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New Ladies group! So excited!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:54 pm
by Divided Attention
Hubby and I belong to "shooting club" at Thunder Gun Range in Conroe. They just launched a new program called "Women on the DRAW" (Drill Revise Attain Win). The next thing coming up is a "Gun Selection Class"

" “Women on the DRAW” will have a Ladies Only Gun Selection Clinic February 25th, 10 AM to 2:30 PM. Cost is $25 for the clinic plus $7 admission to the gun show. This class will give you the tools needed to select a handgun to meet your needs from a woman’s perspective.

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM – Gun selection discussion – Thunder Gun Range

11:30 AM to 12:30 PM – Travel time and lunch break

12:30 PM to 2:30 PM – hands on experience - Gun Show at Lone Star Convention Center in Conroe""

My only " affiliation" is that I belong to this group, think the instructors are great, and think any quality instruction women can receive is awesome. This group has reasonably priced, practical defensive pistol, carbine and rifle classes. I had to share!

Re: New Ladies group! So excited!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:59 pm
by JustMe
That's Great! I love seeing more womens groups.

Re: New Ladies group! So excited!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:42 am
by texanron
I mentioned this to my wife since she has expressed interest in getting a handgun and pursuing a CHL. Will there being any shooting while at the range? I ask because she will be 19 weeks pregnant at the time of this class and there are concerns about the decibel level for the litle one on the way.

Re: New Ladies group! So excited!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:21 am
by JustMe
texanron wrote:I mentioned this to my wife since she has expressed interest in getting a handgun and pursuing a CHL. Will there being any shooting while at the range? I ask because she will be 19 weeks pregnant at the time of this class and there are concerns about the decibel level for the litle one on the way.
in addition to the noise level, you have to also be cautious about lead exposure---and if she nurses, it will continue during that time. My d-i-l is due any day--so we checked all that out to see whether or not she could shoot yet--not wise!

Re: New Ladies group! So excited!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:20 pm
by Divided Attention
For the gun selection there will be no shooting by the ladies involved as far as I know. I will check. While I admire you wife's goal of a CHL, the warnings of lead and sound are best heeded. Especially the lead! Congratulations by the way!

Re: New Ladies group! So excited!

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:05 pm
by Divided Attention
There will be no shooting, they will be in a classroom at the range. If she wants to go she will need to go the the Thunder Gun Range site and RSVP please.

Re: New Ladies group! So excited!

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:34 am
by texanron
Divided Attention wrote:There will be no shooting, they will be in a classroom at the range. If she wants to go she will need to go the the Thunder Gun Range site and RSVP please.
Thanks for the information. I'll let her know.