Which was in response to a poll created because myself and 1 other person had a different opinion.Javier730 wrote:This was your first response to the ops question.kiddkop wrote:Nice try....
I never said I would tell a property owner what to do. I said I believe that the correct thing to do is advise them their sign is not correctYou never mentioned advising.kiddkop wrote:Yes, it is the RIGHT thing to do!
I answered yes to the poll, because I think notifying that a sign is incorrect would be the right thing to do.
Fortunately I drove around my small town of 5k and didn't see any improper signs. 1 convenience store had a sign saying it is a felony for UNLICENSED POSESSION OF A FIREARM IS A FELONY.
So, by that I can deduct they are ok with licensed possession.
I am done with this topic...I gave my opinion and other people have given theirs. Where would be the proper place to post a question about shoulder versus belt holstered carry?