Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?

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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Abraham »

"Finding a compromise that maintains the largest customer base is just financially sound. "

And, that is the reason 30.07 signs are posted, not because the business is anti-gun, but because they're concerned that significantly more people will be put off than OCers and their revenue will be decreased, i.e., it's a business decision.

It's their decision to make no matter what. All the crying and gnashing of OC teeth notwithstanding...
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by apvonkanel »

Liberty wrote:
apvonkanel wrote:
I think your sentiment regarding 30.07 is spot on. I would even go so far as to say that 30.06 does not explicitly mean anti-gun. It's an "All chickens are birds, but not all birds are chickens" situation. To some 30.07 is dress-code to some it's political. While I would say that most 30.06 is anti-gun, I can't say that every single business posting 30.06 is anti-gun. Until I speak with the person on whom the final decision rested I can't say that I know why they posted it. I can assume that it's usually anti-gun, but to assume that it's always anti-gun is to assume that I know everything about the business. 30.07 can be anti-gun, or it can be smart business. Honestly, I don't blame a business that wants to keep revenue from both the moderately pro 2A and moderately anti-gun sides. 30.07 (without 30.06) only alienates the more severe advocates of either side, while maintaining the bulk of a customer base. Unless you started a business purely on constitutional principal, I assume you wanted some revenue from the business. Finding a compromise that maintains the largest customer base is just financially sound.

That being said: since the bulk of my revenue does not come from a business I own, anything I'm saying is just armchair QB talk anyway.
I always thought that most 30.07 signs are pretty silly. I don't see Walmart or Krogers losing any money because they haven't posted signs. There are a lot fewer rabid anti's her than most of us believe, but I do believe that HEB has lost some customers over these signs. Maybe just a very small percentage, but no retail business likes to lose even a small percentage of customers.
Really, unless we review financials, we can only go off what what we see from our peers. Considering most of my social circle isn't anti-gun, I don't know how many anti-gun people avoid Kroger or Walmart, but I do know that only the most rabid of my peers avoid HEB because they can't OC.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by rtschl »

As others have stated 30.07 is a dress code so that doesn't bother me. I try to avoid 30.06 but it isn't always possible.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Abraham wrote:"Finding a compromise that maintains the largest customer base is just financially sound. "

And, that is the reason 30.07 signs are posted, not because the business is anti-gun, but because they're concerned that significantly more people will be put off than OCers and their revenue will be decreased, i.e., it's a business decision.

It's their decision to make no matter what. All the crying and gnashing of OC teeth notwithstanding...
I disagree. Given that the majority of the public is understandably ignorant on the specifics of the law, any "no guns" sign would have the same reassuring effect as a compliant 30.07 sign. The only difference is that the owner would run a risk that for the 1 day every 6 months that someone actually open carries into their store, some percentage of the other customers who happen to be in the store at that time (percentage would vary by the type of store, etc) might notice the gun, and might be offended enough to change their shopping habits.

I would love to see someone design a sign that said "NO GUNS" in big bold letters and then went on to explain in smaller letters that the sign does not apply to licensed LTC holders, but that anyone choosing to enter with a visible firearm is asked to please conduct themselves in a calm and mature manner so as not to frighten the special snowflakes that tend to be scared of inanimate objects. The sheeple will stop reading after "NO GUNS". LTC holders will read the whole thing and may get a chuckle out of it while knowing that the owner is trying to do the right thing in a tough spot.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Liberty »

Abraham wrote:"Finding a compromise that maintains the largest customer base is just financially sound. "

And, that is the reason 30.07 signs are posted, not because the business is anti-gun, but because they're concerned that significantly more people will be put off than OCers and their revenue will be decreased, i.e., it's a business decision.

It's their decision to make no matter what. All the crying and gnashing of OC teeth notwithstanding...
I understand that it's just the perception of the Management and owners that matters. I believe that hardly anyone cares if there is no sign. Although there are a few of us that care if there is a sign. I know a few antis most of them are sheep and haven't a clue about 30.07 / 30.06 and likely wouldn't notice if one OCing a Dessert eagle in a dropleg holster.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by thetexan »

Yes, but only because the business, if posted, is a dangerous soft target with a sign advertising that everyone inside is unarmed (if it's 30.06).

Not because I think he doesn't deserve my business because he is exercising his right to restrict oc or cc.

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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Abraham »


I'm not certain what your point is, but the only thing (beyond lobbying the legislature) I have a good percentage of control over when I encounter a 30.06 posted business is: to go elsewhere...

Someone mentioned visiting a friend in the hospital, but if you're going in to be whittled on, carrying simply isn't an option even if the hospital wasn't posted.

All this venting is kinda fun, but if a business wants to post 30.06 or 30.07 there nothing you can do beyond not giving them your money and that ain't always possible.

Wait, yes it is, you can simply avoid the surgery and die or not visit your friend, but you can't force businesses to not post if they so choose...
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by LucasMcCain »

If a business is posted 30.07 and I have an equally convenient option that isn't, I will choose the one that isn't. Otherwise, it doesn't really bother me to let my tee shirt out over my gun. 30.06 on the other hand means they will not get my business, with a few exceptions. Hospitals have been mentioned, and I haven't figured a way around that really.

