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How do you....

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:51 am
by AOPAPilot
I need help here guys....

How in the world do I convince my mom to carry mace with her? I got her a nice can of Mace (FOX five point three) and she REFUSES to carry it in her purse. She says that she does not need it and that "nothing is going to happen to her" She works off of Post Oak Blvd in the Chase building so there is security there, but I dont care. How in the world do I get her to carry this stuff with her and be prepared to use it? I mean, I COULD just throw it in her purse but this would not make her prepared to go for it if she had to.

Please help me out here :(

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:41 pm
by stevie_d_64
Tell her its either going to be the mace, or the gun...Pick one... :wink:

I know that not really much help...sorry...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:16 pm
by ghentry
I'm afraid it may be a long hard road. There are a lot of people in this world that refuse to think something will happen to them until after they are a victim.

Keep in mind that for many people, perception is reality. She perceives that her area is safe, and therefore your worries are unwarranted. What you might try to do is show her how much crime happens in that area that she isn't aware of. One good resource is to go to HPD's website and pull up the crime reports for her beat (this is a pain to find, but I can help if you need it). This gives a list of the crimes committed and it can be shocking for some people to see how many violent crimes happened within 5 minutes of them over the past year.

Anotber suggestion is to try and teach her situational awareness. Once I taught my wife this, her eyes were opened to how blind she had been before. Now she is much more aware of her surroundings and more likely to be able to defend herself (fox 5.3 also, still working on her getting the chl) if needed.

Keep at it and good luck!

Keep a list.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:18 am
by longtooth
This will take a real long term commitment and a lot of effort. I did it for some church friends that thought the wife & I were crazy for carrying 24-7. Keep a running list of crime (especially violent) that takes place in the area. Watch newspapers, word of mouth, anything that reports. Also use places she goes frequently even if they are not in her area. Wal mart is the best example. Every time violent crime happens at W/M remind her, if it can happen in Tyler, it can happen here. Every violent event in a hospital or other "secure" building. If it can happen at _______, it can happen in the Chase Building. Anyone she knows that gets followed, robbed, house or car broke into or stolen... ='s, "if it can happen to them, it can happen to you." Do this for a yr & it will estound even you. It did me. It worked too. The friends I gave it too now own 2 hand guns. She carries. About 23/6 I think but she has not said. He only occasionally. She gave the list to one of her friends & she has one at her house now. One of the best things I ever thought of. Takes discipline & commitment but worth it.