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metal detectors
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 5:54 pm
by Chucknasty
What do you do when you come across somewhere where you have to pass through metal detectors with no 30.06 signs posted anywhere in plain sight?
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:51 pm
by C-dub
Show'em my CHL badge and they let me right on through.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:57 pm
by ELB
The only time I ever ran into a metal detector was at a festival on the town square in Seguin. Because of a possibly-apparently-gang-related confrontation that resulted in a stabbing death a few days prior, the city announced there would be controlled access points to the festival and everyone would be screened for weapons.
Since this was on the public square, government-owned property right behind the court house, me and my concealed handgun and my concealed handgun license all went to the festival. There was a city cop at the entrance with a metal detection wand in his hand. I walked up and told him I had a CHL. He said "Congratulations!", shook my hand, and waved me in without further ado.
That was my experience. YMMV.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:06 pm
by RX8er
Well, at the airport, just walk on through.
Just kidding, DO NOT try this.
Most places, you just hand them your CHL and ask how you should proceed.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:01 am
by jotus
I ran into one at the state fair. It beeped and I showed my license. A police officer checked it and let me in. No big deal.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 4:09 am
by jmra
Other than the airport I can't remember the last time I encountered a metal detector.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:02 am
by Ericstac
The only time I can think of crossing one is at downtown courts but you can't carry there so I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing it yet.
Do you wait to see if they find the gun before announcing your chl?
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:34 pm
by tbrown
Chucknasty wrote:What do you do when you come across somewhere where you have to pass through metal detectors with no 30.06 signs posted anywhere in plain sight?
At the Capitol, I use the CHL lane.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 7:22 pm
by Chucknasty
What about the Houston rodeo can you carry there I don't remember seeing any signs the last time i was there then again I wasn't looking for them.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 7:28 pm
by Keith B
Chucknasty wrote:What about the Houston rodeo can you carry there I don't remember seeing any signs the last time i was there then again I wasn't looking for them.
The rodeo itself is a professional sporting event and you can't carry there. Other's have stated it is posted 30.06 as well.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:39 am
by nightmare69
Court house and Six Flags are the only places Ive encountered metal detectors.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:57 am
by Diesel42
Some Federal buildings have metal detectors. Feds tend to ignore State laws, so it's up to us to know if it's legal to carry there. The Earl Cabell building in downtown Dallas comes to mind. Sure, it has Federal courts in the building, but there are areas and offices that are not part of the court. Yet, access to the entire building is controlled with metal detectors. My Federal job site has "No Weapons" signs on the floors we occupy that cite Federal law. I have no doubt that a CHL holder would be arrested if someone determined a CHL holder entered our workspace armed.
To be clear, I don't agree with this Federal policy. It is my responsibility to know where I am and that I am legal to carry there.
Hope that helps,
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 11:28 am
by The_Busy_Mom
Fort Worth City Hall has metal detectors. We walk up to the LEO, show him our license, and he directs us to go around the metal detector. Simple as that. And then we snicker as all the other people standing in line are removing their belts and shoes.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:43 am
by drjoker
At the state fair, every year, I enter with my CHL and they give me no trouble even though they have a metal detector EXCEPT last year. They guy wanted pat me down and remove my gun from it's holster! I yelled for the cop and told him that it would be illegal for the security idiot TSA Nazi wannabe to pat me down and UNCONCEAL my gun! The cop waves me through. As I entered, the indignant security guards (there were 2 of them) yelled at me, "Why would you want to bring a gun to the fair for?" "Because I am proud to be an American and have constitutional rights! If you don't like freedom and the constitution, you can go to China! You will LOVE it there!"
So, yeah, anywhere there's no 30.06 but there's metal detector and it's NOT a FEDERAL facility (some post offices have a metal detector), airports, etc, then you may carry. For example, I've carried at the state capitol where there's a metal detector as well as at the state fair.
Re: metal detectors
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 6:57 am
by jimlongley
The Sixth Floor Museum, which has no VALID 30.06 signage, restricts access with a metal detector.