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May issue of Woman's Outlook.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:20 pm
by flintknapper
Ladies if you're not yet a member of the NRA...and taking this publication, then you're missing out.

This months edition has 5-6 pages dedicated to womens concealed carry clothing and other related issues. Not a bad write up all in all.

Oh, and if you're wondering why it is I read it, its NOT because I'm trying to get in touch with my feminine side :shock: . I pass these magazines on to women who might not know the journal exists, or otherwise wouldn't seek it out.

IMO, it is the Ladies that have the most to gain by arming themselves, so it makes good sense that they should have a publication that expressly addresses their needs and concerns.

I am happy that we have the number of women here that we do, and I hope that in the future we see even more join our ranks.


Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:30 pm
by longtooth
My Mother takes the W Outlook also. She really enjoys it. I will tell anyone that I read a lot of it. Many times she will say, "you need to read this" even before I pick it up. There is always some info in there that a long time shooter & carrier can read & say ooooh that is good that I am reminded of it. I have recommended that men who are brand new to firearms take it for one yr then go to the Am. Rifleman or Hunter. I have had two do that & were really glad they did. Said it made the learning curve a lot easier. Itis a great Magazine for the ladies & I also have a 2nd place for them to go. When Mom is through & I have read them, I take them along w/ my Am Hunter & Am. Handgunner to the barbershop. There are a lot of ladies that bring their sons in & they have something to read while they wait. One of the ladies that works w/ Mom takes hers to her beauty shop. It is a good read & well worth the money. NRA is too.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:26 am
by PPM
I enjoy Outlook, too. Concealed Carry Magazine and Handgunner are also around. I've found them all to be most informative! Hubby usually gets to 'em before I do, however. :smile: That's ok, though. He does more READIN' about shootin' than he does actual shootin'!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:18 pm
by GrannyGlock
Imagine MY surprise when Hubby's NRA magazine arrives today and it is Woman's Outlook! Unbeknownst to me, when he renewed his membership this year he ordered WO just for me!

I did enjoy it and it has given us some gist for discussion as well.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:41 pm
by XD_Dan
PPM wrote:I enjoy Outlook, too. Concealed Carry Magazine and Handgunner are also around.
Funny you should mention CCM. ;-)

I'll bet you have a few extra copies of the latest issue kicking around.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:05 pm
by PPM
Yeah, they actually sent me 7. One for Mitz, one for Adon, one for little Daniel (the 6-yr-old), and one for you.... Yup, seems I have a spare copy or two. :lol: Actually, I didn't give one to you for vanity's sake — but in case you wanted to keep track of those "shameless plugs" given to TXDPSA that you referred to earlier.

Speakin' of plugs, what ever happened to the story and/or pics that were taken out at Impact Zone a couple of months ago? You know...the freelance photographer who was at the meet...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:37 pm
by XD_Dan
PPM wrote:Yeah, they actually sent me 7. One for Mitz, one for Adon, one for little Daniel (the 6-yr-old), and one for you.... Yup, seems I have a spare copy or two. :lol: Actually, I didn't give one to you for vanity's sake — but in case you wanted to keep track of those "shameless plugs" given to TXDPSA that you referred to earlier.
That's cool.

For those of you who don't know...
PPM (Dickson) is featured in the May issue of Concealed Carry Magazine. It's a great article about a great woman with lots of great advice in it! I highly recommend you all check it out.

PPM wrote:Speakin' of plugs, what ever happened to the story and/or pics that were taken out at Impact Zone a couple of months ago? You know...the freelance photographer who was at the meet...
That's a good question. :shock:
I need to contact him and Springfield Armory to see what happened with that article.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:41 am
by longtooth
Granny G, See my above post. He will read it too. He might want some of the game recipes tried also if yall are hunters.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:12 am
by stevie_d_64
If there is a way, I was wondering how I can get Wife Unit a copy of that months edition???

She's already a member, but doesn't get a monthly NRA magazine...

It may spur an upgrade to her membership, and keep her on track with the issue as a whole...

Y'all can PM me if someone knows how I can facilitate that...

I figure its too late to get the NRA to send her one directly, possibly...

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:23 am
by PPM
"Great woman"? :shock: Well, Dan, I think that's a bit of an overstatement. But, thanks, anyway! Compliments (esp at THIS age) are often "few and far between." ;-) I truly DID give the very best advice I could, however. My hope was that I'd "say" something that SOMEone NEEDED to hear. If I accomplished that, what more can I ask?! At least my advice was "sound."