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Carrying with Kids?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:58 pm
by jbirdswife
Okay all of you moms and dads - - I need some advice.

Jason and I do not have any children, but I do quite a bit of babysitting and have a 15 month old nephew (another one will be born in November :smile: ). When I applied and received my CHL this past summer my intentions were to carry mainly in situations when I would have to travel without my hubby. However, after reading so much of the advice on this board, meeting many of you, and listening to Jason (he is saying FINALLY! :grin: ), I am beginning to come around to the mindset that my CHL is to be prepared for every day, not just every once in awhile.

I have a Sig P239 and Jason has just ordered me a great holster.

That being said - I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea that I would have a pistol on one hip and a baby on the other. How do you handle this? Especially with toddlers who sometimes need to be carried when they don't want to be, and are quite squirmmy.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer!


God Bless the Children

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:44 pm
by anygunanywhere
We have a 5 month old grandson. Mrs. Anygun has not quite made it to the 24/7 mode, but she is improviing.

I tote mygrandson all around with the Kimber on my hip. Not a big deal. Out in public, the sheep are looking at the baby and could care less what the big lumpy grey haired grandpa is doing.

If anyone would be concerned it would be my daughter-in-law, and believe me if she had concerns, she would speak up. She has been around us enough where the sight of a firearm is no big deal. She knows I will take appropriate measure to protect the grandson both from any ND and from the bad guys too.

I remove the pistol when I am doing serious grandson time since grandsons require large amounts of rambuctious play with grandpa.

Around the house, be yourself. In public, your mode of carry may have to be adjusted. Let Jbird carry the child while he accompanies you shopping.

:lol: :lol:


Re: Carrying with Kids?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 2:46 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
jbirdswife wrote:However, after . . . listening to Jason . . .
Jason, can you teach a seminar on how you did this at the TexasCHLforum Day at PSC? This is one every husband will attend!

Kimberly, just make sure your holster covers the trigger guard and the kids don't reach under your shirt. I don't think it's a good idea to have a gun in a purse with little ones around; they seem to find their way into everything! As long as the gun is on your side, you know where it is and it's secured. I think you'll get used to it soon enough. Martha and I volunteer with the 3 year olds at our church on a routine basis and it's never a problem.

Some of the ladies probably can give you a lot more information.


Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:33 pm
by Jeremae
Have you read through the website? Lot's of good advice from a mom who BTDT.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:58 pm
by barres
When you are in control of the gun (ie. secured in a holster on your hip) a small child will not be able to do anyting with it without you knowing about it. Like Chrles said, in a purse or "out of sight, out of mind" just isn't good enough when dealing with kids. I have a 6 year-old and a 5 month-old at home, and carrying on my person (IWB in a good holster) has never been an issue. Of course I am male, but I don't think that makes much difference so long as were talking about you keeping your firearm on your person.


Re: Carrying with Kids?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:50 pm
by Lodge2004
jbirdswife wrote:That being said - I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea that I would have a pistol on one hip and a baby on the other.
Having a baby on my hip is what convinced me to get a CHL in the first place.

I had grown up around firearms, was competitive with them in college and then spent 11 years on active duty in the Army. For some reason, I had never felt the need or desire to get a CHL until my youngest child was born.

It had been many years since I had been around little kids (I have three older teenagers) and had forgotten what life was like with a little rugrat on the hip. To my suprise, I was suddenly being approached by unsavory looking strangers asking for spare change, the time of day, or directions to some obscure location on a regular basis. It seemed like everytime I left the house with my youngest, some stranger would approach me.

After giving it some thought, I realized the only thing that had changed in my life was the image I portrayed to the world. Instead of a big unfriendly looking guy, I was a smiling dad with a little baby on my hip. I looked and felt like food.

Now, although I may be willing to occasionally venture out by myself and not carry a sidearm, there is a 0% chance I would do the same with one of my kids. Since getting my CHL, I can't imagine NOT having a pistol on one hip IF there is a baby on the other one.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:22 pm
by jbirdswife
Thank you to everyone!

