. It does you no good otherwise.
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Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery


Post by longtooth »

Flint said it best. The complying I was referring to was the "sit dawn & face the wall" orders. Some things I will not do. I have not heard anything about his gun being in the truck but it is not an unreasonable answer to the Qs here.
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Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery


Post by bryang »

Crossfire wrote:
longtooth wrote:I would rather die fighting than complying.
:iagree: That just pretty much says it all.
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Three charged in Catfish King slaying allegedly planned robb


Post by Deaf Smith » ... urder.html

Three charged in Catfish King slaying allegedly planned robbery
Police: Friend thought it was a 'joke'

The Lufkin Daily News

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Hudson man and two Lufkin men charged in a robbery-murder at Catfish King allegedly talked about hitting the restaurant months before the deadly attack, according to an arrest affidavit.

The document released to The Lufkin Daily News through an open records request detailed conversations Lufkin Police detectives had with several people connected to Brian Martin Womack, 19, of Hudson, Robert Dewayne Buschman, 21, and Jarred Q. Berwick, 18, both of Lufkin. All three have been charged with capital murder.

Keith Edward Labrozzi II, 24, died at a local hospital Aug. 17. after being shot multiple times at 10:36 p.m. in the restaurant parking lot at 806 S. Medford Drive. Police said Labrozzi was escorting his girlfriend, manager Katherine Lynn Jeffreys, 23, as she closed the restaurant with the night's deposit in hand.

Womack allegedly surprised the couple armed with a handgun and shot Jeffreys in the ankle. Labrozzi, who was also armed and had a concealed handgun license, fired back and the two engaged in a shootout. Labrozzi and Jeffreys were both taken to a local hospital where he died and she was treated. Police later found Womack in a nearby ditch, an arrest report stated. He had been shot in the abdomen. He was treated at a local hospital, where he remains recovering under police guard.

Hours before the botched robbery, Berwick and Buschman allegedly delivered marijuana to an employee at Catfish King, an arrest affidavit stated. Berwick denied the sale when detectives interviewed him, but said he had delivered drugs there in the past. A manager who answered the phone at Catfish King Monday morning said she could not answer questions and deferred comment to the restaurant's operations manager who was not immediately available for comment.

Just before the robbery, Berwick, Buschman and Womack had been over at a friend's house. A friend told detectives he had seen Womack cleaning a pistol at the house earlier that evening, the report stated. The friend said Womack allegedly told him Berwick, Buschman and he were planning to rob Catfish King.

"He initially took this as a joke and jokingly requested to be allowed to join in," the report stated.

The friend said he later felt the robbery was not a joke and left. The next day he talked to Berwick and Buschman, who said the robbery had not gone as planned and they had left Womack in a ditch, the report stated.

Detectives taped a series of calls between the friend, Buschman and Berwick, which indicated the two had been involved in the robbery, the report stated.

During interviews with detectives, Berwick said he and Buschman had "discussed the ease with which someone could rob Catfish King" and that those conversations happened two to three months ago, the arrest affidavit stated. Berwick said Womack overheard those conversations, and denied his involvement in robbery, the affidavit stated.

Berwick said on the night of the robbery Womack gave no indication he was going to rob the restaurant, the report stated. Buschman denied any involvement with the robbery and told detectives another friend had helped Womack, the report stated.

Buschman, arrested during a traffic stop late Saturday, is being held at Angelina County Jail on a $1 million dollar bond for capital murder, along with bonds for aggravated assault and aggravated robbery. Bond for Berwick, who turned himself in Sunday, had not been set as of Monday morning. He has also been charged with aggravated robbery and aggravated assault.

Angelina County Jail Capt. Louise Marshall said Berwick and Buschman are being housed separately. Buschman is being kept in a medical cell under jail staff supervision after injuring himself Saturday night. Jail staff discovered Buschman repeatedly banging his head into a cell wall after being booked into jail.

"We had him in holding and he starting banging his head," Sheriff Kent Henson said. "He ended up having to get staples."

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Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery


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Re: Catfish King 3rd robbery


Post by TexasComputerDude »

I just drove by the catfish king and they have a big help wanted sign out front. I don't know if I would want that job.
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Re: Three charged in Catfish King slaying allegedly planned robb


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Deaf Smith wrote:
"We had him in holding and he starting banging his head," Sheriff Kent Henson said. "He ended up having to get staples."

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LOL...when I was a teenager, I knew a kid that "banged his own face into the wall" while under arrest. He was trying to convince himself that he needed to confess to stealing stuff out of peoples garages. It worked...he confessed. :coolgleamA:

Glad they caught them before they killed somebody else. These kind of stories always make me ill. The young man that lost his life may have been on this very forum at one time or the other. Very sad story.
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