The other one I run into is live music venues. I'm really into live music, and the majority of places to hear it are either bars (51%) or they are specifically live music venues, which almost all post both signs, have metal detectors, etc. I will disarm and go to these places for two reasons: I really like live music, and I'm usually having a beer or three during the concert, and would therefore disarm anyway. It bugs me a lot on principle, but I don't get to pick what venue an artist I really want to hear chooses to play at. On the up side, most of them have a lot of security including police officers.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Jusme »

Liberty wrote:
apvonkanel wrote:
I think your sentiment regarding 30.07 is spot on. I would even go so far as to say that 30.06 does not explicitly mean anti-gun. It's an "All chickens are birds, but not all birds are chickens" situation. To some 30.07 is dress-code to some it's political. While I would say that most 30.06 is anti-gun, I can't say that every single business posting 30.06 is anti-gun. Until I speak with the person on whom the final decision rested I can't say that I know why they posted it. I can assume that it's usually anti-gun, but to assume that it's always anti-gun is to assume that I know everything about the business. 30.07 can be anti-gun, or it can be smart business. Honestly, I don't blame a business that wants to keep revenue from both the moderately pro 2A and moderately anti-gun sides. 30.07 (without 30.06) only alienates the more severe advocates of either side, while maintaining the bulk of a customer base. Unless you started a business purely on constitutional principal, I assume you wanted some revenue from the business. Finding a compromise that maintains the largest customer base is just financially sound.

That being said: since the bulk of my revenue does not come from a business I own, anything I'm saying is just armchair QB talk anyway.
I always thought that most 30.07 signs are pretty silly. I don't see Walmart or Krogers losing any money because they haven't posted signs. There are a lot fewer rabid anti's her than most of us believe, but I do believe that HEB has lost some customers over these signs. Maybe just a very small percentage, but no retail business likes to lose even a small percentage of customers.

If the HEB in Burleson has lost customers I have no evidence of it. In fact I schedule my shopping for the least crowded times to avoid the crowds.
I think fewer businesses, especially new businesses, are posting any signs.

On a side note, I met and spoke with an LTC holder at HEB, who I had seen a couple of times obviously printing. He was wearing on one occasion, a "come and take it" t-shirt and the next time one with the 2A printed on it. I spoke to him the second time I saw him and asked what he was carrying, he looked shocked :shock: although with the tight t-shirt over an OWB holster, I could see everything but the brand name. :mrgreen: He said it was a Sig 10mm. We talked while waiting at the deli counter, he said he very seldom OC but didn't worry too much about printing, he said no one had ever noticed it before. I told him I had seen him a week or so earlier, and described the t-shirt he was wearing. I was wearing a button up shirt untucked over mine but he said had I not said anything, he would have never noticed.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Jay2121 »

If posted for both 06 and 07 I will not enter. If posted with either an 06 or 07 but not both, I will enter ONLY if what I am looking for is not available at another merchant that is not posted at all.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by oljames3 »

thetexan wrote:Yes, but only because the business, if posted, is a dangerous soft target with a sign advertising that everyone inside is unarmed (if it's 30.06).
As with most things in life, it comes down to which risks we are willing to manage and which benefits matter most.
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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Russell wrote:I'm just a drop in the bucket, but after Kroger opened up fairly close to our HEB we have stopped going to HEB all together. Not just because the wife prefers the produce at Kroger, but also because I no longer have to untuck my shirt to go grocery shopping.

HEB is nice and all, but Kroger is equally nice and more 2A friendly.

I've called HEB out on their Facebook page, pointing out that to date no OCer has caused a mass shooting in Kroger. Unsurprisingly they haven't responded. They bill themselves as a bunch of good old down-home Texas loving country folk yet were among the firsts to quickly put up 30.07 signs state wide. Hypocrites.
One of my big problems is with those companies that decided to come out publicly against OC before there was any experience that could show there might be issues, and in some cases, well before the law even went into effect. Whataburger is a big offender here, IMHO. I have no idea what they were trying to accomplish with their immediate reaction. It's not like they were in danger of losing customers to competitors since all the other fast food places took the more responsible approach of waiting to make a decision after evidence was available, post 1/1/16. I feel similarly about HEB, and I definitely make an effort to avoid both of those companies' locations.

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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Glock4ever »

Russell wrote:I'm just a drop in the bucket, but after Kroger opened up fairly close to our HEB we have stopped going to HEB all together. Not just because the wife prefers the produce at Kroger, but also because I no longer have to untuck my shirt to go grocery shopping.

HEB is nice and all, but Kroger is equally nice and more 2A friendly.

I've called HEB out on their Facebook page, pointing out that to date no OCer has caused a mass shooting in Kroger. Unsurprisingly they haven't responded. They bill themselves as a bunch of good old down-home Texas loving country folk yet were among the firsts to quickly put up 30.07 signs state wide. Hypocrites.
I couldn't agree more. Excellent post boss.

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Re: Do you refuse to do business with 30.06 & 30.07 businesses?


Post by Abraham »


I understand your perspective, but businesses will do what they do without my or your input, logic be darned, if you will.

While we can criticize (generally to little affect) we do have the option of shopping elsewhere.

The thing I see by many pro-gun folks is a lack of acceptance that businesses have a right to post yes to guns or no.

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