The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet

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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Srnewby »

I'very seen 1 person O'CONNOR at a Sonic a couple of months ago. No one seemed to care from what I could tell.

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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Srnewby »

I really do hate autocorrect. Obviously should be OC.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by The Annoyed Man »

joe817 wrote:
Morbidrealities wrote:
aaangel wrote:Ive seen 2 so far. 1 at american girl store in dallas. He walked right past the 30.06/07 though. But nobody asked him to leave. I gave him a smile and a nod. The other one was at Grapevine mills mall. The guy was very tactical. He was packing a 1911 with sparta grips. No chaos at the mall.
Last I saw, Grapevine Mills was posted 30.06 and 30.07. I cannot imagine the mall cops didn't cause a ruckus or at least call LEO.
Grapevine Mills took down their 30.06 signs in January....and did not put up a 30.07. I think that's kinda neat. ;-)
Yep. No more issues. It was a deliberate decision.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Beiruty »

Srnewby wrote:I really do hate autocorrect. Obviously should be OC.
O'CONNOR sounds good for OCer.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

Morbidrealities wrote:
joe817 wrote:
Morbidrealities wrote:
aaangel wrote:Ive seen 2 so far. 1 at american girl store in dallas. He walked right past the 30.06/07 though. But nobody asked him to leave. I gave him a smile and a nod. The other one was at Grapevine mills mall. The guy was very tactical. He was packing a 1911 with sparta grips. No chaos at the mall.
Last I saw, Grapevine Mills was posted 30.06 and 30.07. I cannot imagine the mall cops didn't cause a ruckus or at least call LEO.
Grapevine Mills took down their 30.06 signs in January....and did not put up a 30.07. I think that's kinda neat. ;-)

Pretty awesome. I remember reading articles stating they were going to continue being gun free and post 30.07 signs after the beginning of the year. I haven't been there in years though due to my aversion of crowds and because i don't trust a place that big posting 30.06 signs.
From what I understand they will give you verbal 30.07 if they so please. If not, carry on!
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Take Down Sicko »

rp_photo wrote:I'm both surprised and not surprised that this is the case.

I live in Katy/Cinco Ranch area, and have pretty much remained in the greater Houston area so far this year in urban and rural locations.

On January 1, I expected to see some one within a few days, but so far none. I've asked a few friends if they've seen any, and more often that not they haven't either.

Has this been the case for others, or have I somehow been sheltered?
You live in Cinco Ranch! My Doctor lives in Cinco ranch. I cant even afford to drive down the street in Cinco Ranch ... but not too far from where i live or work. :tiphat:
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Dadtodabone »

I was OC at LaCenterra 2 weeks ago. Finalized some business, no problems.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by flintknapper »

OC'd this weekend on a trip to Austin to visit my Brother.

Several stops at gas stations, convenience stores, couple of car lots, car wash. Trip to San Antonio, Car dealership.

Walked through his neighborhood (with our Dachshund) at Point Venture. Lots of folks out doing the same. A few looks...but otherwise a non-event.

Double stack, stainless 45 acp in a shoulder rig. No missing it. Definitely a relief to NOT have to cover it with a jacket or overshirt, it was pretty hot this weekend.

No one seemed to care.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Mel »

Srnewby wrote:I really do hate autocorrect. Obviously should be OC.
You CAN turn it off!
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by bear94 »

The only times I ever OC is when I'm at the ranch or traveling. I've OC'd a few times in town but it was usually because I had been OC all day anyway. The first time I did, I got two reactions; one was from this guy a little older than me (I was 21 at the time) who looked mortified when he noticed it and then again from this little girl that pointed it out and said that she really liked the gun. There was this one time I went to buy some bubble tea from a shop that I've frequented for years and I did not have any issues despite it being filled with soccer moms and kids. As another poster said before, it's all about how you carry yourself.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by AJSully421 »

bear94 wrote:The only times I ever OC is when I'm at the ranch or traveling. I've OC'd a few times in town but it was usually because I had been OC all day anyway. The first time I did, I got two reactions; one was from this guy a little older than me (I was 21 at the time) who looked mortified when he noticed it and then again from this little girl that pointed it out and said that she really liked the gun. There was this one time I went to buy some bubble tea from a shop that I've frequented for years and I did not have any issues despite it being filled with soccer moms and kids. As another poster said before, it's all about how you carry yourself.
Very true on that last part. If you look like you are nice, well dressed, smile and say hi to people who make eye contact, it will go well. I have OCd a lot lately and gave yet to have a negative comment made to me.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by drjoker »

Maybe you were with an open carrier and just didn't notice. Really. Not joking.

