Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
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If they weren't here by breaking the law to begin with..would he have had to shoot them?KBCraig wrote:Exactly. People have been a bit too eager to proclaim that they must be illegal aliens. Whether they were or weren't has no bearing on whether Joe Horn was justified.stevie_d_64 wrote:Yep...Amazing how the backgrounds of the two deceased have been kept under wraps for as long as it has...
But then again, how, and why should we assume, or know anything about them if we were in Mr. Horn's shoes that day...
It is not an issue, they were observed actively committing a crime...
It's all about their actions, not their immigration status.
At what point will this all boil down to the bottom line and that is the influx of illegals doing more and more crimes
I sure home Mr. Horn is no billed!
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‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’ - Edmond Burke
I hope they no-bill him, too. Latest statistics on crime: Over 30% committed by illegals overall, with much higher percentages for more violent crime ... armed robbery, rape, murder, etc. Pretty much squares with another article from FAIR that over 1/3 of the prison population is now illegal immigrants. Worse, it all comes out of our pockets in the form of taxes. Want to know why Texans are losing their homes due to taxes from higher appraisals? One word ... illegal immigration ... but that's a topic for another discussion.Molon_labe wrote:
If they weren't here by breaking the law to begin with..would he have had to shoot them?
At what point will this all boil down to the bottom line and that is the influx of illegals doing more and more crimes
I sure home Mr. Horn is no billed!
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I just hope that neighborhood got some sort of restriction on assemblies by "anyone" on this issue...
Otherwise, when and if Mr. Horn is "no-billed" we do not see a repeat of L.A. after the Rodney King debacle...
But I only assume our society has grown up from that series of "people having nothing better to do than riot" syndrome...
I may be assuming too much...Breaking my own rule about it...
Otherwise, when and if Mr. Horn is "no-billed" we do not see a repeat of L.A. after the Rodney King debacle...
But I only assume our society has grown up from that series of "people having nothing better to do than riot" syndrome...
I may be assuming too much...Breaking my own rule about it...
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O'Reilly is always race baiting and playing the race card. He did it when a black guy was beat in Cincinati after being pursued by police a few years ago "This is cincinati, it's not too far from the South" (now we Southerners are responsible for racial problems in the North). He did it when the so-called "Jena-6" thing was brewing. Never once did he interview the sheriff or the DA, just interviewd Al Sharpton and the outside race baiters that weren't even from the area.dustyb wrote:frankie_the_yankee wrote:
Bill O'Reilly is doing a story on QX's protest at Joe Horn's house, and on the counter protest. It will be on tonight's show. Should be some good video.
Doug.38PR wrote:
I saw that....those two blondes apparently are unaware that you can use deadly force to protect the property of a third person in Texas in many cases. (as has been said on this and other threads) They only talk about being able to defend your person if you feel your life is in danger.
I like Bill O'Reilly and watch and listen to him fairly regularly, but he was quick to make it a racial incident. Apparently his view was based on the video showing Quannel and his supporters being black and Mr. Horn's supporters being mainly white, not based on any real knowledge of the shooting. Most likely, Mr. O'Reilly is not aware of x's role as a "race" agent provocateur. OR... playing the race card makes for better ratings.
O'Reilly is a self righteous Yankee that is always on a racist witch hunt.
I like many of his points too, but he is an arrogant know-it-all.
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and Keith Olberman is quick to point much of his, well, faults.Doug.38PR wrote:
O'Reilly is always race baiting and playing the race card. He did it when a black guy was beat in Cincinati after being pursued by police a few years ago "This is cincinati, it's not too far from the South" (now we Southerners are responsible for racial problems in the North). He did it when the so-called "Jena-6" thing was brewing. Never once did he interview the sheriff or the DA, just interviewd Al Sharpton and the outside race baiters that weren't even from the area.
O'Reilly is a self righteous Yankee that is always on a racist witch hunt.
I like many of his points too, but he is an arrogant know-it-all.
those two shows are funny.
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I guess I had that one coming...if I wanted a clear and concise answer, I should have asked a clear on concise question.DoubleJ wrote:yes. I can confirm that there is a watercooler, and there is talk that goes on around it.pt145ss wrote:The talk around the water cooler this morning is that this case is going to the grand jury tomorrow. Can anyone confirm if that is true?
as far as Joe Horn... nope, sorry.
So is that nope…it is not going to the grand jury tomorrow?…or is that nope you can not confirm that it is going to the grand jury tomorrow?
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It's Noogie-time!!!DoubleJ wrote:yes. I can confirm that there is a watercooler, and there is talk that goes on around it.pt145ss wrote:The talk around the water cooler this morning is that this case is going to the grand jury tomorrow. Can anyone confirm if that is true?
as far as Joe Horn... nope, sorry.

"Perseverance and Preparedness triumph over Procrastination and Paranoia every time.” -- Steve
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I have been trying to tell Police about the fake Birth Certificates from areas that have had fires that burned down the building holding birth records that they use, for over 10 years. I even called the FBI and told them, but no one wants to go to the flea market or Fiesta kiosks on their Sunday off. The folks that used to come to our church food pantry, before we quit giving to illegals, were proud that they had sneaked into the US and were scamming our system. The women would proudly show a whole wallet filled with twenty or more Social Security Cards, Driver's Licenses, etc. I would ask, "If this is your husband's DL, how is he driving?" and get the deer caught in the headlights look. Now, finally, someone has had to admit what is going on, because of what Mr. Horn did, because it can no longer be hidden. He IS a hero!!!!
Way to go Joe!!!!

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Anyone know this attorney? And is he right on this. Some lib. had linked him to Chron.com site in this heated debates:
http://www.chron.com/disp/commnts.mpl/n ... entPage=11
Anyone know this attorney? And is he right on this. Some lib. had linked him to Chron.com site in this heated debates:
http://www.chron.com/disp/commnts.mpl/n ... entPage=11
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That was an interesting read. I know little to nothing about the whole indictment process but I believe that grand juries are held in private and that defense attorneys are not present (unless otherwise “invited� by the DA). From my understanding it is basically the DA asserting their case and then the grand jury decides if there is enough probable cause that a crime was committed and that there is enough probable cause that that it was the defendant that did it. Given the arguments made by this attorney and specifically the 911 recording it is entirely possible that the DA could convince a GJ that there is enough probable cause to warrant a trial. I think during a trial, the defense stands a small chance in proving fear of immediate danger. One thing this attorney did not mention, which was mentioned in news reports is that one of the suspects had a tire iron which was used to break the glass. If this is fact, and the one who supposedly came at Horn in the front yard was the who had the tire iron, I would believe he feared for his life. I also believe that because he was on his own porch he had no duty to retreat…just my 2 cents.Taz65TX wrote:http://www.johntfloyd.com/comments/november/29a.htm
Anyone know this attorney? And is he right on this. Some lib. had linked him to Chron.com site in this heated debates:
http://www.chron.com/disp/commnts.mpl/n ... entPage=11