Since day one of the "if I get my CHL" discussions at our house, the option of carrying in my purse was effectively drilled out of my head, not only with kids around, but anytime. As so many have said before, it would be bad enough for some criminal to have all of my personal information, but to add a gun to that is something I am unwilling to chance. If I am going to carry a firearm, it will have to be on me.

I guess this will be something I will just have to get used to. I am notorious for playing the "what if" game, so I guess in my mind I just need to switch the scenarios from "What if Connor. . ." to "What if a bad guy. . ."

Again, thanks! If anyone else has any words of wisdom - - I am all ears! :grin:


Re: Carrying with Kids?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:34 pm
by jbirds1210
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
jbirdswife wrote:However, after . . . listening to Jason . . .
Jason, can you teach a seminar on how you did this at the TexasCHLforum Day at PSC? This is one every husband will attend!

I will need a couple of days and a few bottles of whiskey. I do not think either will be permitted, so I am forced to decline :grin:

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:01 am
by PWK
jbirdswife: I know you are excited about your new holster. Enjoy it well. But when I have a little one around with all the bending and sitting on the floor playing, the smart carry works best for me. I don't like wearing it out of the house, but at home playing with the kids, this is my mode of carry.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:09 pm
by jbirdswife
PWK - Thanks for the tip. I checked out their website. I had not really thought about being able to sit on the floor comfortably, so you make a great point. I was mostly concerned about carrying outside of the house, but now I have something else to think about too! :smile:

Thanks again and have a great Labor Day weekend!


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:38 am
by RPBrown
All of the above posts hold true for me as well.

The only change we made was when the grandkids got old enough to reach and grab, we all went to holsters with thumb snaps.

The oldest is now 5 and we are starting to teach her about gun safety as well as shooting. Picked up a BB rifle to start her off with. Now she wants to go to the range with Daddy and Pawpaw.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 10:13 pm
by PPM
Think I'll add MY two cents in here. As Gramma, I've noticed that the little guys (almost 7 and 3) pretty much don't pay attention to whether I carry or not. They accept that chunk on my hip as being part of Gramma. Partially because their mom and dad carriy, I'm sure. So, I guess you could say that it helps to have the entire family "involved."

My stubby .45 rests quite comfortably just behind my right hip so, since I use my right hand for everything else, if I have to carry one of the guys, it'd be natural to tote 'em on my left hip anyway. So, it all balances out. ;-) I've found that the most comfortable holster (AND most concealable) is my C.T.A.C.. In addition to being quite's also highly adjustable!

The primary issue is where in the heck do you put the pistol when it's NOT on your hip, I think. I address that by seldom disarming in front of them AND by placing the pistol high above where they can reach...even with a stool or chair's help. So, I guess what I'm sayin' is that the BIGGER problem is NOT when you have the CCW ON...but when it's off!

So, for what it's worth, EVERYone is safer if you carry EVERY day!

Hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:00 pm
by longtooth
Good post PPM. The safest place for a pistol around children is holstered on you your person.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:13 pm
by jbirdswife
PPM - -

Thank you for your thoughts! I am also right handed, so it is natural for me to carry my nephew(s) on the left. I just got my holster in from CompTac. I think that I will "appendix" carry. I don't need any extra "help" on my hips and I am not comfortable with my gun behind my back.

When visiting at their homes, Jason and I have taken our Center of Mass lock boxes out of the car and put them in our bags for safekeeping when the gun is not on body. The keys are with our car keys, so they are never in the same place as the boxes.

Thank you again for sharing your knowledge!


Re: Carrying with Kids?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:10 pm
by stevie_d_64
jbirds1210 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
jbirdswife wrote:However, after . . . listening to Jason . . .
Jason, can you teach a seminar on how you did this at the TexasCHLforum Day at PSC? This is one every husband will attend!

I will need a couple of days and a few bottles of whiskey. I do not think either will be permitted, so I am forced to decline :grin:
You don't get off that easy!

And no, I am not privy to being a test subject either...Unless you've been eating Wheaties...