txinvestigator wrote:boomerang wrote:Weekly Reader wrote:Heck yes.
We have been burgularized enough times to loose our insurance.
My property is worth something to me. I work hard to earn enough money to buy what I have. I'm willing to spend a few bullets to keep it.
It'll cost you a lot more than the price of a few bullets.
You guys who are so ready to shoot someone need to sit and talk to a few people who have. The financial, emotional and psychological impacts on you AND your family are not minor nor a joke. A realize that everybody wants to be a tough guy, but there seriously needs some thought put into these types of statements.
I believe "Weekly Reader" put a lot of thought into it: burglars have not only stolen his property, they've stolen his ability to insure against burglars. When certain property = livelihood, stealing that property is the same as stealing one's life.
The Old West standard of hanging horse thieves justified capital punishment because stealing a horse was the same as stealing a man's life. Leaving a man afoot in the wilderness condemned him to a long slow death; likewise, a horse and tack likely represented his life's savings, and stealing that was the same as taking his life.
We've come a long way from the Old West in many ways, but in other ways, not so much... when theft leaves a man unable to ply his trade and feed his family, the thief has literally endangered lives.