Ladies only class at TDSA
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:02 pm
Today there was an all day (9-5) ladies only handgun class at TDSA ( I dropped my wife Brenda off this morning at TDSA on my way to the Bigtown gunshow in Mesquite.
During the course of the day I got several text messages from her like, my feet hurt, my hand is bleeding etc.
I thought for sure that when I picked her up at the end of the class she was going to give me an ear full and my evening was not going to be pleasant.
Much to my surprise and delight, she was yanking my chain. She LOVED the class and in fact she kicked some tail and not only was she the only shooter that had a 1911 out of 10 women, she ended the day with a pretty astounding score. Six shots on steel in 1.78 seconds with ZERO misses. She was considerable faster than the next high score. Glen (one of the instructors) told me that she actually fired a string that was faster but the timer did not get it.
Not only did she have a ball, she wants to take the advanced class now.
I'm feeling mighty proud and lucky as hell right now. :D
During the course of the day I got several text messages from her like, my feet hurt, my hand is bleeding etc.
I thought for sure that when I picked her up at the end of the class she was going to give me an ear full and my evening was not going to be pleasant.
Much to my surprise and delight, she was yanking my chain. She LOVED the class and in fact she kicked some tail and not only was she the only shooter that had a 1911 out of 10 women, she ended the day with a pretty astounding score. Six shots on steel in 1.78 seconds with ZERO misses. She was considerable faster than the next high score. Glen (one of the instructors) told me that she actually fired a string that was faster but the timer did not get it.
Not only did she have a ball, she wants to take the advanced class now.
I'm feeling mighty proud and lucky as hell right now. :D