I open carried a dozen times this year and only once did one person notice. Human beings only see stuff that they are looking for. If they are not looking for it, they will not see it. For example, if you are male, how many unattractive females did you see today? You don't know, right? That's because you were not looking for unattractive females. You only notice the attractive females because that's what you're looking for either consciously or subconsciously, even if you're happily married because that's the way nature hard wired us. Same goes for open carrying guns. Most of the time, nobody notices because nobody is looking for a gun.

Even if they do notice, if you are clean cut and carrying a "cop" gun (Sig P226, any Glock, S&W M&P 9, or Beretta Model 92) in a plain non-fancy retention holster, they'll just assume that you're an off-duty cop or detective and not pay any attention to you. This is especially true if you're driving a plain USA made sedan or SUV.

They won't assume you're a cop if, say, you just hopped out of a Lamborghini. They may also notice you if you're sporting a flashy 1911 with custom grips, wear an untucked dress shirt, have long hair, or facial tattoos.

As long as you're clean cut and not trying to purposely draw attention to yourself, nobody will notice and those who notice will not care. I bet that you may have even looked straight at someone who was open carrying and not even noticed. The one time that I was noticed was when I was in South Dallas. In bad neighborhoods, people are looking for guns, so you WILL get noticed. In suburban heaven, you will never get noticed while open carrying. I promise.
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Jusme »

drjoker wrote:Maybe you were with an open carrier and just didn't notice. Really. Not joking.

I open carried a dozen times this year and only once did one person notice. Human beings only see stuff that they are looking for. If they are not looking for it, they will not see it. For example, if you are male, how many unattractive females did you see today? You don't know, right? That's because you were not looking for unattractive females. You only notice the attractive females because that's what you're looking for either consciously or subconsciously, even if you're happily married because that's the way nature hard wired us. Same goes for open carrying guns. Most of the time, nobody notices because nobody is looking for a gun.

Even if they do notice, if you are clean cut and carrying a "cop" gun (Sig P226, any Glock, S&W M&P 9, or Beretta Model 92) in a plain non-fancy retention holster, they'll just assume that you're an off-duty cop or detective and not pay any attention to you. This is especially true if you're driving a plain USA made sedan or SUV.

They won't assume you're a cop if, say, you just hopped out of a Lamborghini. They may also notice you if you're sporting a flashy 1911 with custom grips, wear an untucked dress shirt, have long hair, or facial tattoos.

As long as you're clean cut and not trying to purposely draw attention to yourself, nobody will notice and those who notice will not care. I bet that you may have even looked straight at someone who was open carrying and not even noticed. The one time that I was noticed was when I was in South Dallas. In bad neighborhoods, people are looking for guns, so you WILL get noticed. In suburban heaven, you will never get noticed while open carrying. I promise.

That is probably true for most of the general public, but I think we as LTC holders have increased our situational awareness, more so than Joe Sixpack.
I may have a little more experience being a former LEO, but I notice a lot more about people than just appearances, and attire. I have only seen one other OCer and he was at a distance, but I have been able to pick out several CCers, who were doing a decent job of concealing, and would never have been noticed by the average person. I have encountered several LEOs while Ocing and they all definitely "noticed" and I was dressed as you describe, button down shirt, either slacks or nice jeans, and retention holster driving an American made pick up. But you are correct, the number of people who have noticed me that were not LTC holders, is very small, or if they noticed, gave no indication to me about it.

I think that it all comes down to how we comport ourselves while OC. If we don't wear the graphic 'Come and Take It" t-shirts partially tucked into our camo tactical pants, which are tucked into our desert boots, with a punisher kydex holster, displaying a 1911 with death before dishonor grips, then the public perception of us will defy the one the media wanted them to have. It must be driving the "feminine parental units strongly suggesting motion" folks crazy that there hasn't been the panic in the streets that they were hoping for. Once again, all of their doom and gloom predictions have failed to materialize, and their message is falling on deafer and deafer ears.JMHO
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Medley86 »

Haven't seen any here yet, I might in deer season, my bank did put up a sign inside that says "the licensed or unlicensed carry of a weapon on these premises is a felony." I just laughed at it and keep it concealed every time I go in, no idea if they know their sign is worthless, but considering I personally know most of the people who work there is think it was a corporate mandate and they didn't post legally. I am not going to be the one to tell them their sign is useless
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Re: The years is half over and I haven't seen an open carrier yet


Post by Oldgringo »

Medley86 wrote:Haven't seen any here yet, I might in deer season, my bank did put up a sign inside that says "the licensed or unlicensed carry of a weapon on these premises is a felony." I just laughed at it and keep it concealed every time I go in, no idea if they know their sign is worthless, but considering I personally know most of the people who work there is think it was a corporate mandate and they didn't post legally. I am not going to be the one to tell them their sign is useless
Their sign is not worthless. It just doesn't apply to license holders.
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