KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law

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KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by Steve5115 »

NEW YORK (AP) — Democratic attorneys general from 17 states are calling on Congress to abandon legislation backed by the National Rifle Association that would allow concealed-carry gun permits issued in one state to be valid in all states. ... /485314559
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by bblhd672 »

New day...same tired old arguments of blood in the streets if there isn't more restrictive gun control.
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by Flightmare »

The Democratic attorney generals argue that concealed-carry reciprocity would empower gun traffickers, terrorists and other criminals. And they say it would help criminals avoid permit requirements altogether should they assert residence in one of the 12 states that allow gun owners to carry a concealed weapon without a permit.
Criminals avoid permit requirements today by ignoring the law! :banghead:
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by srothstein »

Hmm, 17 AGs oppose the law. That means 33 AGs are not opposed to it, a 2 to 1 margin. I guess it is time for the bill to pass if that is the measure.
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Because, you know, permitting requirements slows down gun traffickers now...
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by Captain Matt »

LEOSA should be amended to give out of state LTC the same consideration as out of state LEO. After all, Texas LTC gun down fewer innocent people than NYPD.

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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by Abraham »

Why does illogic appeal to those knuckle heads?

Disarming law abiding, armed citizens who are then put completely at the mercy of criminals who are armed isn't logical.

How many congress types are protected by armed security?

Shouldn't they work at disarming them first given they presumably have immediate control over them...

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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by crazy2medic »

Abraham wrote:Why does illogic appeal to those knuckle heads?

Disarming law abiding, armed citizens who are then put completely at the mercy of criminals who are armed isn't logical.

How many congress types are protected by armed security?

Shouldn't they work at disarming them first given they presumably have immediate control over them...
STOP! STOP! Your making sense and applying logic, don't do that, you might actually cause a liberals head to explode!
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by ghostrider »

I'm shocked. Shocked.

There's more than 3 states where the Attorney-General is still a democrat?

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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by Jeff B. »

So let's apply the same logic they are appying.

Thye can do as they like, but in the spirit of reciprocity, folks with drivers licenses from those 17 States cannot drive in Texas (or the other States wanting reciprocity) and we'll call it good.

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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by SewTexas »

y'all are still comparing it to DL's. Driving laws are pretty much the same in every state. There are a few differences, and you have to know them. In some states you can't U turn unless there is a sign saying you can, whereas in other states you can unless there is a sign saying you can't. You have to know this stuff or you will get a ticket. A ticket is different than losing your carry rights. Nat Rec won't change the laws. New York isn't going to allow Texans to carry guns into their state, it's not going to happen. Neither is NJ, or Maryland or CA....Not without major law changes. I simply don't understand why people want this.
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by Liberty »

SewTexas wrote: New York isn't going to allow Texans to carry guns into their state, it's not going to happen. Neither is NJ, or Maryland or CA....Not without major law changes. I simply don't understand why people want this.
To me it's about being able to a gun into states like New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. Right now a can't get there from here.
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by pbwalker »

My $0.02

National CC reciprocity won't happen anytime soon. With all the obstruction in DC, I just don't see it. I could be wrong, and would like to be. Now, if we can use the reciprocity as the red herring to get the Hearing Protection Act passed, I'd be a happy camper. NFA laws for cans are ridiculous and need to go away now!
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by Beiruty »

As if I crossed the state line I would be criminal even when I have committed no offense and I have a squeaky clean record.
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Re: KHOU - 17 states call on Congress to abandon concealed carry gun law


Post by OneGun »

Beiruty wrote:As if I crossed the state line I would be criminal even when I have committed no offense and I have a squeaky clean record.
Welcome to the current version of the reality by entering the Twilight Zone!! :drool:
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