The Wall wrote:I personally don't care if it's written in crayons on a postage stamp. If I see it and read it, and it says no guns allowed I don't wear my gun. Or I don't go in. I think of it as going on private property and they have the right to not have guns on their property. The law and the signs just protect us from being arrested if we choose to ignore the property owners wishes and they don't have proper signage. People creating issues is why we have some of these stupid laws in the first place. Just my opinion.
As is your right. However, I expect the owner to abide by and be accountable to the same rules as I am. The owner has available to him, and is in fact bound by, rules that allow him to prohibit handguns on his property and those rules must be meticulously followed whether that private property is a home or a restaurant, else it is your rights that are being infringed. Trespass statutes, whether 30.05, 30.06, or 30.07, give that owner all of the tools necessary to make his prohibition(s). It is not too much to ask, and, in fact, I insist, that the owner live by the same statutes to uphold his rights as I do to uphold mine, especially since the very mechanism that upholds his right to prohibit is the same mechanism that restricts mine. And I require this of the owner by insisting that he inform me properly under the specifications set forth in 30.06 and 30.07. In fact, those statutes are one in the same.
The very rules that allow the owner to prohibit, also allow me to carry should the owner choose not to properly use those rules to prohibit. Same rules, same level of accountability for both the owner and the LTC. I'm not really interested in the owner's feelings on the subject of carrying guns . What I do care about is that he INFORM me LEGALLY BY STATUTE of his desire that no guns be carried on his property. That's on him. My responsibility is to respect those wishes ONCE I HAVE BEEN PROPERLY INFORMED, by law, as required in 30.06 and 30.07. The owner is no more entitled to a pass on strictly following the rules than I am.
Remember, it was the Texas State Legislature as elected representatives for owners as well as the LTCs that decided that the rules of informing be very precisely mandated. It was the Texas State Legislature that took any ambiguity out of the subject and who drew a razor sharp line in the sand. We stand either informed....or not informed, rolled eyes and convictions by the jury notwithstanding.
But this doesn't really have anything to do with the subject of what to do when we are informed improperly, does it?
Why should we allow a non-compliant sign to dictate policy to us? I'll tell you why, if at all. Again. The only valid reason (because we are within our rights to disregard a non-compliant sign otherwise) might be valorous DISCRETION seasoned with WISDOM!
It is your circumstance. Your possible legal hassle. Your rights at stake. Your discretion. Your accountability. Your application of wisdom. Your awareness of the legal system we live in.
Your decision.