Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough

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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by TreyHouston »

Great looking family! I would have to say that you were well within your rights with nothing to worry about! Its fun to push some buttons every now and then!!! :biggrinjester:

And i agree, no need for salty language!!!
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by rtschl »

Great family pic.

When I disarm to go into a posted business I leave my gun in my nano vault but I do not leave my magazines with my gun. I keep them on me so if someone breaks into my vehicle they are not going to get a gun that is ready to fire. But that said, I probably wouldn't at a Sea World or Six Flags etc. because of of the likelihood of wanding/search. But I would put my magazines someplace else in the car.
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by vjallen75 »

First, you have a very nice looking family. I too, went to Sea World about a month ago for the 4th of July. I left my firearm in the car and everything that went along with it. I always keep my knife attached to my belt loop but did not think they would allow it into the park so I left that in my vehicle as well. All and all, it was a wonderful family experience.

Beiruty I will say this, while I did not like how they went about doing things with you. It does make you feel SLIGHTLY safer knowing they went through those protocols to ensure you did not have a firearm on you (again, I do not agree with anything they did). They too checked our bags when we went in thoroughly before we were allowed to walk into the park. I will also state that if one wanted to stroll into the park with a firearm on their person it may not be hard to do so. I could have easily walked in with my knife and firearm if I so please because they do not actually check people just their bags.

I was at Sea World for a few days and did not once think I was in any danger, I am very happy you and your family had a good time there. While I was not happy to have to disarm, I will end up going there again since I have a family of 4 boys and my wife loves taking them on vacations such as these.

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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by Beiruty »

Thanks all. I shared my experience not as complaint or "venting". Rather, it is to share that rights can be restricted at will. Fight for your rights the smart way. Vote for those who uphold your rights not those who want to take them away.
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by allisji »

I certainly would have left the mags in the car with the handgun, but I could make several arguments for not leaving them in the car as well. One would be that if someone did break into the car and steal your gun at least they don't have the ammo
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by bigity »

Six Flags made me turn over my folding lock blade pocket knife - an older gentleman behind me was getting lip from his grandkids about why he had to have a knife and make it take longer to get to the fun inside the park. He complained that he carried his knife everywhere, so I turned around and said me too!

If it wasn't a high school band trip I would have left....maybe. I do love roller coasters.
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by Jusme »

I think you were definitely profiled, Beiruty, and once they saw the mags it heightened their sense of awareness, and fear.

What I don't understand, is that they know that by creating a gun free zone, they are setting the whole place up for an attack, hence the increased security, and scrutiny, If they allowed carry by LTC holders, I think the odds for an attack would decrease dramatically. I doubt anyone would want to walk into a crowded venue, filled with potential good guys with guns, and try anything. The odds for success, decrease, and the notoriety they seek would instead be focused on who ever shot back. How much info did we get on the guys who attacked the art show in Garland? Instead the focus shifted to the LEO who took them out, before they caused anymore than a minor injury.

There is a reason more Jihadist terror attacks haven't happened here. They have tipped their hand in that soft targets are their preferred platform for their display of cowardice.

Great looking family, by the way, looks like ya'll managed to enjoy yourselves despite the major inconveniences.
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Beiruty wrote:
Is that a felafel in your fanny pack? :biggrinjester:
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by RogueUSMC »

Bitter Clinger wrote:
Is that a felafel in your fanny pack? :biggrinjester:
He's just happy to see you...lol
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by treeman »

I'm quite surprised they let the knife in. Many years ago I had to take a regular pocket knife back to my vehicle at Fiesta Texas. I set off the metal detector (probably not the knife but the other stuff like change, belt buckle, etc) and they acted astonished that I thought I could take a pocket knife in. The funny part was that both my sons had already entered and were inside on the other side of the fence (both were carrying similiar knives). I was not happy, but I made the walk back to my vehicle.
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by Beiruty »

Rrrrready at the Alamo
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by Oldgringo »


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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by Ruark »

Oldgringo wrote:It was the "veils". Beiruty, you and your group, were profiled. With absolutely no disrespect to you or your family; they, the guards, did the right thing. I suspect there are many, many 1,000's of grieving folk around the world who wish 'the guards' had taken a closer look.

It was not something you did, it was something the jihadists have done over and over again.
Exactly. I'm sure your guests were very nice, decent people, but the guards don't know that.
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Re: Disarming at Seaworld, San Antonio was not enough


Post by LTCTLB »

Quick question about Sea World...

Is it still 30.06 posted? By posts here it suggests yes it is; however, Texas3006.com has a moderator edit stating "It has been noted that the 30.06 signs may have been removed." We are going to be there tomorrow...want to know what to expect.
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