Forms: Complaint forms for unlawful 30.06 signs

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Charles L. Cotton
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Forms: Complaint forms for unlawful 30.06 signs


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

As most people know, SB273 is effective as of Sept. 1, 2015. It creates large files for governmental agencies and entities that post unenforceable 30.06 signs, signs that do not comply with TPC §30.06 but that mention concealed carry of handguns, as well as unenforceable notices given by other means. The statute requires certain procedures to be followed in order to file a complaint with the Texas Attorney General, but it is silent as to specific forms or "evidence" of a violation that must be submitted.

Suggested forms have been provided on the Texas Firearms Coalition website, as well as an explanation of those forms. Also included is an optional TFC form to collect data on governmental agencies and entities that do not comply with the law. All forms are under the "Forms" tab on the TFC website.

Certain governmental entities have already given notice that they will violate the law by making absurd claims about their legal status. Legal action will be taken against such agencies separate and apart from any action by the Texas Attorney General. Those actions will include Open Records Requests and the filing of declaratory judgment actions against the offending agencies. Dishonest local officials will no longer be able to thumb their noses at Texas law, the Texas Legislature, or Texas Concealed Handgun Licensees.

CLICK HERE for the TFC forms.

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