A statewide mandate that all employers use E-Verify during the hiring process would be great.
Let any who would consider illegal entry know that there will be no jobs waiting for them when they get here would be great.
Right now we only have a half-baked measure requiring state employment check.
Info: https://cis.org/Fact-Sheet/EVerify-Fact-Sheet
Info: https://www.texastribune.org/2015/08/27 ... comes-law/
Priorities for 2019 legislative session
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
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Re: Priorities for 2019 legislative session
Do you have a champion (legislative sponsor) for the "Common Sense Gun Law For The Children Worth It If It Saves One Life Act?"
I have a friend, 2A advocate, who's on the Rep executive committee that's willing to take some inputs on what to push for this session. I dunno how much influence they actually have on legislators/legislation, but would think even a little help would help.
USAF 1982-2005
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Re: Priorities for 2019 legislative session
Strict liability of businesses posting 30.06 or 30.07 signs for any assaultive offenses committed against any person on their property or going to or from their property.
Require that any entity posting 30.06 or 30.07 signs or that is otherwise off limits to LTCs provide secured storage and armed security with a minimum ratio of guards to disarmed victims.
Right to private action added to 411.209. Make it an offense for any entity to give such notice for property owned or leased by a government entity.
Require that any entity posting 30.06 or 30.07 signs or that is otherwise off limits to LTCs provide secured storage and armed security with a minimum ratio of guards to disarmed victims.
Right to private action added to 411.209. Make it an offense for any entity to give such notice for property owned or leased by a government entity.