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Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:05 pm
by Oldgringo
Mrs. Oldgringo has sold her P3-AT due to hard trigger pull, too small size, etc., etc. She has since handled (racked the slide) and shot a Springfield XD Sub-Compact 9mm quite well...all things considered. :fire This gun fits in her purse, fanny pack and jacket pocket without undue load. :clapping:

Is there a Clock, or other piece, out there that is similar in size, weight, concealability, ease of handling, etc. that you Ladies may suggest for a Sr. Granny? :headscratch

Thanky, y'all.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:11 pm
by Excaliber
She might like the Kahr PM9 which is smaller than the Springfield , has a good trigger, is reliable and easy to handle.

I also highly recommend using the Brooks Tactical A-Grip material on the grip area. It makes it easier to grip and more comfortable during recoil.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:24 am
by CompVest
My personal choices are M&P 9c (9mm) and Kimber Ultra carry (45). I have carryied both in purse and on body. They both shoot well, fit my very small hands, and are easy/comfortable to carry. The M&P requires a lot LESS break in time to smooth racking the slide.

+1 on the Kahr but here are a few other choices:

Many ladies at the PSC Women's class have Bersas. They shoot well and haven't had any ammo issues.

Of course I would suggest before getting her anything to come to the CHL Forum day and try out a few there.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:04 am
by Excaliber
CompVest wrote:My personal choices are M&P 9c (9mm) and Kimber Ultra carry (45).
I agree these are both very fine choices.

The Kimber Ultra Carry .45 is my favorite carry weapon, and I was very impressed with the M&P 9mm when I had the opportunity to try one. I'm waiting for them to come out with a subcompact .45.

For reliability and safety reasons, I would recommend going with a trigger system like that found on the M&P, Springfield XD, Kahr, or Glock initially because these take less training to use safely and well. Cocked and locked carry takes a lot of thought, range time, and dry fire work to become competent with, and adds significant complexity to the training of a new shooter.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:30 pm
by CompVest
Excaliber wrote: For reliability and safety reasons, I would recommend going with a trigger system like that found on the M&P, Springfield XD, Kahr, or Glock initially because these take less training to use safely and well. Cocked and locked carry takes a lot of thought, range time, and dry fire work to become competent with, and adds significant complexity to the training of a new shooter.
I don't believe any system requires more effort then another. I think correct and safe use of any trigger/safety system requires practice time and continued awareness. It is all in what you use and are used to.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:59 pm
by lrb111
i carried an compact Bersa 9, it's larger than the Kel Tec, but shoots and handles well.
My wife needed something she could shoot with her smaller hands and arthritis. She settled on a single stack Taurus Millenium pro in .45 acp. It's the model 745.
Now since my grandmotherly wife was shooting a .45 and loving it, I had to "man up'. I got a Taurus 145. It's a double stack 10 shot.
The only difference between mine and her's is grip size and capacity. Nice pistols.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:41 pm
by agbullet2k1
IANALady, but I married one. My wife has had her heart set on the PX4 subcompact ever since she first shot my full size one. Before that came around, she was wishing for a Walther P99c, but unfortunately, having one Walther was already enough for my pocketbook. A Walther PPK would be (at least I think) a good concealment pistol, but the slide might be too stiff for her.

I'd echo the sentiments about attending the forum day at PSC. Where else can you try all the guns you want for a $20 cover, including lunch? :clapping: :fire

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:28 pm
by Oldgringo
agbullet2k1 wrote:I'd echo the sentiments about attending the forum day at PSC. Where else can you try all the guns you want for a $20 cover, including lunch? :clapping: :fire
Thanks everyone. The PSC suggestion is well received; however, 350 miles round trip to Houston at $ 4.50/gallon for diesel kinda' precludes casual trips. BTW, aren't Kimber Ultra Compacts; etc, kinda' pricey? We need to look into the Bersa line at the Tyler Gun Show in early reckon?

Y'all's input and experience is appreciated, keep 'em comin'. :txflag:

The Oldgringo :fire

Sig P 230
Taurus PT 1911
Berretta 92FS
Browning Hi-Power
Ruger MK III
S&W 638
Ruger Single-Six Convertible
et al

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:31 pm
by Lumberjack98
The XD SC is a fine choice.

It may cost a little more and take a little more time, but take her to a gun show and let her handle lots of pistols and see what feels good in her hands. Then find a range that rents those guns and try them out. Just handling it won't be enought, but it will help her to narrow her choices.

It's bett er to spend more money and buyt the right pistol the first time. Trust me, I know! "rlol"

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:50 am
by Excaliber
Lumberjack98 wrote:The XD SC is a fine choice.

It may cost a little more and take a little more time, but take her to a gun show and let her handle lots of pistols and see what feels good in her hands. Then find a range that rents those guns and try them out. Just handling it won't be enought, but it will help her to narrow her choices.

It's bett er to spend more money and buyt the right pistol the first time. Trust me, I know! "rlol"
Excellent advice. All kinds of little quirks that aren't obvious at the gun counter reveal themselves when live rounds are sent downrange.

You can rent a lot of guns at $10 apiece before you come up to the price of one purchasing mistake that then either sits in the safe forever or has to be sold at a loss.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:27 pm
by barres
Oldgringo wrote:Mrs. Oldgringo has sold her P3-AT due to hard trigger pull, too small size, etc., etc. She has since handled (racked the slide) and shot a Springfield XD Sub-Compact 9mm quite well...all things considered. :fire This gun fits in her purse, fanny pack and jacket pocket without undue load. :clapping:

Is there a Clock, or other piece, out there that is similar in size, weight, concealability, ease of handling, etc. that you Ladies may suggest for a Sr. Granny? :headscratch

Thanky, y'all.
To finally answer your original question, I know of no clock with the same weight, size, concealability, ease of handling, etc. that will do anything other than tell her the time. If you are actually asking for the equivalent Glock, then the model 26 is what you are looking for.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :lol:

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:49 pm
by Oldgringo
Good eye, barres - what a dolt I must be! :banghead:

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:09 am
by barres
You're not a dolt. We all do stuff like that from time to time. I just get a kick out of pointing it out to people. My father is the worst about stuff like that. He has been known to call the Hardy Toll Road (in Houston for those not in that area) the Tardy Holl Road (which is actually somewhat appropriate). He was once trying to describe people with severe brain injuries, but couldn't think of the word "vegetable," so he called them "mushrooms." I'm laughing right now just remembering.

So I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry if I came across sounding mean. I actually found it rather funny. BTW, I am a big fan of the Glock platform. My EDC is a Glock model 23. At least until you get to the .45ACP lead-slingers. Then the XD's are fare more comfortable in the hand, but I've never pulled the trigger on a live round in an XD. I wish you and the Mrs. the best in finding the right gun for her.

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:48 am
by Excaliber
barres wrote:Then the XD's are fare more comfortable in the hand, but I've never pulled the trigger on a live round in an XD.
A word of advice: Don't do it until you have the money in hand to buy one, because you will!

The compact model is the best buy - essentially a compact gun and a full size one all in one with just a magazine change. (One has a grip extension).

Re: Milady's Carry Gun

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:01 pm
by Oldgringo

No offense taken. If we can't laugh at ourselves, we certainly shouldn't laugh at all of the other dolts. The Oldgringo said that.

Actually, we would have already bought the XD 9 if we could have convinced Sportsman's Warehouse (what a store) in Grand Junction, CO to honor our Texas CHL's and DL's. Oh well, we'll be back in Tejas the first week in October and then it'll be :fire
