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"On Board" Carry - not always an option

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:20 am
by quidni
From the General Texas CHL Discussion forum:
longtooth wrote: I wish my wife would carry on person too. She is strictly a purse carry. That is still better than some men who sya, "I always have one in the truck" Does a lot of good when you are in the L. Cafeteria. Women's purse carry is 2nd best.
No argument - but for some of us, finding a suitable holster is a whole 'nother issue!

To quote my CHL instructor, there's "not a whole lot" of me, and concealing on my person is difficult. I'm barely 5'2" when I stand up straight, and half of that is inseam; I'm a size 7/8 petite from the waist up and a size 10 regular from the waist down.

Most IWB holsters are either too bulky, or are almost impossible for me to draw from. Same with every OWB holster I've tried to date - if I can conceal it, I can't draw from it, and vice-versa. The only holster I've had any luck with so far is a "Knife Pal" (a mini Pager-Pal), that I carry a Leatherman and my Pony .380 in. It's awkward but not impossible to draw from, and it's comfortable to wear all day. Even my husband couldn't tell I was carrying, until I pointed it out to him. BUT - it doesn't work well with skirts.

I've tried belly-bands, and I'm so short from waist to underarm that even my Pony is almost too big to ride there comfortably. It definitely prints, even inside the belly band, under anything lighter than an oversize sweatshirt.

So for right now, if I'm carrying something larger than the Pony (or wearing something besides jeans) then purse or fanny-pack are the only realistic options I've got. The Pony was originally purchased as a BUG but it has wound up as my main carry, because of this. I'd love to have more options, and I'm open to suggestions! :bigear: (I've got a 9mm CZ-75B on layaway at one of the local shops..... )

We've got a family friend who's an "ex-Dallas PO-lice officer" (that's how he says it :lol:) who's 6-foot-something, built like a brick wall even still into his 70's, shoots IDPA, and can easily conceal a dozen or so "on board" when he wants to. (He did, once, as an instructional demo for a writer's club he's a member of.) He's also the guy who originally clued me in that CHL's were available in Texas. I'm grateful to him, but I'm also just a wee bit jealous!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:58 pm
by Crossfire

I'm with you. Most of us ladies are too short waisted to carry and draw comfortably from a holster. I'm considerably taller than you (5'9") and still have issues! I have a Clipdraw on my Glock 19 and that's what I use when I am dressed casual (jeans and t-shirt or sweatshirt). But, when working, I have to carry off-body. I have a nice planner with my calendar, business cards, and um, "etc" in it, that I got from Coronado leather. It still looks good after 6 years (ever though the cat tried to mate with it, but that's another story).

I always check out the local gun shows, looking for something new that fits. Keep looking, and if you find anything good, let us know!

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:23 pm
by OverEasy
Hey ladies,

How about an ankle holster? Bell bottoms seem to be back in style, I think?

I don't know anything about an ankle rig, never had one.
Yes I know it wouldn't work with a skirt.

I'm just trying to be helpful.

My wife is working thru the holster thing too. She has some success OWB crossdraw. She just got a belly band to work on the verticle position issues. If she can find the right height for the gun to ride at, then maybe we can have an OWB crossdraw holster made that will position the gun in the right place.

Regards, OE

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:30 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
llwatson wrote:I always check out the local gun shows, looking for something new that fits. Keep looking, and if you find anything good, let us know!
I don't know if this is something you'd find useful, but TraCoun bought what looks like a rectangular camera case. It's has a holster that fits his Glock 27 and can be carried on your belt, or on a shoulder strap.


Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:54 pm
by Kalrog
OverEasy wrote:I don't know anything about an ankle rig, never had one.
I use one most days and have no problems with it at all. It is comfortable and readily accessible in most situations (no driving problems). It isn't as fast as a waist mounted holster, but there are always trade offs.

I picked a Galco Glove and the best advice I can give if this is somthing you are looking at is to get the lightest piece you can afford. For me that was a S&W 642 and I have no regrets. There are lighter options out there though.

And for dress, I usually wear Wranglers (31MWZ). So if you can wear jeans and comfortable shoes, Ankle is an option. And it is the only carry method that I insist on a thumb strap...

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:00 pm
by PWK
PWK's wife speaking: I am small too and like to wear skirts. Am thinking of a thigh holster, something to wear just above the knee but have not found a useful one yet. BTW I asked someone selling holsters at the last gun show about one and she said "honey, just use a purse!"

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:07 pm
by BobCat

link I saw somewhere... no idea if her holsters are any good, but she seems to understand the problem.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:59 pm
by longtooth
+1 bobcat. They have a good report.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:36 pm
by Kalrog
Now if only I could get my wife to have this problem... She couldn't carry at work (middle school), but it would still be nice to have this "problem" with her.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:30 pm
by quidni
PWK wrote:PWK's wife speaking: I am small too and like to wear skirts. Am thinking of a thigh holster, something to wear just above the knee but have not found a useful one yet. BTW I asked someone selling holsters at the last gun show about one and she said "honey, just use a purse!"
That's a vendor who missed the point.... :roll:

Found a couple of links for thigh holsters, but I'm a bit leery of ordering without being able to try them first. I really don't want my circulation cut off, or the holster making me walk funny, or dropping down to my ankle when I walk....

Anyone had experience with either of these?

Ankle Pockets: Thigh Pocket

Underarms - Inside of the Thigh Holster

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:08 pm
by dws1117
The Underarms - Inside of the Thigh Holster looks interesting. I am not a woman. I can't walk like a woman and have no idea what it feels like to walk how a woman walks, but that thing looks very uncomfortable. It looks like it would make walking very awkward no matter your gender.

Good luck in your search ladies.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:12 pm
by KBCraig
Some people swear by the Smart Carry. Never tried one myself, but I read a review today on PDO from someone who was hesitant, then found he loves it.

Depending on the figure and the type of skirt or dress, it might work just fine.


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:37 pm
by dws1117
Good suggestion KB. Should depending on the type of dress/skirt being worn.