Convince me that constitutional carry is a good thing

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Re: Convince me that constitutional carry is a good thing


Post by OlBill »

rotor wrote:
OlBill wrote:
Soldiers can be politically active, they must can't do it in uniform.

I didn't give up any 2nd Amendment rights more than a civilian. I had a permit from the state and carried all the time.

I got married twice and didn't get permission either time.

Right to live?

There's a lot if misconceptions in your post.
I got out in 1980. Maybe things have changed since. Thousands on secret VA waiting lists now doesn't sound like health care needs are being met for our vets. I also lived on base and didn't have those 2A rights. You carried on base? Not in any base I was ever in. You think your medical care was state of the art? I can tell you it wasn't from direct experience. Adequate but not state of the art. Why do you think we have "Wounded Warrior" asking for money? All this needs to be a different thread though as off topic.
I was in in 1980. The last 5 years I worked for DOD at a place your probably familiar with if I have your user name right.

Obviously some VA hospitals are better than others. VA doesn't really have anything to do with AD though, does it?

I didn't own property on base in CONUS. They had 30.06 signs up. ;-) I carried on bases OCONUS. And in the towns I lived in.

It's all about the Constitution.
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Re: Convince me that constitutional carry is a good thing


Post by Gator Guy »

If somebody doesn't think constitutional rights are a good thing, logic won't change their mind.
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Re: Convince me that constitutional carry is a good thing


Post by oljames3 »

I can't prove that "constitutional carry" is a good thing, nor can I prove it is a bad thing. The evidence from states that do not or never have required a license/permit to carry shows that this has not been an issue. Depending on how you define/count, 14 states already have something like "constitutional carry" and tow more states, Oklahoma and Iowa, are working to add themselves to the list. ... o-the-same
O. Lee James, III Captain, US Army (Retired 2012), Honorable Order of St. Barbara
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