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PSC Ladies Self-Defense Information Seminar

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:11 am
by Charles L. Cotton
I would like to say thanks to everyone who came to the PSC Ladies Informational Seminar last night at PSC. We had about 25 people, most of them ladies and it was a great time. It's always a lot more fun when the audience really gets into the discussions and you folks certainly did. From the questions and reaction from the audience, I think we accomplished the goal of letting the ladies know what they need to learn and how to go about it.

Now I need to put together the "field day" I offered to do, so those in attendance can shoot various guns to see what works best for them. I'll have a look at the calendar and try to get that going soon.

I also want to thank Marc, Steve, Donna, Sharon and Martha for helping with this effort. It's always fun and rewarding working with talented and dedicated folks.


Re: PSC Ladies Informational Seminar

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:01 pm
by locknload
Let me be the first to thank you, Charles, for doing that seminar. :tiphat:

I think we all went away feeling better about our decisions to carry, those of who have made that decision, and much more knowledgeable about guns, equipment, and the big picture where guns fit in. Most importantly, it was sooooo much fun! :mrgreen: I don't think I've laughed that much and so hard in a very long time! :rolll

The purse and equipment demos were a hoot! :smilelol5:

It takes real talent to do demonstrations of shooting gear and equipment, while having the audience rolling in the isles, laughing! Good going! "rlol"

I eagerly await anything else you have to teach us and invite any ladies that missed this to come out next time. DH brought me, as I was just getting over the flu and didn't feel quite like driving, yet. I almost didn't go, but now I am so glad that I did. The information and support from these folks is priceless. They ALL did a great job!

Re: PSC Ladies Informational Seminar

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:25 pm
by CompVest
+1 to everthing Locknload said and so much more. A great Seminar!

Well done Charles. :thewave

My favorite was the Thunder Wear demo. "rlol"

Re: PSC Ladies Informational Seminar

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:32 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Thanks, I had a great time too. You folks were a wonderful audience; at times making me feel more like a stand-up comic than a firearms instructor! Seriously, I am convinced that people tend to learn much more and retain it much longer when they enjoy the class or seminar. If you're bored to tears or falling asleep, you can't expect people to learn.

Thanks for coming,