FlashBang Holster

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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by TLynnHughes »

My Sig P238 is my constant companion in my Flashbang holster. I think Lisa Looper is a genius! When I first started wearing it, it would slide out but I shortened the strap and voila, no more sliding out. I forget I'm wearing it and everyone that I choose to tell is surprised.

The maker of Flashbang now also makes gorgeous and stuff gun belts and an IWB called an Ava that is getting rave reviews! I can't wait to try them out.

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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Longhorn-breeder »

I'm looking forward to picking up a gun belt next month. I have been holding out for something a bit more girl like myself
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Cynful1958 »

I too have a Flashbang and also find it a bit uncomfortable, I carry a 38sp, S&W air weight Bodygaurd, I do like my ankle holster, but I'm trying different holsters. It kinda depends on what I am wearing as to which holster I use.
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by StCaleb »

I too have considered the flashbang. I have a M&P Shield and I am having a very hard time with printing. I have a IWB crossbreed mini tuck and have tried in multiple positions with different attire. All suggestions are appreciated! As far as my stats I am 5'7", 120lbs. I also have a kangaroo pouch that I have slightly better luck with but find it more difficult to draw from even after tons of practice! BTW....love this forum!!!
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Longhorn-breeder »

I had really good luck with a N82 and a Ruger LCr. Just got the XDM 3.8 in .40 not so good for it. I have a Hopps custom convertable OWB / IWB on order. I am taking Songbird at her word (and many others) that a good belt and the right holster make all the difference in the world.
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Wodathunkit »

My wife got her holster from http://www.thewellarmedwoman.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

She liked the video demos of the holsters. She went with the "Betty" for EDC and the "thunderwear" for her scrubs (RN).
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by tarbe »

TrueFlog wrote:I know it's been mentioned elsewhere, but I'll repost it here for convenience: The Falia Freedom Channel on YouTube in run by a young woman and features alot of advice on firearms and concealment for ladies.
Here's a good starting point - " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

My wife and I have watched most of this young ladie's videos. They have been very helpful!

My wife has a flash bang on the way for her LCR. I will post back once she gets some time with it.
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by SewTexas »

I finally put my loaded LCP in the flashbang, it stayed put :thumbs2: YAY :thumbs2: but I will say, I can't imagine carrying anything even an ounce heavier :???:
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Abraham »

Please advise me: My wife, who's had a CHL for many years, WON'T carry on her person - only when she goes on a trip by herself will she even deign to carry in her car. Even then, I have to remind her to carry in the vehicle.

I've asked her: Why bother going to the trouble and expense of getting a CHL if you don't take advantage of it, but she simply grumbles, insists she won't carrry and I can't change her mind.

The "Flashbang Holster" sounds good to me, but is it terribly uncomfortable or is it comfortable?

If it's comfortable, maybe it'll help convince her to carry.

She goes all over the place (as she should) without me, but I feel she's dreadfully exposed to the criminal element and isn't even remotely capable of physically defending herself. She's tiny and over 60.

Does it sound like I'm worried about her?

Cuz, yeah, I am...
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Teamless »

Abraham wrote:Does it sound like I'm worried about her?
My wife had her CHL for 2 years before she would carry, and still now, she rarely carries with her, but leaves it in the car.
Her original excuse was "I love my Glock but I want a safety so it wont go off by my keys, or pens or other"
Another excuse for the Glock was "its too big and heavy"

So to get her to carry (sometime) I got her a Kimber Solo 9mm. As heavy as the Glock, but smaller and has a manual safety.
She still wont carry chambered, and has never carried on person - only in purse or car.

Now her excuse when I ask her is "its in the car, don't worry" or if we are together she says "you are here to protect me"

I think in the end, there are those people who go through life saying "bad things wont happen to me" or "if I have it, I may do something wrong"
And then there are those of us on here who say "we know bad things happen and we want to be ready" and "we train so we don't do something wrong, but even if we do something wrong, we want the chance to protect ourselves and our loved ones"

Sometimes I wish I was as easy going and free spirited as the former, but I am also glad I carry 24/7 (or whenever legally allowed).

Good luck getting her to change

Oh - last thought - have you thought about "A Girl and a Gun" or a "womens only shooting class" at your local range? My wife did 1 of each of those and both times she came back with a better understanding of what to do, how to do it, and she opened up more (not enough yet!) each time.
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Abraham »


Thanks for your input.

While I'm continuing to complain, she won't even practice shooting enough and we have a backyard pistol range.

She was on her high school rifle team, arrrgggghhhh, and yet won't listen to me about her safety.

I was on the pointy end of the spear in the military and I can't convince her...

Maybe, if some of the women on the forum can provide some of their empowering (that term cost me some in man points, but if it''ll help...) will add their input, perhaps I can convince her.

P.S. She's highly intelligent (Sr. Systems Analyst - Space Program) yet, remains rather liberal in her trust in humanity - though not in her political bent...
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by SewTexas »

first, to answer your specific question, the flashbang holster is quite comfortable for me. I truly didn't think it would be, but I can find myself forgetting about it.

now, for your "real" question. I'm going to sound incredibly sexist, but I'm a lady so that's ok. :???: Some people, esp women, simply won't carry. Many women simply aren't made for it. I know my sister will never, ever carry. She seldom listens to the news. She lets her husband do it. She figures if there is anything important going on, she'll hear about it through him, social media, ftf, etc, then she'll research it if it seems important to see what she needs to know about it. She likes to live in her own little world. And in that world, bad guys attack some one else, and if they do attack her, well she knows she could/would never pull the trigger. I've tried to talk to her about protecting others not just herself, but it simply isn't happening.
maybe she isn't carrying because she knows herself?
Many women are getting their CHL's because their husbands are pushing them to do it, is that why she got hers? or did she really want it? if she thinks she really wanted it, contact a shop, find out when a woman will be working behind the counter, then take her shopping or errand running during that time, with a 'quick stop by the gun store' try to get her to talk with the girl, it might help if she sees that there are women out here with guns, maybe she feels alone?
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by Abraham »


Thanks for your input too.

I do think one of the reasons (though not admitted to...) is the sheer discomfort factor associated with carrying.

If the FlashBang Holster is comfortable enough for her, maaaaaaaaybe I can convince her to give it a try.
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by SewTexas »

once she gets a smaller gun, she can get a smaller holster, she doesn't have have to have even wear a belt if gets a holster like mine (from Kusiak) or the Betty? I think.
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Re: FlashBang Holster


Post by LauraC »

I know I'm posting a little late here but I just got my CHL yesterday. :woohoo Today was my first time to carry while out and about. I used the flashbang holster and I carry a Ruger LC9. It was surprisingly comfortable! When I got home, I found that I had a lot of sweat on the kydex holster as well as the grip of the gun. I can see that getting nasty over time! So we covered the skin-side of the holster and gun grip with some stick-on moleskin. I can't wait to try that later this week.

On a side note, I didn't do the Wally Walk. My very first place to conceal carry was at Academy this morning while we were buying an elliptical.

Most of the time, while waking around, I forgot the gun was even there. But if I had to bend over, I could feel the weight of it on my bra, and it would move around just enough for me to feel it. The cool part is that even when my husband gives me a hug he can't feel it at all.
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